TFA was a 7/10 and Rey is a cute
Lena Dunham would be hot if she lost weight
The Evil Dead movies are ok but they are extremely overrated
Don't Breathe was a bad movie and Stephen Lang should've been the guy you rooted for and not the thieves
The LOTR movies are ok at best
David Bowie was an underrated actor

>stephen lang wasn't the character you were supposed to root for in don't breathe

This post is retarded in so many different possible ways that I don't know where to start...

Lena is ok tho

Bowie was underrated ARTIST

he only ever took on projects where he thought he could say or do something meaningful. He had a 150 million dollar art collection that experts graded very highly and diverse and he served on art preservation boards in Europe

>TFA was a 7/10 and Rey is a cute
TFA was an 8/10 scifi film but abrams' utter laziness robbed it of great potential.
>Lena Dunham would be hot if she lost weight
she'd still be an annoying cunt
>The Evil Dead movies are ok but they are extremely overrated
i only watch capeshit
>Don't Breathe was a bad movie and Stephen Lang should've been the guy you rooted for and not the thieves
i only watch capeshit
>The LOTR movies are ok at best
correct but i still loved them
>David Bowie was an underrated actor
i refuse to believe anyone ever actually liked david bowie or prince, they just thought they were supposed to

That's not Lena tho

Unpopular opinions for everyone or unpopular opinions for Sup Forums?
>Family Guy and American Dad, while flawed, are okay shows.
>Rick and Morty is a good show, it just has an awful, awful fanbase
>Watching a movie because you're attracted to an actress in it is retarded, you can find hotter girls doing lewder things at the click of a button
>Sneedposting is actually funny
>Any tv show with a focus on "action" will be shit.
>People put way too much stock in the Oscars

>Family Guy and American Dad, while flawed, are okay shows.
Can we agree that AD is better than FG?

Soyboy is a dumb word and not good insult

American Dad is better than Family Guy. Family Guy gets shit on and is much better than people make it out to be. American Dad is great but is somewhat forgotten about, overshadowed by Family Guy and the rotting husk of the Simpsons.

cancelling koth and futurama the first time was the right move

t. soyfag

Sean Connery, Christof Waltz and Bryan Cranston are all very overrated actors. Connery is usually too wooden while the last two are Hams.

LOTR is a travesty compared to the books

Leonardo DiCaprio is a shit actor

i love dense wordy fantasy and i dropped the books after the fellowship. they're miserable.

Remember that time Lena posted saying that women don't lie about rape, and then her friend got accused of rape so she said he wasn't a rapist and the woman accusing him was lying about rape, and then everyone pointed out what a shithead she is, so she issued some half-assed apology?

Lena is disgusting...both body and soul

none of these are unpopular
here what is unpopular
>Cruise "Mummy" was better than "The Mummy Returns", fuck your family-friendly kid sequels and nostalgia. But 1999 one is still better tho

>we actually do need some Lovecraftian horrors with a decent budget

>Affleck is the best live action batman

>Logan Lucky was better than Baby Driver

>this entire board neglects to mention that reddit loved BR2049

>the star wars prequels are fun

The Best DC comics have never been made into a movie and there are no plans to. No Unknown Soldier, Enemy Ace, Sgt Rock, or Haunted Tank. That's why DC is failing. They need to develop their B stable outside of Supes and Batty.

Logan Lucky and Baby Driver were both nice surprises. BD was more of a young adult movie but still well done. LL was fun with all the inside jokes and the hugely intricate heist.

Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn was the best political comedy show.

Steve Buscemi is the best actor without an Oscar.

Most Nu-Westerns are shit and are just made to cash in on film credits in New Mexico.

$10 a month HBO provides a better value than Netflix. More content does not equal superior content.

Holy fuck those legs

Robert Altman's M*A*S*H is poorly written and badly shot.

Robert Altman's OC and Stiggs is one of his top 3 movies and was misunderstood.

>TFA was a 7/10 and Rey is a cute
>Lena Dunham would be hot if she lost weight
>The Evil Dead movies are ok but they are extremely overrated
>The LOTR movies are ok at best
>David Bowie was an underrated actor

Alright, ya dairy fairy, beer queer, poof shite.

>Lena Dunham would be hot if she lost weight

and got some plastic surgery. She has big ass hips so thin her body would probably be fucking banging


>nigress accuses dunham's kike producer friend of rape
>dunham defends kike producer friend, despite being an avowed feminist
>feminist outrage at dunham
>dunham tries to backtrack
>even more outrage

>Closes with a half baked idea based on numerology

durr it was only 3 million therefore NBD

>Don't Breathe was a bad movie and Stephen Lang should've been the guy you rooted for and not the thieves
This unironically. Tweest ruined the film and took it back to teenage slasher territory.

This guy might actually be right about Bowie and definitely right about Prince

Falling Down was a masterpiece and the only liberal movie to successfully show angry middle age white male rage. It was decades ahead of it's time.

