I know it wasn’t perfect in fact I know it was far from perfect, but I loved it. Seeing the characters that have been a major part of my life for so long come to life was amazing and I’m very sad this will probably be the end of the DCEU. Say nice things about the death of my childhood dreams please.
I liked it
same here user. I loved the batman parts in this one, and in bvs. the supes partes also. no matter what, i will always be a dc fan
I thought it was a decent flick
this poster is cool ngl
And it’s just sad that even though most marvel movies are just clones no substance and nothing but one liners and everyone loves them. I liked BvS it was different.
I was dragged to it. I ended up being the one who enjoyed it the most. Funny how that works.
Seeing it a few hours instead of seeing Thor because I was told it was "fun" and "hilarious" which isn't why I go to superhero movies.
Thor was predictable and just a knock off of guardians of the galaxy
BvS is quite terrible, I'm sorry you had to force yourself to like it. There's plenty of good DC stuff you could spend time watching instead (like the cartoons)
>I loved this movie
>far from perfect and probably the death of the DCEU
>I loved this movie
You can love something and know it’s not perfect child.
As for the death to DC it’s already doing crappy in the box office and star wars comes out in two weeks.
This scene made a 3/10 movie become a 11/10 for me
Well, you're gonna love how "fun" Justice League is!
that's a cool poster i wish i didn't have any writing on it. shit sells itself.
the other one where it's just their heads is cool too, but the writing and logos are shit.
How long before they officially give up on the DCEU?
Why did they make flash run like such a flamboyant twink?
i liked it too, found flash's parts super funny specially against cyborgs demeanor. Its kinda sad this is flopping hard, it looks were headed to the right direction at last
You deserve it for having any faith in WB.
>literally has been out only one day and even people who like it are admitting it's a disaster
I'm honestly just impressed more than anything
I liked it too user. Outside of galdot of course. But it was enjoyable and nowhere near as bad as Sup Forums and paid critics state. It was better than GotG2 and Homecoming in my opinion
At least BvS was shooting for something, even if it did miss. JL on the other hand seems like something tailor-made for retards.
Me too, man. I really enjoyed it for precisely the opposite reasons I enjoyed MoS and BvS. It's almost entirely wish-fulfillment, which is nice as a dessert, not so much for a main course.
The amazons vs step was great, I wish to see more of the ancient battle scene.
The pacing and obvious cuts were fucking terrible. The villain is on par with Civil War's. More Superman kicking ass needed to be in there as well. Other than that, I thought it was enjoyable.
The film made me care about the characters. I even cared about Superman who was a massive faggot in the last two films. It was better than any of the Avengers flicks and iron man sequels. I would say it's on par with your typical marvel film that gets average fresh reviews. Don't know why the critics were so hard on it. It was enjoyable
I just got back from it and I wish I had a camera because the audience literally clapped and started cheering.
I thought it was cool, my girlfriend loved it, all the kids in the audience loved it. Some hipster looking Mexican kid said "that was garbage" as we left, and some black dude said "you're garbage" and got a few laughs.
I can see why people didn't like it though, if you are a Batman fan this movie is pretty lame, Batman gets his ass kicked the entire film and is the butt of every joke.
There aren't many cinematic scenes. It rushes from place to place, scene to scene, without explaining anything.
That said, the movie didn't suck. The characters had great chemistry. Wonder Woman was dope, Aquaman was dope, Superman was fucking badass, Cyborg was cool, Flash was kind of lame but tolerable. The Easter eggs like the Green Lanterns was a nice touch.
There are plenty of awesome moments. It's visually awesome. The action is cool. The concept that the Amazons, Atlanteans, Humans were the three major factions and have this rich thousands of years old history is interesting. Steppenwolf was a fantastic villain.
Yeah I liked it. I feel like if they would have done it like Marvel and given every character a standalone movie, it'd be better received.
Aqua man definitely needs his own standalone movie series.
Bretty Gud. 7/10. 8/10 if it was longer. 9/10 with just Supes, Wondy and Aquaman.
