Some may call this junk. me? i call them treasures

some may call this junk. me? i call them treasures.

TellTale has sucked since they stopped doing Sam and Max

Cast him, Sup Forums.

it's from skyrim you pubic hair

Looking to protect yourself? Or deal some damage?



>Sup Forums is the proble-


>You look rather pale, it may be ataxia


it annoyed the fuck outta me that every character in skyrim was liam neeson doing a different voice


I hate this stupid overrated game. Bethesda is shit.

some may call these pants. me? i call them toilets

>t. khajiit


Really? I think The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a classic game. Be sure to pick your copy for the Nintendo Switch.

I didn't know Americans were in elder scrolls


>Everything's for sale, my friend. Everything! If I had a sister I'd sell her in a second.

Are you trying to sell your waifu tributes again?

man am i glad i didnt grow up with skyrim

Everything's for sale, friend! Everything's for sale! If I had a sister, I'd sell her in a second! (heh...that's a...a little joke)

Bits and baubles for sale, all crafted by the great Eorlund Greymane himself.

Don't forget to pick up the GOTY Anniversary edition in 2021. I, John Smith, the everyday consumer, am definitely going to get it.

>I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver.. your hands only.

i had fun killing him to respawn his coin.

>some may call this AAAAARGHHHH!

>rereleasing it on every new system
>instead of outsourcing another fallout, making that space game or starting on tes 6


I liked that one they did on the Fables comic. The rest are negligible.

My fucking sides

>still up

no it wasn't, he wasn't even in the game that was fallout 3

>Skyrim was released 8 years ago