Too redpilled for me.

I'd have sex with her if she didn't remove any body hair and got a bit chubbier.

Nah bowie is solid. He just made too many bad albums. If you DL the two CD best of bowie literally everyting on there is good.

I agree that Prince sucks but he was beloved by Gen Xers who didn't have a lot of good music at the time that was mainstream.

Do you think white male rage started in the 90s you fucking idiot?


It's a pretty post-neo-nu/pol/ slander, that's for sure. I cringed the first time I saw it.

>rick and Morty is a good show
>the fucking pickle rick gag

Big Mouth is a mostly funny show even if it does have a bit of SJW degeneracy

name a better movie that depicts it

LotR is like the Bible to me. The mythos is enormous and very interesting, but I can't stand the writing style Tolkien or English translations of the Bible have. He writes like an overly dramatic dungeon master but the story he's telling and the world he's creating are amazing. C.S. Lewis' writing style is also far too annoying to enjoy, but his stories are less thought out. Screwtape Letters is good though.

Screwtape Letters would also make for a great movie in the right hands actually. My church back when I was a teenager put on a kino, original stage play. Whoever did Screwtape's monologues was absolutely brilliant.

I don't think I can, but that wasn't my question

Kevin Costner's Robin Hood movie was the best Robin Hood movie ever made.

The Russel Crowe Robin Hood was ruined by the fact that an old and withered Cate Blanchett played Maid Marion, a role that should be a beautiful young woman.

I think All Star Superman and Dark Knight Returns could make for great movies if put into the right hands.

We already know who Superman and Batman are. Give them both the kino they deserve. Both books show the true depths of each hero and ASSM cemented Superman as my favorite hero in anything ever.

it was the first and only movie to correctly portray that 'downsized boomer now suddenly unimportant to society'.

Before the economy went to shit for real these assheads would go around with a chip on their shoulder because they only got to work 25 years at some cushy corporate job with full benefits.

Les Miserables 2012 is the best musical ever adapted to film and the memes are also fun

Do you feel like you are a part of that? What part of the economy has passed you by?

>Lena Dunham would be hot if she lost weight
she's a filthy jew, moron

>The LOTR movies are ok at best
just watched them all over the last two days and I can confirm that OP is wrong

Not sure that was the message ...

not really. But the days of expecting to work from 20 to 65 for 1 or 2 companies is over. I don't think that is unique to people our age.

But people like DeFens expected that kind of treatment and when they didn't get it they got very angry.

Of course they never tried to keep up with the times or sharpen their toolset.

They are more than okay

that's what I'm saying

Unpopular opinion, capeshit edition:
>Putting Joss Whedon in charge of the Justice League was the right choice.
>Zack Snyder is literally style over substance and should be fired from the DCEU
>X-MenCU is actually better than the MCU and Deadpool was the best idea they had in years
>FOX should NOT give the Fantastic Four's rights to Disney's Marvel

It isn't, the days of blue collar living wages are over in the US for the foreseeable future

I know, I was agreeing

Snyder isn't as good as this board pretends he is, but he is much better than the Disney paint-by-number shit that Disney pushes out every quarter

I agree but keep in mind DeFens wasn't blue collar. He was part of the upper middle class in SoCal who worked white collar for Defense Contractors back when they were all based in Southern California.

Part of the movie is the waning influence of those Lockheed types on the culture of Southern California.

okay, just checking :^)

Since when is LOTR too dense? You guys must only read books from the 70s onwards.

The bible isnt even that dense when you break it down and understand its basic structure. People have tried to rewrite LOTR in a modern styles a hundred times over and it either reads like a screenplay or shallow faux pretense.

I unironically agree with the SJWs. We need more diversity and representation in film and tv but that doesn't mean "turn everyone black and female" like Hollywood seems to think, no. We need more original roles and stories for women and minorities (this whole "POC" shit is stupid) and more positive representation for LGBTQIASSUBBQUVONFLNBAJLAQTP++++**** people. I'm 100% serious btw.

I agree with everything except TFA, it was a soulless disney progressive cashgrab. Also, haven't seen Don't Breathe.

Star Wars was never good and continues to get worse. Krull is massively underrated and the superior sci-fi fantasy epic.

>suicude squad is an average movie with good humor

>Hellboy (1) is 10/10
>There's a special beauty and magic in Star Wars: A New Hope and anyone who denies that is a contrarian fag
>The Professional is bad, really bad.
>Constantine has some interesting ideas but it's almost completely unbearable
>I don't like Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds or Leonardo DiCaprio
>S4Ep10 of BB, Salud, is the best episode of the show
>I think anyone who uses the term 'toxic masculinity' when discussing Fight Club should be brought outside and shot
>Jackie Brown is Tarantino's only good film

She would be fugly at best

deathproof is underrated desu

lena dunham would not be hot if she lost weight. her face will never be okay

if she had a better face but was just as fat, she might be really sexy