The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
>You are allowed to bring one movie with you.

Choose wisely..

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 newfags take the b8

I would go with TDKR but knowing others, probably someone already brought plane scene cut. But it doesn't matter at all.
The problem is, if Sun fallen out of orbit (which is rather impossible) then nothing can save earth. It won't be habbitable after 50, 500, 5000 or 5000000 years anymore.
Either freeze if too far or burn if Sun comes too close

>sun falling out of orbit

>the sun has fallen out of orbit

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit
>and is going to crash into the Earth.
>an underground nuclear shelter for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again


This legit sounds like the next Roland Emmerich movie.
All it needs is a deadbeat dad with a bitchy ex-wife and an asthmatic kid.

I don't think you understand the point of these threads, newboi

>the earth will be swallowed by the sun
>so let's all pile into a bomb shelter
user, I am not a scientist, but you are so unforgivably asinine that you could be the science consultant for a Superman comic book. I am completely unable to enjoy the rest of your comment because now all I want to do is bash your empty head with Asimov's two-volume Intelligent Man's Guide.

its either this thread or the World War Z thread that weeds out the fig newtons

Circa '82
I refuse to go 50 whole years without fapping

what is world war z pasta about? can't remember

Only right answer is this

Just some guy complaining about the book...let me see if i can find it.

Shit pasta

>Magnets, how do THEY work?
Dumbest copypasta is dumb.

here it is:

>The incompetence of the American military
>Blind Japanese samurai and a Japanese otaku 2chan poster
>Stupid concepts like quislings and feral children
>Rich people now shovel poo and poor people now run society (cause all rich people are useless and never earned their way and all poor people aren't lazy and on welfare)
>Israel is best rael
>Is North Korea in a tunnel just hiding out or are they all zombies???????? It's like some kinda Schrodinger's cat of asians, so cool!
>"Muh dogs even though I hated them but now I attack people that do and now I'm in a special K9 unit durrrrrrr"
>For some reason only this random African guy has ONE CRAZY PLAN that will save us and nobody else could ever come up with such a brilliant strategy
>Every character is unrealistically descriptive for "interviews", like it's some lonely Jewish hack writing a shitty fiction book that'll be gobbled up by Americans

Oh no, how dare... HOW DARE Brad Pitt ruin such a *snicker* "classic" book - Max Brooks' salient and cutting satire of modern society that still rings true today - how dare he.

Truly, zombie genre fiction has peaked with this tome

>sun falls out of orbit
>sun is in our orbit

thx, now i know why i couldnt remember this. it's so lame and not worth remembering


it's a matter of perspective brainlet

I really liked the book, so I remember falling hard for it the first time I saw it, so the thread always stuck out from that point on.

why wouldnt i just go all 'armageddon' and just fly a spaceship to the sun and blow it up before it crashes into the earth? retard.

The book was still leagues better than Army Ants: The Movie.

Just make all volcanoes on one side of the earth erupt and push the earth away from the sun.

As a regular Sup Forums user i would bring blacked/cucked porn as a cuck myself who loves Sup Forums


I remember that door in new vegas videogame

Joke's on you, faggot. I wouldn't bring any movies, only lots and lots of books.

I love these threads. Always exposes the cunts who think too highly of themselves.

Samsara without a doubt.

Big budget reminder of how neet the world was and why we're waiting 50 years instead of orgy-suiciding.

I'd absorb the power of the sun and become Sunman. I'd then make a new planet in my ideal mainly with buff dudes cause Im a fucking faggot

Is it...dare I say it "from a certain point of view"

I'm more of a Baraka man myself.

Ah yes, "Spot The Newfags: The Thread". I pick Mean Girls. It's funny and I can fap to it when need be.

The sun does in fact orbit, around the milky way center. Nowhere does OP say it orbits around the Earth. Not that you'd expect Sup Forums to know anything beyond celeb gossip.