What is this "soyboy" I keep seeing around on Sup Forums? Is it nu-Sup Forums's latest memeword now that "cuck" is played out?
What is this "soyboy" I keep seeing around on Sup Forums...
cuck isn't played out you faggot soyboy
t. soyboy
Soy contains stuff that acts like oestrogen.
It's a /fit/ term for numales that feminized themselves on tap water and foods steeped in estrogens.
Soyboy is just someone who posts on Sup Forums.
Like all the chicken breasts and milk they consume?
It's redditspeak for numales, pay it no mind.
t. nu-male soyboy cuck
Whats wrong with tap water? I use a Brita filter, does that fix it?
I sort of feel like it is a campaign of cucks who couldn't handle being called cuck, numale, fuccboi, faggot so they introduced the term soyboy because it is easier for them to handle.
We now have two terms that enrage the people they're targeted at, and there's nothing they can do but cry about them. It's glorious.
these buzzfeed reviewers called the try guys had a competition to see who was the most attractive, one part of the competition involved them comparing their testosterone levels against each other and it was revealed that they have lower t levels than your average 90 year old man, so now theyre the soy boys instead of the try guys, and now its just a /fit/ meme used to insult someones masculinity, and because its a meme about insulting some guys masculinity, Sup Forums adopted it too.
Soyboys are those who DONT post on pol
it's okay, you guys get offended by reality
Nope. Stop listening to bro science you retard.
But that's liberals ...
I give you Poland, 60,000 people marching to keep Poland white. It's spreading, and you know it.
t. soyboy
Poland is a shithole though
>complaining about soyboy meme
That's how we know it's working...
>played out
listen soyboy, and listen good. We know you're a cuck and nu-male, and you'll be called out on it every day. Just get used to it.
Think of cuck and soyboy as your first and nick names. It'll make you're life easier.
It is on course to be the safest country in europe.
Liberals get offended by reality. That's why the US elected a celebrity--because the alternative is denying that muslims are bad (i.e., reality).
"cuck" and "numale" are too openly associated with alt-right neo-nazis so they have to rebrand again. Their movement is so toxic that they gotta reinvent the terminology constantly. By next summer pjw or some other alex jones beta orbiter will create yet another term to supplant this one.
That's POC version of a shithole. How are they going to steal from whitey if there's repercussions for it?
Soy is ba-
>What is this "soyboy" I keep seeing around on Sup Forums?
It's been around for a while, but it rose to prominence after the "male" buzzfeed writers got their testosterone levels checked, and they were all ridiculously low - as in, lower than what's standard for a decrepit elderly man.
Probably a phrase started on Twitter. See, you're only seeing half the picture here. All the Ecelebs and Infowars get all their talking points from Sup Forums, and then make words like cuck and soyboy huge, then it leaks back into Sup Forums.
The irony is that meat is pumped full of more estrogen than you would get elsewhere.
-d tasting
There's estrogens and estrogenic compounds in the water supply. Partly from fertilizer/pesticide runoff, and party from all the birth control being pissed down the drain. Our water treatment doesn't take it all out, and there's been various analyses showing amounts of it in the water.
Not sure what type of filter takes it out. I assume brita or another charcoal filter works. But don't quote me on that.
it literally does though soyboy
Christ the gook has significantly more than the white guys. Jesus Christ what utter failures to the white race.
they don't
lol not even close
I first saw it used on the ever-based MDE subreddit
Even more hilarious when you realize that gooks tend to have the lowest testosterone levels on average.
>studies on soy are broscience but keep believing that global warming is real and race and gender don't exist
Stop listening to reddit you retard
how long until leftists try and turn round the low test meme and start calling right wingers soy boys / low test, just like how they tried to turn round 'triggered' and 'snowflakes'
Ya that was kind of my point
It's already started
They should work on keeping their sovereignty for more than a handful of decades at a time. Considering that Poland was the Sweden of Europe before the Russia, Germany, and Austria split them up, they ain't very white mate and their only notable invention being vagina beer proves it.
What the fuck? Just make it mg/L and divide by 100. Who the fuck uses nanograms? Is this really bro science?
We're all Soyboy
You're the Soyboy.
hello soyboy
ITT soycucks
Alex Jones was right about the water filters.