My expectation was Suicide Squad level, just basic failure of editing and story telling. This was pretty alright in comparison. Had it's moments and I actually liked the intro with batman and the parademon, looked very stylized and like a comic book. It's a mediocre film, not awful just meh if you can ignore the obvious shit like Superman lips and the difference of the reshot footage.
Doubt it will stick with audiences though. The avengers was a pretty meh movie as well but at least it came out at the right time and gave a lot of these grown adult babies a sense of child giddiness. Same with force awakens. Doesn't have to be a good film, just come out at the right time and have the right elements. DC is just too disjointed and slow.
His fucking hairline in the last two films made him look so fucking stupid. I'm glad they gave him back his hairline in justice league. He looked better.
It was better than the Force Awakens.
Makes the Avengers seem irrelevant because Superman could easily kill every Avenger by himself in about 10 seconds.
why didnt they just have him say: it's not about what i want, its what the world needs
>Circle jerking of DCucks: The thread
I feel so sorry for you faggots, being in denial after getting blasted again.
I liked it too. It could have been better, but it was still good.
>I’m very sad this will probably be the end of the DCEU
Why? If you like these characters, then you should be glad that something that was terrible and holding them back is gone.
>It's visually awesome
It was cool, but a Nolan directed Justice League with an older, broken Christian Bale as Batman fighting his demons and stumbling upon this world of meta humans and creating the Justice League, directed by Christopher Nolan, would have been a masterpiece.
>your opinion is wrong because I said so
Not even that guy but holy shit dude
And I’ll probably be dead before they get the balls to try again. Superhero fad is dying anyways normies are moving on.
The movie fucking sucked. I'll be honest about it, unlike the lying DC shills in this thread.
How can anyone defend Batman kicking Superman's ass in one film and then the next film, Superman easily defeats the entire Justice League.
It's a leap of logic that only brain dead DCucks pretend to understand.
In the last film Batman was trying to kill Superman and in this one he isn't so he isn't equipped to even try and fight Superman.
To add to thisFrom what I've been told it's like Superman gets a Zenkai Boost when he's ressurected. May be bullshit but I'll see when I see it on Tuesday.
Morals off Superman is completely different than morals on Superman. Also JL wasn’t trying to actually hurt Superman Wonder Woman was begging him to not make her fight him, Superman was blood lusted.
>I thought it was cool, my girlfriend loved it, all the kids in the audience loved it.
As expected, capeshitters have such low standards that they like crap that only young children could possibly like.
This. Jl felt as boring as avengers 2. It was disappointing.
Did Barry's father yell "DON'T BE GAY" when he was leaving the prison visit??
I enjoyed it. The movie was better than i thought it would be.
I just dont understand people saying that its terrible....what did you expect? Shakespeare? its a fuckin super hero movie based on comics for children.
Just chill and enjoy the flick.
I was happy to see some Green Lanterns in the history scene. History flashback was the best part actually. Gal Gadot was perfect and the Flash added some nice humor. Movie is not perfect but I do not think it is a trainwreck. Villain was terrible cookie cutter type and Superman was boring though. Deathstroke and possible Legion of Doom is intriguing though. Wonder Woman deserves better and I want my Green Lanterns to finally be redeemed someday. Honestly all I want are Green Lantern aliens and Wonder Woman to team up against Gorilla Grodd. I hope they figure out the kinks sooner than later because I see potential. There is something worth salvaging here.
I heard the same thing
is that Wonder Tranny?
Why would it be the end of the DCEU? Despite being panned by critics they still make money. Sure it made less than WW and BVS opening weekend but internationally it'll probably do better.
I'm hopeful that now that they got the tentpole title out of the way, they can probably focus more on cheaper budget solo standalones like Aquaman and replacing Snyder entirely.
Will we get the snyder cut so I can have a kino trillogy?
This. Ragnarok is just gotg 2.5
>Say nice things about the death of my childhood dreams please.
eisenberg was not in it very much
This thread is about liking the movie despite the reviews not just listening to the reviews and resulting box office. What matters if that you like it or not.