This was fucking zombie kino
Who would've thought it'd take soulless gooks to make a literal emotional roller coaster?
Best zombie movie since 28 Days Later
This was fucking zombie kino
Who would've thought it'd take soulless gooks to make a literal emotional roller coaster?
Best zombie movie since 28 Days Later
Other urls found in this thread:
>best zomby movie
i dunno its about ukraines maidan.
Slow to get going,and the setup is pretty cliche, but some really clever stuff, like how they used cell phones.
Can someone confirm this pls? Don't want to waste precious seconds of my life downloading if not
Its pretty great and has a lot of heart.
It's good. Melodramatic at some parts due to being an asian movie.
It didn't need to have one guy fuck everything up in the end. The zombie threat is enough, I don't need the IT AIN'T LIKE IT USED TO BE trope. And it takes so much of the film too.
Also, F.
>MC wears a black suit at the beginning just like the main bad guy
>midway he takes it off as he becomes the good guy
This one is actually worth watching. Check out The Wailing too for more recent korean horror kino
The set-up is completely unique you stupid fuck. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
Why is Grover in the poster for this movie?
one of my favorite zombie movies.
look at this guy holding back his mass collection of zombie-train movies. He's bored of them already.
the wailing is a passable at best 6/10 don't listen to this koreaboo
Yeah I didn't like the main COO bad guy either but I can't think of how else the zombies would've got to them if not for him being so selfish.
The rescue scene was awesome. Movie felt like live action anime at times but I don't find that to be a bad thing desu.
I do feel like more people should've survived though, at least baseball kid and his gf or something. All these heroic sacrifices toward the end were a bit much.
I hated how they established that the zombies will lose interest the second they lose visuals of their victim, even it they're in the middle of an attack, and they cover the glass window of the door between the carts with newspaper and yet later when the big burly dude is trying to keep the door shut from all the zombies pressing against it trying to get in no one tries to just cover the window again leading to him eventually getting bit. Felt like such an unnecessary death.
My bigger issue was that earlier in the rescue they were fucking 3 man team wrecking the zombies like nothing, big guy was legit punching them out of his way
Why did they suddenly have way more endurance during the scene you're talking about when the hero is literally hammering at their head and hands with a baseball bat with all his might?
And I'd listen to some fag who shill's his gay meme "reviews" every chance he gets instead?
yes, and learn to spell
>28 Days Later
Not setting the bar very high.
A real human bean
This movie sucked ass.
Zombie movies without guns aren't zombie movies. This was just a faggy drama.
name a couple good post-2000s zombie movies then I need more
baseball bats are more satisfying to watch desu
Leave zombiekino to me
shaun of the dead is good. juan of the dead is okay.
there's a neat animated prequel to Train to Busan as well called Seoul Station that's worth checking out. I wouldn't say its as good but it has its moments.
Not the train part. You tit.
The whole train-estranged-from-his-kid-now-has to-shepherd-them-through-a-crisis-part.
It takes like 40 minutes for the zombies to show up. The first 30 minutes are pretty slow and dry if you don't speak Korean
will watch right now, thx fggt
>it has its moments.
Like the part where the MC gets raped by her dad but then zombifies and eats him?
was that really her dad tho or just her pimp? that makes it extra dark if she was being pimped by her own father. :(
That's her dad.
Her bf's the one pimping her, and he gets killed off by rapedad.
name 5 zombie movies where a father is estranged from his adolescent daughter
its utter trash you plebian
Lmao that lady opening the door for her zombie sister was kino
I watched it yesterday and it gave me some big feels. Felt so bad for the Dad but at leaat he went out happy. Any other good korean movies?
I Saw the Devil
The Host
Why are there no subs?
>the handmaiden
>the wailing
both came out in the same year as train to busan
What's so kino about that?
I prefer the scene when the businessman becomes a half zombie but still remembers his address
The Villainess
same team that made train to Busan although it's an action flick
I saw this on recommendation from korean lady in class. It's pure trash.
>soulless gooks
You need to stop memeing from your armchair and start travelling, you literal nigger.
Reported for fucking spoilers, you nigger
Tae guk gi
The Front Line
Into the Fire
My Way
Funny how rhese "soulless gooks'" religions know and tell more about the soul than that shabby plagiarizing meme of a religion called 'Christianity' you have in the West
It's cliche trash
Christianity is not a native european faith, it came from the desert and was imposed from the outside. Asian and european native spiritualism are both aryan in nature and compatible to a certain degree since gooks have some amount of neanderthalensis DNA left in them (see tocharians et al)
Does that guy fuck zombies up with his kung-fu cellotape?
Also when is there gonna be a kung-fu zombie movie?
Lol. You are a literal nigger
Castaway on the Moon