Soy is fucking tasty though man
r/incels got deleted so they went to r/the_donald and then came here because reddit took over Sup Forums last year. incels are obsessed with making themselves more manly and they think if they avoid soy and continue eating cheetos and hotpockets that they won't catch the gay or the liberalism.
t. soyboy
the british clown from infowars made a video on it, that's how you know it's already corny and dead.
Well triggered and snowflake do apply to right wingers pretty often, but I don't see how soyboy would.
Was it a dude before? Can't even tell if it's just an ugly woman on the left
They're embarrassed by the cringelords that say cuck on normie sites so they're trying hard to cover the fact their movement has been co-oped by HS age redditors. They think soyboy won't eventually spread to underage normies just like cuck and numale. lel
InfoWars supplements contain soy.
imagine my shock
i hope you realize none of us takes that shit you dumb soyboy
Nope only a reverse osmosis filter will work, if charcoal can get it out, a treatment plant should be able to as will
foods that have phytoestrogen:
-legumes and beans (peas, pintos, lima, soy, lentils, green beans, mung, garbanzo)
-oats, rye, barley, hops, flax, sesame seeds
-strawberries, dried apricots, dried dates, oranges,peaches, dried prunes,
-miso paste, licorice, garlic, soy sauce, olive oil
-pistachios, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds cashews, hazelnuts
-red wine, coffee(not actually in it but it increases estrogen levels)
-collard greens, broccoli, cabbage, olives, yams, kale, carrots, celery
there's estrogen-like shit in everything guys. even before reddit and Sup Forums existed. before you were born. If eating that stuff caused you to turn into a tranny, your grandpa in WWII would have made out with hitler. your food isn't the problem.
>it's a Sup Forums is too stupid to understand different units of measurement episode
t. soyboy
t. soyboy
What's wrong with soy?
This is the only correct response in the thread. It's like when white people adopt black slang, they cringe and move on to something else made up. Look how fast fleek got abandoned
soyboy reply
it's cuckfood
t. soyboy
love soy, hate racism.
It tastes like ass. If you're not man enough for full cream you should probably just an hero.
Everytime a new generation of teenagers come to this site, they bring their garbage memes. I can guarantee 99% of the faggots spouting these buzzwords haven't lifted weights in their entire lives.
They are closely related to Bugmen.
Inb4 what are bugmen
>foods that have phyto-estrogen in it
>not actually in it
>phytos are all in different concentrations anyway, soy is the greatest
t. soy-kin
hello cuck
Goddamn it
Sup Forums is so annoying I may become a liberal just out of spitr
t. soyboy
>This is the ""man"" that call others soyboys.
Let the irony sink in.
Cuck didn't catch on
And became universally mocked
So this new word is an attempt to replace it
>Sup Forums turns retarded nazi out of spite
>now people turn libshit to spite Sup Forums
Better idea, I think the liberal position should be not shooting yourself in the head as like a social justice thing, like "keep your brains lead free because fuck white people," and then just sit back and wait.
soy defense mechanism
the funny thing is that 4channers ARE soyboys, everyone here has the body of a 14 year old and gets anxious over talking to a girl at a checkout counter, except their low t is natural and they dont have the excuse of it being caused by a soy diet
The first time I saw this on Sup Forums I read it as sonyboy, really confused me for a second when seeing it the second time in a non-vidya related discusion.
What? No
Cuck is pretty nice when well used
Yeah but she's cute and she'd never be into me. Although one time when I was buying a cucumber I think I saw her bite her lip. I don't know, because it was four years ago and it's too late to ask her now. Her Facebook makes her seem too busy for answering silly questions like that and whenever I drive by her house I see her husband's car parked there, so I figure they're probably eating dinner so it wouldn't be convenient to knock on the door. I guess maybe she just likes cucumbers, but I never find any in her trash. Really just perplexed at the moment.
I eat exclusively a diet of red meats and i have hips like an animu trap
explain this
But those are called sonyponies
Good thing I have a fucking manly job and drink bottles water almost exclusively.
I can provide you with a proper diagnosis as soon as you provide ME with photographic evidence.
>Is it nu-Sup Forums's latest memeword now that "cuck" is played out?