Will this movie reach 2 billion worldwide?
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it will be the biggest since the silent era
this. it'll be playing in theaters worldwide for at least the next 10 years.
No. Marvel fans could watch it multiple times but it needs older audiences and women like Force awakens. I don't get any sense that that's the case.
The next two avengers movies will do at 2 billion each.
Damn this shit looks awful
Women love marvel movies user.
>BUTTTT....BUT...BUTTTTT...only Marvel fans watch Marvel movies!
I got some bad news for you
It's fan made you cuck
depends how much cgi will be in it and will it be acceptable especially since Thanos will be all cgi
Marvel Movies make women wet.
This film will prove to be the no mans sky of cinema
There's just no way they can have this many characters (25+) and have them all quip exactly like each other. They will have no time to re-introduce the characters, so people that haven't put at LEAST 40+ hours into the this shitty franchise is going to be confused as to who thew fuck these people are
It's just not possible for this film to live up to the enormous expectations. Avengers 2 suffered from this, not being able to live up to the first avengers
Fuck off mousefag
>Thanos will be all cgi
It is performance capture, like what Andy Circus does. It will be fine. As long as it is based off actual movements it will be okay.
98% audience score on RT
>"yeah I'm not like other girls, I like Big Bang Theory and Superheroes, I'm so cute and geeky haha"
>"yeah, i've seen all the mcu films, but so what if i have never read a floppy in my life"?"
Ironically, this demographic has been stolen by Wonder Woman, DC needs to push hard for WW2 other wise Marvel will steal them back with that Captain Marvel horseshit
its the official poster, you fucking moron, just edited slightly in the front with the rock A symbol.
>mfw every other studio can't even get their shared universe off the ground, DCs first team-up movie is DOA while Marvel is soon to release their THIRD team-up movie that's the culmination of 17 other movies and 8 TV shows that'll probably beat Avatar in box office
>the culmination of 17 other movies and 8 TV shows
>thinking Marvel movies give a shit about the shows
It's not even the proper dimensions of a Poster
Can you such search google for the image and stop replying? Thanks
Thanos looks like a terribly boring villain.
Of curse its Marvel, daah.
I heard Infinity War will be more dark and more like the "Return of the King" of Comic Book movies.
The budget will be so fucking big on marketing and actors salaries alone combined with the fact this multiple part film has been built up like a 5 hour wank session to the point where the edging is so prolonged it hurts your nuts so people will probably be exhausted of capeshit by then.
Unless China fucking loves it. But it'll probably be like every other Marvel film. Serviceable at best.
no, but Avengers 4 will
Can someone post the Infinity War leaks that surfaced on Reddit pls i just heard about it
Same guy who posted the deleted JL scenes. He (or someone he knows) must work at an editing company.
Yea i saw the JL scenes barry rescuing Iris was pretty cool also Cyborg learning to fly
It could make 2 billion worldwide, but only if they do it right.
1) Infinity War needs to be the last chapter of the original MCU. They can keep doing films, have a new generation of heroes (which they've already started introducing), but this needs to put closure on the story they began ten years ago.
2) Infinity War needs to be an actual war. With Age of Ultron and Civil War, you had them advertised as these big, game changing events, and what we got was a lot of nothing. Civil War was a fight in an airport. They were disappointing. I'd be fine is Infinity War were a four hour LotR-length film if it meant a lot of shit happens.
3) To that end, they need to either kill off or depower/retire a lot of the original Avenger cast. One of them can stay on to be a mentor for the new Avengers, but you need the rest to be bowing out.
4) Thanos needs to be killed. You cannot have him slink off and get away so you can keep teasing him as the big bad. He's been a threat lurking in the shadows since 2012. We need closure as an audience. We need to see this dude defeated. You can tease a new villain or threat at the end (so long as it isn't "I was behind Thanos all along I was the real big bad boss man!" bullshit), but Thanos needs to be done.
Ultimately, if you promise "the last chapter of the MCU" and actually deliver on that promise, you'll get people who normally wouldn't watch another Marvel movie going into the theaters just to see how the whole thing ends. You'll get back those people with "Marvel fatigue" as well as those who never really watched them in the first place. You can hit 2 billion, or get damn near close.
Oh and thanks user
But what will really happen? Marvel will pull another Age of Ultron/Civil War on us. Infinity War will be a tiny event with little or no consequences. No heroes of importance will die, and they'll leave room for them to return later. Thanos will be defeated but he'll get away to remain a threat. Status quo will be maintained because how dare shit change in any significant way after ten years of these fucking movies.
And, you know what? Marvel fatigue will hit hard. Ain't nobody gonna see Phase 4. What's the fucking point? It's the same damn shit every single time. Oh, great, Spider-Man 2. Thor & The Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe a new character that nobody cares about (Captain Marvel). And then, wow, another "big event" that's just one fight where the bad guy loses and the good guys win with zero actual consequences. Whoopie. Can't wait for two more decades of this shit. But it won't last that long, and it'll eventually either just die off, or they'll actually do a last chapter that nobody goes and see because we stopped caring.
