Battlefront 2 Confirmed Iden Versio is Rey's mother and Del Meeko is her father.
So that's why they made us pay out of our asses for this game.
Battlefront 2 Confirmed Iden Versio is Rey's mother and Del Meeko is her father.
So that's why they made us pay out of our asses for this game.
lol who cares?
>made us
no one made you do anything
Literally who is Rey's parents? That's dumb. Good thing idk about who here parents were, but Im sure alot of aspies do and will lose their shit over how dumb that is.
Who? What?
What the fuck are you going on about?
Did you play the Campaign? It's actually really well thought out and kind of surprising
>what is misdirection?
They wouldn't make such a huge franchise reveal in a fucking video game most people won't ever play
Brave WoC i cried
Two special forces Imperial agents defect and have a baby. Del runs into Luke during the Campaign and that's how he discovers the star map from Episode 7.
It didn't confirm shit
It's also just a sop thrown in to make video game retards think their game is important now give EA money
If you think they'd actually reveal that in a game you're dumb as fuck
That's why they left it as a cliffhanger at the end of the Campaign you faggot. The rest of it arrives in December, convienently right at the same time as Episode 8.
But the bitch from the movie doesn't look like a half nig or even a quadroon/octoroon.
it was fucking awful u retarded manchild
shill detected
>Rey's parents
That guy...something's not right
>Rey's mom is a sue too
Someone post the tweet where the soyboi writer said she could make Vader freeze with a cold glance
Yeah bullshit, Disney aint letting a video game reveal a big secret like that, let alone from FUCKING EA GAMES
Kinda retarded how they made a bait n switch since they advertised the Campaign as the player playing as an Empire to a first order soldier.
it's all red herrings made for fans to speculate and get hyped over
Anyone who buys EA shit deserves whatever comes.
>iden gets whiter as a rebel
ayy lmao
>made us pay
You're the reason euros think we're retarded.
That sounds fake and gay. Vader would kill the bitch without a second thought. If that is a real line in the game it must just be hyperbole, but soyboys can’t tell the difference. They just want to be lied to about “womyn power”
She/it looks problematic.
They get orgasms over this shit.
Vader would force choke that cunt.
its a throwaway line from a squadmate that is hyperbole but of course these fags start throating femcock for brownie points
Would be a fresh change of story telling if her parents were just dead beat nobodies that left her ass in a desert: Joe Dirt style.