Is she kino?

Is she kino?

rent an opinion

she, dare I say, needs to sit on my dick

I want to kiss her little muffin top

have sex and get a clue

I liked her until I realized her channel was a glorified drama channel

her sister is

All that ass.

What do the numbers mean?1?!?!?!?!?!

itt triggered soyboy libtards

taking advantage of thirsty men for attention

no but she is

we'll never know until we see her foot game

How do I do that?

>/poltards invading cause they banned from Sup Forums

sage and reported.

She looks older than 28.


I hate these alt lite girls so much

They all preach tradlife yet all they do is get wasted every night

how the fuck do people even get banned from just one board? ever single ban I've ever gotten has been global

t. soy-Sup Forums virgin whiteknight

bans for board specific rules will stop you from posting to specific boards

on here you get exclusively banned if you post offtopic pol shill shit like this thread.