>No heroes of importance will die
This image proves otherwise. Lots of heroes will die but will be brought back to life by Strange somehow
Not him, but they have no other choice except ending the story. RDJ is over 50 and even with all the CGI in the world not really believable anymore, the other actors are also already tired out (I'm sure not everyone is like Hugh Jackman who wants to play the same character until he dies on set if possible).
>Solid Snake Cap
My dick can only get so erect
>Cap saved the world solo twice already
>Thor saved the world solo 3 times already
>Guardians saved an entire galaxy
>Not even sure what Hulk movies are canon anymore.jpg
>Tony Stark saved the world solo twice
>Dr. Strange has command of time and has presumably saved the universe from extinction an infinite number of times
>Antman has the ability to transcend space and time and become sub-atomic
>le purple man cgi man is somehow a threat
I love Chris Evans
You just know negro panther and captain marvel are going to spearhead it in the upcoming years. Peter will also hang the suit so nigger morales can take over
because the stones will make him broken
> Will this movie reach 2 billion worldwide?
> EZ
This, how is Grapefruit supposed to fight them
Still, some characters must die, else the whole event has zero impact and Marvel will make less money afterwards.
Thanos will kill a bunch of characters....don't worry.
dude check the picture i posted above some characters are dead and strange is trying to revive them
So, in other words, they're not really going to die.
The only 2 movies that have made 2 billion dollars had love stories in them, so no.
>2 billion
>not beliving in the 3 billion being cracked
probably be revived by the end or in IW4
I saw the picture you posted with Dr. Strange and Spiderman, it would make definitely no sense to kill Spiderman after his first Solo movie in the MCU (despite that, it's still the most well known character Marvel has), but I can see how Thanos distract Strange so that some characters die for sure.
I would bet my money on RDJ, since he is old and the only character who hasn't superpowers despite his high IQ.
I know you probably tried to block this out, but TFA also made 2 billion $ and it didn't have any love story.
Thanos can wipe out half of the known universe with just the snap of his fingers. The events of the Infinity war comic happened AFTER he killed half of the know universe.
So basically. All of thd lived ines each Marvel hero had left will be gone. Pspper Potts. Gone. Aunt May. Gone. Falcon's white baby mama and her bull husband who buys crab legs at the cinema. Gone.
The stakes will be high
Capeshit. Literally Michael Bay tier trash.
The last few marvel movies had small team ups so that people keep on remembering whop their characters are.
They know what they are doing, and with the success of gotg even the more obscure ones will stick in the mind of the common pleb.
The biggest problem will be to give everyone a meaningful role in infinity war.
1.4-1.6 but not 2b
>Thor, Loki, GOTG
>Cap, Hawk, Widow, Witch, Martian Manhunter
>Stark, Literally who girls #1, 2, and 3, Strange
>Hulk, Spiderman, Hawkeye, Bucky, Black Panther, Don Cheadle
Which team wins in a fight?
1. They need to kill of Tony Stark. RDJ is old, expensive, and clearly not interested in doing these movies. Let him sacrifice himself like he was prepared to do in Avengers. Close his story in a meaningful way.
2. Have Thor retire or die. He's no longer got the hammer, and he's really got to be the king of the Asgards now and lead his people. If he dies, Loki takes his place as leader of the Asgardians.
3. Captain America should become the new Nick Fury. He's the mentor of the new Avengers. Falcon can take on the role of Captain America if you've got to do that. You could also kill him off.
4. Hawkeye should retire. This shit has always been way out of his league but he's also getting old and there's bigger heroes out there who can take his place. If Cap dies, have him be the new Nick Fury.
5. Black Widow could be killed, retired, or maybe the even work as the new Nick Fury (although she probably wants a big fat paycheck so fuck that).
6. I believe Hulk got captured by Thanos at the end of Thor 3. Have Thanos using him as a monster who fights the Avengers. Then we see Bruce finally exert control over Hulk, finally control the beast, only to have Bruce sacrifice himself to save his friends. Gives good closure to the Hulk story.
7. Vision dies or takes a serious de-powering when Thanos takes his gem.
9. Winter Soldier? Live or die. He could also become the next Cap if he lives.
10. War Machine can be retired or killed. If he lives, you can have him return to mentor the new Iron Man should you do something like that.
11. The Guardians of the Galaxy go back to space. It's easy to have Drax killed off given his whole motivation was killing Thanos, but it's more interesting to go into what his character does beyond Thanos.
12. New Avengers can be Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Falcon (possibly as New Cap), and Scarlet Witch, with Captain Marvel and another character added in Phase 4. End the movie with them going their separate ways but the mentor (Cap/Hawkeye/whoever) hinting that he/she will call if they're ever needed.
13. Thanos is killed outright. Hint at a new threat emerging. I'd like to see AIM and MODOK become the next thing they do, or the Skrull (if they legally can).
