The batman

Is this thing capeshit's last chance at rehabilitation?

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we dont need another fucking batman thing. let the other heroes do stuff i know he sells merch but he's useless now anyway. let affleck go, i'd rather watch anything else at this point. martian manhunter, captain boomerang, psycho pirate for fucks sake

We as in people with taste need a proper noir Batman film. Like the 90s ones but more mature.

No, let's do this. Salvage something out of this mess, might as well be the best character in DC

>a proper noir Batman film.
fucking this

cape is dead after infinity war ends.

nothing can top the old cartoons



If they fuck it up by casting that faggot as Bats, I won't watch it at all

>Harvey Weinstein.png


Yeah, Affleck's gotta go. His stupid doe-eyed face doesn't fit at all.


>Irv Kleinman
>oy vey intensifies

>his combover disappears
Schrodinger's Matt Weiner

You can't evem make a good film with your A-listers... what makes you think Plastic Man or Red Tornado or Hawkgirl will be worth Watching? Get a fucking clue, DC cuck.

Listen, I'm gonna smarten you up. The problem with DC Films is DC characters. They're not realistic. And all your failed attempts to modernize them alienates casual and hardcore fans alike. Hell, just look at their stupid ass make believe settings (Metropolis? Star City? Bizarro World?) and you'll realize DC comics is written for 5 year old retards.

I mean seriously, the Justice League looks like a bunch of knock off comic con assclowns!

a Booster Gold thing could be good

They just have to adapt Long Halloween and its kino

>>Listen, I'm gonna smarten you up. The problem with DC Films is DC characters. They're not realistic

>being this much of a retarded marvel fan boy

it's called "the dark knight" and it has all the good parts from it

what frustates me about Sup Forums is how often this board fails to realize how inferior the source material was to nolan's batman and BvS batman. I don't know if it is blind nostalgia or immaturity

Fuck Batman, why does every single fucking thing DC makes have to revolve around him?

Which batman story would you adapt if The Batman was DCEU's final hope?

I would do an adaptation of the 'Heart of Hush' graphic novel. It would enable lots of flashbacks which would be very helpful. Flashbacks as a framing device work well, as evidenced by Batman Begins.

Basic story is that Bruce Wayne had a childhood friend who was jealous when Bruce's parents were killed--he wanted the freedom and money. He grew up to become a successful doctor, but was bitter at Bruce Wayne. He does surgery on himself to look like Bruce, tries to destroy his life etc etc.

Captain Boomerang already had a movie.

what the fuck are you on about?
The problem is not DC it is WB, you fucking moron. There is nothing wrong with the characters, or else they would not have grossed hundreds upon hundreds of millions of dollars. God, you are such an idiot and I feel like I've lost brain cells responding to you, so fuck you.