>mfw cutcucks have to slather their hands in lube to fap and have to use a tissue to catch their cum so it doesn't drip down or get on their monitor
>mfw cutcucks don't have a dedicated semen pouch to store it up and clean it later
>mfw cutcucks have no protection when shitting, so they get poopy water backsplash on their dick every time
>mfw cutcucks have ring scars on their dicks
>mfw cutcucks get their first blowjob from scheinstein
>mfw cutcucks have their unwashed cocks rubbing against their boxers, spreading germs to their pubic area
>mfw cutcucks also are completely numb to any sensation because of this
>mfw cutcucks get toilet germs all over their glans and urethra if they ever get a boner when shitting
>mfw cutcucks get hair in their peehole because nothing's protecting it from leg or pubic hair
>mfw cutcucks will get insects in their peehole if one ever finds their way in there, like an open door nothing's stopping them from walking in
>mfw cutcucks run the risk of ripping their skin and frenulum when jerking because of no foreskin
>mfw cutcucks have their entire life fucked up because of the corn flakes guy
1. Content should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc.
how is this related to Sup Forums?
In TV shows and movies, they talk about needing lube to masturbate, which isn't normal for anyone but cutcucks and their Jewish masters
I never use lube to masturbate though
it isn't.
from now on i have decided to stay away from Sup Forums during weekends when children are allowed extra computer time.
good night.
Guess I got a good cut. No issues here without lube and my dong doesn’t look like some weird tube worm or something.
How do cutfags deal with their glans rubbing against their underwear or pants all the time? The foreskin is literally made to protect it.
Hollywood is jewish, so
cutfags last longer
>genital mutilation on children is not only legal but commonplace in the US
It's legal here too but only muslims and jews get it done for whatever reason. Why would you do that to a child who has no say in it?
>corn flakes guy
Mine doesn't.
Why are smegfags so obsessed with others' cocks? I know it's mostly insecurity, but to keep posting about it all the time...
I have literally never used lube to masturbate.
>Mine doesn't.
Then you've been dulled. When us uncutchads roll it down and put it back in our pants, we constantly feel it rubbing against our underwear. That is the kind of sensitivity that you will NEVER know, cut cuck.
Corn flakes were literally invented to be the most bland cereal in existence so that boys would stop masturbating. John Kellogg was a strong advocate for circumcision.
>tfw cut
>tfw none of those apply to me
I use underwear to wrap around my cock when jerking off just to create some friction. My circumcision is so tight that fapping dry just doesn't work.
Thanks Dr Weinberg!
not even once
No, I just wear clothes that fit.
Nigga got a horse dick now
>Cut cucks defend this
if you're cut you may as well start drinking soy and become a tranny