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Please go back to >>Sup Forums
Dude he is a rapist. I seen him rape YOU.
Why do you defend rapists and abusers?
George Tacuck is a faggoy
I've gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
Why are you contributing to rape culture and erasure of rape survivors?
Come on Bill, I think that's a bit unprofessional.
>So why did Trump turn into a potted plant?
I agree with you, OP. Since that little fucker had to broadcast and celebrate his faggotry worldwide, I can't even look at TOS without thinking about how much it disgusts me.
Hello William
unironically this
Good idea, remove the kid immediately because he has no right speaking to the President of the United States of America.
back to [le]ddit
>Sup Forums suddenly hates Trump
What happened? You got him elected!
don't be a fag
Le Sup Forums elected trump meem
drumpf btfo
>he thinks Sup Forums elected Trump
*breathes in*
don't be a fag
you're acting like a fag
>Posts based goose while defending grimphf
off yourself
>told to stop being a fag
>continues to be a fag and even admits his guyboner
you're like a car crash in slow motion
>still gives me (You)s and bumps
someone a definite fag, and it aint me
>doing the exact same
>all because you've admitted your homosexual tendencies
give me all of your attention you fruit
Thanks for the you and bump, fag.
I think he lost the argument boys!
Thread unnecessary, the Russian erasure has already begun
i wonder what the boys did before she got there ;)
I never knew young Reagan was Arnold.
This is just sad
>getting angered over a reaction image
Not surprising, seeing as they're the country who literally used to attempt to erase people from existence.
I'm OP.
Bumps only benefit me.
you's are lifeblood
and you just supplied another
por que?
Lmao you don't like George cause he a homo?
To bump my thread. Thank (you).
but it adds nothing and makes you look desperate
why do this to yourself?
user, both of us are making fools out of ourselves to the other people ITT. Only my foolishness keeps my thread on page one.
Wtf you aren’t me? Who are you? Who are you people I’m the original trump poster. Why are you people acting as if I’m making arguments?
Eat shit, commie.
What the fuck? I'm the OP. Jesus Christ.
Since when is Sup Forums Russia?
What is going on? Why is the fat Albert poster mad at me for? Also you aren’t OP. I am
No you aren't. What the fuck is happening?
What did Macaulay ever do to you?
I’m OP. Who are you fags?
who are you people?
It's not a surprise. Russian's love the divisivness in America. Most American's are to retarded to realize it.
Getting played like a good little marionette.
I didn't know Russians did anything besides drink vodka and freeze to death.
Sulu's been a butthurt faggot ever since the young Shatner refused to give him some dik. Then he went completely over the edge when he was fired by Trump.
They also drive like shit and cause a lot of car accidents.
t. youtube
this made me laugh thanks
its not funny. my thread got derailed
stop claiming my thread fag
do all OPs of Sup Forums sperg out like this
You faggots aren't the OP. God damn it.
He's actually deranged. Russia doesn't give a shit about some dying smug homosexual
yes i am it says so in my name see??
every crappy whitewashing hollywood has ever done
Holy shit that explains everything.
Shatner strikes again
He was definitely the weak link
>Good idea, remove the kid immediately because he has no right speaking to the President of the United States of America.
speed racer is not asian you fucking liberal faggot and neither is goku and if you try to make a real race play him a white person would fill the role the best
ITT:Shatner can't stop shitposting about how much he hates sulu and Sup Forums is too dumb to notice. people have known the 2 hate each other for decades now, i'm surprised nobody really caught on.
Go to bed Takei you are drunk and make sure you don't rape anybody on your way there
Imagine starring in an iconic role for Asian people, but then you're remembered as a degenerate faggot molester.
doubting russian integrity is literally antisemitic, as the ussr was the only direct source for the existence of death camps right after the war (all death camps are on their territory).
Fuck off you cunt, Sup Forums is amazing. Sup Forums is adverts and you sitting in your own shit.
everybody should hate homos
nah goku is definitely asian
Goku is a chink
>unemployment check
Looks more like blackwashed to me
what did he mean by this?
>born too late to explore the world
>born too soon to explore the galaxy
>born just in time to see "Russians hacked me" become the go-to excuse for people doing dumb shit and getting called out for it
>Go Mifune
>not Asian
>I seen
Learn English namefag
>Posts fat Albert
>Uses 'your like a' meme
>Doesn't say "your like a teacher's strike..."
>Goku is not Asian
hes not saying he was hacked, hes saying russian twitter bots have been broadcasting his story.
>banter about women consenting to sex when you're rich and famous
>literal rape
Yeah totally the same thing
KYS Bill I know it's you.
>sluuurrrrp give me some more of that orange cock senpai ahhhhhhhhh
>sluuurrrrp give me some more of that yellow cock senpai ahhhhhhhhh
butthurt reddit