how is this real
Shatner big guy
Good question, because it is.
Sup Forums is loaded with celebs. its the only place where they get treated normal
fucking freaks, all of them, including you shatner
I promise you guys if I make it to the Shatner panel at next year's star trek convention I'm going to get him to say "you're a big guy".
>be following Shatner on Twitter
>he’s talking about how he visits Sup Forums occasionally
>pop over to /fit/, later Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is filled with Star Trek threads,
>see pic related
>99% chance Shatner is shitposting literally right now
Shatner might actually be in this very thread.
Press S to pay shats
nothing new
he's well-known baneposter
fuck off newfags this has been known for months
He can't keep getting away with it!
says the newfag, its been known for years, kid
Holy Shit, Shatner is based.
Shatner reveal yourself you cuck
Not everyone spends every waking second here you cretins.
Shatner knows tripcodes are faggots.
Shatner was Krager all along
its not about spending every waking second here, its about knowing what a newfag is, and how you are one of them kid
Holy shit I love this guy
Shatner, if you come out and post timestamp right now I'll let you say nigger on cam and fly out and stand right next to you (I'm black) as you say it so you can get away with it
shatner here
i have crabs, AMA
>t. shatner post
>Sup Forums is not longer a secret club
What happened?
It was never a secret club
You're a dipshit, I've been coming to this site for about 9 years.
it was in 2008-2010 you fucking newfag
RIP based 2011 Sup Forums
says the newfag
it is
but reddit approved boards like Sup Forums aren't
We clearly need more threads about this!
This is so kewl and not cringy at all.
It has to be an intern or something. Shatner probably barely knows how to use a computer, he's like 90 years old.
What do you think he does on Sup Forums?
nice google for the image, newfag kid
Social media. Where once only other losers and outcasts on similar imageboards or forums would discover it, now its autists from youtube and children from Facebook. 20% of all Sup Forums visitors are redirected from Facebook and youtube. Also as of late there's been an intentional effort to bring it mainstream to increase advertising revenue. The mod swaglord/gingermod/invisibro (Jay Irwin) is a manager at a digital advertising company Taykey Advertising.
Its a shop the original says he would be Yagposting
tell me you got to fugg miri IRL
Gorn threads
>anything after 2007
>secret club
I mean, everything is relative, but even I’m a newfag to ancientfags
Ryuko's asshole probably tastes great, just saying.
>every geezer is a technologically illiterate vegetable
im offended by your harmful stereotyping baka
It's decline started in 08 with project chanology.
why not both
What if Shatner is the cunny poster?
He threw him out of the plane like a little burd ehhhhhh
based as fuck
I saw him on American Pickers a few years ago and he seemed half senile.
My aunt's dad is ten years younger than him and a irredeemably senile crab and even he can surf the web with relative ease.
shatner banging all the 19 year old cuties
Time to post this again I guess.
Hi Bill
Hey shatner if you see this you should do a full cover of this is the dream of Evan and chan by dntel. Do it pls and I'll make Kirk my favorite captain
I don't get it , did people really not like that Pirates movie that bad?
noone cares about pirates5 beside this
Its like TDKR the movie is full of autistic dialog spurted out by character with a retarded accent
>tfw you will never be the captain of a starship
>tfw i was
sup shatner
This is the real data; not your memories.
I was here in middle school of 2008.
William approves this video
The real question is whether he cunnyposts
you damn well know he does, hes literally a fucking oldfag becuase people have known hes been fucking around on this site since 05 at the very least.
You newfag.
I think his use of emojis is hilarious
I'm 100% sure Twiggy from Marilyn Manson browses Sup Forums, i listen to his podcast, and him and his friend were riffing back and fourth getting celebrities names wrong and he called Ben Affleck "Bin Al Fleqi", and that's a Sup Forums exclusive meme.
Why does he talk about it so openly?
how's it going bill?
How are you this new ?
Why would he give a fuck ?
It's so cringey, like he's 14, and Sup Forums is an incredibly controversial place in the eyes of the media. Next big Sup Forums scandal, someone can implicate Shatner for browsing there too
Why should he give a shit. He's an old man and basically a meme at this point. If he wants to kill an evening or an afternoon shitposting I say that's great.
This. I'd do the same if I was him.
I really need to know what Shatner thinks about sneedposters. I really hope it isn't him making those fucking posts.
Which Kardashian visits Sup Forums?
desu /ck/ is full of fat fucks with shit taste
Welcome to 2007
What's wrong with you
holy fuck its real
How do you know it's Shatner and not just some intern?
Interns typically play it safe and just use twitter for PR, not to admit the guy they ghostwrite for browses a weird website that allows lolicon.
He'd only have shagged that if it had a dick though, right? Or is he one of those free spirit "bisexuals"
Attention whoring is realer than you know
Because in the eyes of normies, browsing Sup Forums automatically makes you a woman hating nazi who probably jerks off to anime. I understand why normies get that impression, its not entirely inaccurate, but thats why I'd never publicly admit to coming here
How you can possibly think calling out a guy for groping girls without their permission is a bad thing?
When you do to it to attract attention to yourself you fucking phony.
doesn't he know we're all alt-right white nationalist bad boys
Who the fuck cares? It's still creating a good outcome which is publicly shaming assholes who assault women at concerts
Kylie I want to spunk in your gut.
Sup Forums is for the elderly user
oh my god i might have to see this now. Javier Bardem is a fucking treasure.
It's some 20 year old intern in control of his twitter account, retard. Until he posts a picture of himself holding a Sup Forums sign it's fake.
Why would he allow his intern to claim he browses Sup Forums?
I'd believe you if it was anyone besides William Shatner, who's a real-life troll.
>It's still creating a good outcome
Yeah, in a single incident, but after calling out one pervert they go back to a life of attention whoring. This behavior erodes the essential fabric of social cohesion and will cause the collapse of civilization which is a little more important then some slut who was drooling over Drake's cock.
This. Nichelle Nichols tells the story of filming the interracial "kiss" on star trek. Apparently they filmed the first kiss straight up, but the director and CBS were very uncomfortable with it and so tried different takes, but shatner deliberately fucked them up by making a dumb face or making Nichelle laugh. they filmed maybe 20 more takes and the director gave up. He trolled them so they would have no choice but to use the first good take of him kissing her.
What's the next step of Shatner's master plan?