I wonder how any good films come out with these morons in charge of all studios.
The absolute state of WB/DC producers! LEL
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It's sad that a neckbeard in his mom's basement who loves comics could probably make something better. Holy fuck XD
essentially feige from mcu is a neckbeard, that had enough self esteem to move out of the basement
>all he cared about were the plane scenes
Kek, this reminds me of Jon Peters and his giant spider.
No wonder Nolan included Batman flying and Bane on a Plane in TDKR.
Surprised no one mentioned the batwing
Since this thread is about insane WB execs let's post the story for the lulz:
they did, they just called it the bat-jet.
to be fair fighter jets are pretty awesome
A true visionary
my bad
thats a great story too. on wikipedia it says that nolan blocked peters from coming on the man of steel set, he should kept synder off too. kek.
i love that it seems like kevin smith bullshit until you see Jon Peters talk in interviews and really says all these bat shit crazy ideas of his.
Classic. Just further proof that almost 100% of studio execs are complete retards. If anyone still has doubt, then go look at the Sony e-mail leaks. None of them can write above a 4th grade level.
That's all Nolan cared about.
That's pretty good comedy, fun story. Reminds me of the Sony emails, apparently most Hollywood producers are completely insane.
Is it possible to become a studio executive without knowing someone already on the inside? Is there some type of career path you can take to get there? I along with a bunch of other Sup Forums posters could easily make high grossing movies no problem.
Tons of indie studios get formed all the time. Read up on them.
Number one thing is being able to secure funding from somebody.
So basically you need to be a high-level bullshitter?
>high-level bullshitter
aka jew