Will they stop at nothing?
Will they stop at nothing?
We're letting this happen.
How can I stop it?
Is Nathan unironically a virgin?
Kill all women.
Nope, no way, no how. I've seen video of Nathan being a normy faggot but I don't want to post it for you and ruin the illusion.
There is an interview of him explaining Gangsters Party Hotline out of character, so I doubt it.
he's dating the escort
We've lost the gender wars boys. The hens are out of the pen and pecking all our corn. It'll only escalate from here.
he puts everyone in potentially hazardous situations, including himself. Like that pizza delivery episode where people almost tore the beta delivery boy a new one.
This. Women need to stop picking and excluding themselves like they are worth something.
haha that's not nathan!
He was married
I feel like one day I'm going to wake up and every piece of "entertainment" being made is going to be sanitized G rated boring shit where nothing happens.
Wow a woman might have to talk to a weird old man how threatening let's not mention how once Nathan tricked a dude into marrying him without his knowledge.
That's my problem with this episode. He's constantly embarrassing everyone on his show but when it's done to women it's problematic, never mind the fact that the women want to be on his show.
>"he was fat/old/ugly and not rich and hot"
article*, not episode
Oh no, I'm such an ass.
I told you about those ethics Nathan. I told you bro
>The hens are out of the pen and pecking all our corn.
Explain this analogy.
2017 will be remembered as the year the war between woman and jew began.
>dating the escort
only a virgin does this
Good thing I'm a wolf.
Have fun getting eating by my friends while I hump your women and eat your kids.
best post i've read all day but the power was out for like 8 hours
Nathan is a smart, normal Jewish dude. He's an Andy Kaufman
That's pretty much is what is happing right now as we type.
the chad wolf vs the virgin chicken
you've really got egg on your face now
>mfw SJW's are going after Nathan
Face blindness is a serious disease!
Why risk someone getting offended? People shouldn't have to be offended. C'mon, it's 2017.
>Despite my avowed love for this show and the daring lengths to which it’ll go to emphasize how stupid capitalism makes us look
Stopped reading right there.
Is that really what this retard thinks Nathan for You is about?
don't you dare hurt Nathan
>SJW retards hate it
oh wow i might like this? was it any good?
One of the greatest shows on right now.
>First came the clucking. Then came the cucking.
Women are hens and men are dogs and good thing Im the fucking china man.
How is this cunt that dumb?
Nathan literally praises the market for paving way for new trends like Uber.
there isn't even a fucking argument here, fucking 99 percent of journalism. It's just an platform for people to talk about themselves. Nothing that was stated in this article is relevant to anybody or anything its just fucking rubbish. This kind of activity represents an entire industry! people are paid for this! fuck me it's all so tiresome
This post is bigger than the poster even knows. It's bigger than all of us!
They've trained themselves to only see women and minorities when reviewing media.
Zero self-awareness. Zero knowledge. Pretty common for "people" of his ilk.
Caspere knew this
It's the current year. People have a right to be comfortable, shitlord.
can i just watch this ep or do i need to watch the whole show
You'll WANT to watch the whole show
Have you never heard the term henpecked?
Just check it out. You can basically watch any episode and if you like it you'll like the show. There's about four episodes that deviate from the formula but they're still great.
Tell me about the hens
Communists are not people.
Fuck you, faggot. Feel comfy now?
>there is an excruciating scene in an Arkansas hotel room in which he administers a series of intentionally awkward pecks to a visibly uncomfortable Maci
We should stop denying the truth: Nathan raped Maci. The question is how did we let him get away with it
they're big birds
>But it’s one thing when the punchline is that Nathan is a loser; it’s another when the punchline is that he’s such a loser he has to force women to kiss him
>force women to kiss him
We've not. If youre wily enough anyways, I've been the same dude since '92.
you're so dumb Sup Forums
It's going to be opposite , where g rated stuff has trannies and anal sex and a normal white guy will be the villain everytime
this isn't fucking muppet treature planet fuck off with your kiddy shit autismo puppet
fuck you
That's because journalists are literally brainlets. They are the same people that everyone hated in school and college, but now normies read their opinions without realising how fucking retarded the writers are. If people actually knew these types of people they would never hang out with them, and stop reading their dumbass opinions.
>Nathan For You
>isn't for you
Is that the author?
Easy. He's for you, not for me.
He's for me, but not for you
I just said he's not for me, he's for you.
Are grown women 2 years old now? Do they need diaper changes or something?
not after banging that alabama escourt
I'm reiterating Nathan is for me, but the same Nathan isnt for you
No one post her link. She asked us not to.
i wont friend :)
>I’m not suggesting the real Nathan Fielder is some kind of predator. But it’s one thing when the punchline is that Nathan is a loser; it’s another when the punchline is that he’s such a loser he has to force women to kiss him.
That's a pretty bullshit thesis, if you ask me. This is a scripted show, and everyone participating agrees and signs all of he necessary release paperwork. Those loneliness stunts are all jokes that the people on the show are agreeing to, which pretty much just makes them actors. He's not actually forcing anyone to do anything, which means the point of the joke really isn't any different. The character of Nathan is lonely and feels like he needs to trick people into interacting with him. That's all that's being conveyed; it's not like the show is saying that's a good thing, or trying to encourage people to do the same.
>This is a scripted show, and everyone participating agrees and signs all of he necessary release paperwork.
The author is fucking dumb
really? I like to think that the people he finds are not actors or sign up to do anything specifiically, besides more far out things, so you are saying they are just straight up acting..? Also I like to think Nathan doesn't have a specific charactor trait just is a real loser who is just exageratting at times...... I dont want the immersion to be broke bois : (
just because you consent to something doesn't mean ur ok with it
i did not consent to your post please delete it
What exactly wouldn't you be ok with if you already consented? Are you saying Nathan just finds people who don't fully understand english?
>just because you consent to something doesn't mean ur ok with it
You consented to post, but I did not consent to read it. Please delete it immediately.
I thought you were making a joke but that line is actually in the article. It's like a parody but the author is completely genuine and thinks that's what it's about oh my lord.
yes basically its like taking advantage of the eldery or young when you ask for consent from women. they don't understand all the implications.
So i guess I should watch this show now.
Kill yourself
whats the problem?
it's semi-scripted
the business owners are all real business owners, with real businesses for example
some of the reactions are real but in general the scenes seem to be planned out
Never watched this show but if liberal women hate it then it must be great so I'll give it a try.
>tfw you will never date maci and show her how a real man should treat her and have 2.3 children with her and live out your days on a small farm in arkansas
why even attempt living fuck me
wait is this possibly a tier of her escort service? pay $6999 dollars get to grow old with her?
You typed like a fag
You should watch it 50 years from now when it's too late to talk about it with anyone and you're filled with regret for your patient silence.
Tell me about cock. Why does he wear the beak?
pretty sure you could get a deal like that in asia or eastern europe
Caspere knew this
Do some of them feel the need to put in their own comments in during the scene, because sometimes they say things that obviously really awkward and unplanned,
you know the ones when the scene lingers a little bit
gb2 rebbit
Check poundhouse. Literally YouTube kino from the actual talent behind Tim
and Eric
> slurpee good
how should I know? The scene in season 1 where the gas station employee admits to drinking his son's piss for health benefits seems to evoke a genuine reaction from Nathan, so I think it's safe to say the show does have a few real unplanned scenes here and there
Which ep?