
>Kong: Skull Island
>All distributed by Warner Bros.

What the fuck?

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weren't the monsters humans in the game?

When you can't rely on capeshit, you turn to apeshit

isnt the ape brown in the games?

Thought the tagline said nigger for a second.

whitewashing is ok on non-humans

well kong is brown already so...
also albino gorillas are cute! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowflake_(gorilla)

Bro I don't think anyone remembers the specifics of fucking Rampage except you. And who cares anyway?

Godzilla and Kong: Skull Island sucked.

WB know there's money in kaiju movies

They whitewashed the Gorilla because otherwise it would be too similliar to King Kong

yeah they all mutated and shit

The rebirth of Kaiju Kino.

>could have made cartoony, anthropamorphic monsters
>made generic Bay shit instead
At least it's quippy.

but what about apewashing humans?!

nice get
and the nerds will
if it were going to be a bad game to movie adaptation they could keep the mutations just like the game

I can get being mad at say not adapting Street Fighter or Assassin's Creed properly...

But dude, Rampage is just some old beat-em-up arcade game. It'd be like getting pissed at a PacMan adaptation; shit shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Only reason Rampage is, is because Warner Bros picked up nearly everything Midway used to own, except Crusin (Nintendo only co-owned it, now the fully owned it and released a new arcade game this year), NBA Jam (EA owns it), and other misc shit.

Dude an NBA Jam movie would be pretty tight.

I'd watch it if they brought the announcer back too.

>using wrong poster
this is /tv approved one

Same title movies aren't annoying in the slightest

>It'd be like getting pissed at a PacMan adaptation; shit shouldn't even exist in the first place.

Tbh I'm more bothered by the lazy boring monster designs in the movie than the exclusion of the mutation thing. And that they made Lizzie a fucking crocodile what the fuck!

They were all Legendary co-productions. So is this I think.

They also do the Pacific Rim movies.

>Make a Rampage movie
>theoretically all this really means is 3-4 giant monsters go around destroying cities around the country/world for an hour and 30 minutes
>fuck it lets include a shady government agency subplot headed up by Negan that will probably take up 75% of the movie leaving city destroying for the last 10 minute

this seems like practice for Godzilla vs Kong

And they probably made Lizzie into a crocodile because otherwise she probably would have been too similar to Godzilla :(

wonder if they'll even keep the name Lizzie