What movie have you seen the most number of times in theaters?
Pic related, seven
What movie have you seen the most number of times in theaters?
Pic related, seven
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ITT: autism
fucking loser right here ^ look at this idiot
All and none of them, I was damn close to seeing 2049 twice but mostly because I wanted to try Atmos.
I saw it 3 times which is a tie i suppose. Saw it once opening night in IMAX, then twice in one day with two different friends, which was actually painful due to almost 6 straight hours of sitting. At least Hans Zimmer turned the chairs into massage chairs.
the dark knight
3 times
is this gonna be another unfunny 2049 meme like sapper morton? saying you saw it a million times?
I've never seen a movie more then once in theaters.
hancock twice
i passed on seeing blade runner for the 17th time in theaters tonight cus i have a cold and some chores to do at home. ill catch it on monday at least once more, before it hopefully goes to the cheapies in a few weeks/
>Captain America: Civil War
>The Dark Knight
>Casino Royale
>Pirates of the Carribbean: At World's End
I saw all of these twice at the cinema.
Jurassic Wolrd: 7
Blade Runner: 4
Pacific Rim: 5
La La Land: 4
Scooby-Doo: 5
I don't understand seeing the same movie more than once in theaters, unless it's with friends who haven't seen it yet
3 times for rogue 1, Blade runner 2049, Dunkirk, and Sherlock Holmes
I see a movie I like at least twice. Once for the initial shock and a second to analyze it after the shock. But also with friends who haven't seen it yet
Yep it's Blade Runner 2049.Can't even remember how many times I saw it now, but it's probably between 6-8. But it's because my favorite movies have never played in my country, or near me at least.
So I was really happy this was being screened, and on a nice screen and sound system too
Fellowship of the Ring, 9 times in theaters
The Two Towers, 11 times
The Return of the King, 13 times
Lost in Translation, about 9 times i think
Wall-e, probably about 6-10 times, i dont remember
Coraline, probably about 8-10 times, i dont remember
Kickass, about 9 or so times
Dredd, Ex-Machina, Fury Road, probably about 5-8 times each, dont remember
Blade Runner 2049, i should invest in that yearly movie pass
I unironically saw Shrek the most. I saw it three times when it was in theaters.
I really wish I could see avatar in theaters again. I probably went 6 or 7 times.
2 times
im ashamed to say it as much as you are ashamed to read it
Harry Potter 4
i saw it 5 times
ayy mah boi same here but i saw it four times
I saw Space Jam twice in theatres as a kid. That's the only movie I've ever seen more than once in a theatre.
More like Bore Runn-zzzzz
BR2049 twice
I saw this movie 12 times in grade 11
Fuck forgot pic related
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, 2 times, the second time is the only time i go on a theater with my father.
I heard all the Gosling scenes were filmed with a stop emotion camera.
Unironically Avatar, seven times.
The Phantom Menace, 9 times
I don't even remember if I liked it
Warcraft 3
Interstellar 3
Avatar, 3
terrible. i guess you can blame being a kid back then.
the only spider man movie acceptable to do that with
Scary movie 3, twice
saw it 4 times
>movie seen most times is from current year
how autistic are you exactly
apocalypto by mel gibson, seen it like 15 times.
I saw Blade Runner three times and I didn't even like it.
I saw BR2049 twelve times in the kinema before it got replaced with trash like JUSTice League
The original Blade Runner, 3 times.
Lion King - 5 times knew the song by heart as a kid
Titanic - 7 or 9 times. got so much pussy from this movie lol
Mortal Kombat, seven times
On the 7th time the projector broke and I had to get a refund. Good thing my father always told me to keep my ticket stub in our pockets
The Dark Knight Rises
I saw it 326 times myself, almost run out of cheetos in the end