What is the main message of this movie?
What is the main message of this movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
you can't save the world alone
even though superman did just that in man of steel
you cant switch directors like a pair of shoes
That teamwork is key
Meanwhile BvS is about a post-9/11 world
Truly a several steps backwards to say the least
Ant-Man did that though
He actually did it in Justice League too
It's really about family
>No one fights alone.... unless you're Superman.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
terraforming is bad.
This film wasn't nearly as bad as you faggots and the critics stated. I liked it better than GotG2 and Spider-Man Homecoming.
If you feel guilty for a good man's death, just bring him back to life and your problems are solved.
And why should we give a fuck about what you think?
Any type of "teamwork" message that this movie even remotely tries to demonstrate is undermined by the fact that Superman, by himself, saves the day in the end
this. still no where near as good as the cartoon.
Grave desecration is ok, kids!
>What is the main message of this movie?
jews jewing
Holohoax deleted scene:
muh violent nazi skinhead attacks the poor peaceful muslim immigrants
muh white bank robbers scaring the poor multy culty kids in the bank
muh aqua man/batman global warming is going to kill us all scene
muh gay jew flash is bullied by the big cis wasp white male
muh evil white devil at the multy culty stronk woman lgbtq island with the men are stupid comment
and that's just like the first 10-15 minutes
(((hollywood))) needs to burn, nothing but propaganda at this point
>What is the main message of this movie?
That /rk9/ autists can save the world too.
Yeah, you cunt. Why should we give a single flying fuck about what you fucking think?
that poosinloo can drown in their own shit
Shut the fuck up dumbass soyboys.
You forgot to add that Superman
you have shit taste
I find difficult for this movie to have a main message, but as a summary, this face says it all.
That audiences have a limit to how much shit movies they will watch. Enjoy your flop DCEU!
It's in the prologue, when Wonder Woman tells the terrorist "I'm a believer", and in the final monologue by Lois Lane.
We need Superman to win.
He could've snapped Steppenwolf's neck in a second if he wanted to.