1. Nobody will really die and stay dead.
2. It'll just be another Civil War.
Agreed with all but
2. No. Chris Hemsworth is young and he does the role good. I can see him doing more Thor.
But other then that, everything else is fine.
Skrulls are in Cap Marvel
>re-introduce the characters
The assumption the studio has is that if you watch this, then you will have already watched the rest of the marvel capeshit movies or it will make you go back and watch them all.
>13. Thanos is killed outright. Hint at a new threat emerging. I'd like to see AIM and MODOK become the next thing they do, or the Skrull (if they legally can).
They should hint at the Beyonder, and then have Avengers 4 be Secret Wars. They could bring back dead characters for it. Hell, they could even try for a deal with Fox to get back some of their X-Men characters and be like "yeah they're from another universe."
Everyones seeing this movie user, if only to find out what the big fucking fuss has been about these last ten years. Ten fucking years user, have been leading up to this. Everyones best friends, sons, daughters, uncles and aunts will be talking about this nonstop, and people who otherwise won't be interested will see it just to know what everyones going crazy over. I'd be surprised if this movies box office record doesn't go unsurpassed for the next ten or so years, the hype leading into this is unreal
They will if Wanda shows her pusy.
Grapefruits are orange motherfucker
They're doing some good stories with him right now in the comics with The Unworthy Thor, and given the success of Thor Ragnarok, I really doubt they'll kill or retire Thor. I could see them doing a story where he gets or makes a new Mjolnir. Plus, it'd kind of suck if we didn't get Beta Ray Bill in one of these movies.
Fucking newfag.
The problem is, if the movie is disappointing, bad word of mouth from opening night can and will kill it. It'll have a huge opening pretty much no matter what, but if it doesn't continue to get people into the theaters, it's not going to do that well at the box office.
They'll might keep him as new king of Asgard, but I'd be dammed if they didn't try to push Whor on the masses after Infinity War,
>If the movie is disappointing
Thats probably not happening user. This is Disneys biggest, most ambitious project since fucking Disneyland. Its literally the end of an era (or the beginning of the end, seeing as its being split in two parts). Is it within the realm of possibility it will suck. Yeah, of course. But considering the stakes involved, its highly unlikely a sucky movie is getting past Disney quality control
The only thing I see happening is CA """""dying""""" and Bucky taking his place, as it actually happened in the comics.
Thor 4 could very possibly be Thor traveling to other alternate dimensions in search of a new Mjolnir to claim as his own, which could also easily lead into him meeting Beta Ray Bill (he could be an alternate reality version of Thor) only to end the end realize he doesn't want to claim some other Thor's destiny and legacy, and instead move on.
Well, given that the hammer is destroyed, and Jane Foster broke up with Thor (or he her) because Natalie Portman is really expensive to cast, I really doubt we'll get that exact version of Thor. Of course, they could just recast Jane Foster, but then, you still have the "no hammer" problem. I just don't see it happening. If they were going to replace Thor with a woman, it'd be with Valkyrie (but, again, no hammer, and why would she want to be New Thor when she already has the Valkyrie title?).
Of course, if they do the Sliders version of Thor 4 I was talking about, it's possible we'll see a Lady Thor who isn't played by Natalie Portman.
yea we also heard rogue one will be the "saving private ryan" of space movies
I've misses the latest capeflicks, but i'm not missing this one. This is the equivalent of the final in the world cup of capeflicks -you may miss the little games before, but there's no fucking way you, or your sister, or grandma, or whoever the fuck, is gonna miss the final game. Everybody is gonna be talking about this shit non stop. It's gonna top avatar and star wars.
I'd agree, but you look at how they've handled these big events recently and stuff like Civil War and Age of Ultron and Homecoming have been disappointments. And the way Disney is mishandling Star Wars and now a lot of people hate Star Wars right as the new episode releases, I wouldn't be surprised if Avengers 3 didn't piss people off right before it came out and fuck up its opening box office as well. At this point, it's not out of the picture that Avengers 3 could flop.
All I want is for the climactic showdown to open rifts in space/time that show us alternate versions of characters living on other earths; a rift that shows Steve wearing classic Captain America scales, boots and winged mask, an Earth with grown up Peter Parker living in the 60's, X-treme 90's Earth, etc etc
Not a comic fan, but my brother who is told me Sam Wilson/the Falcon is the current Captain America. Of course, they could have Bucky be the new Cap, or nobody.
I dunno, the hate for Star Wars seems pretty confined to boards on Sup Forums, Joe Q. Normie seems quite happy to consume this years ration of Star Wars slop. And yeah, Age of Ultron wasn't as momentous as the Avengers but lets face it, after the high of the Avengers, nothing was gonna top it til IW. I think they knew this and thats why a gentle reminder that IW's coming up in a few years is the post credits scene, to keep people hooked. Also, people hated Civil War? It seemed pretty well liked by pretty much everyone
That happens if Rogers retires, we were talking much earlier, when he is fake-killed. They didn't do that in CW because they might be saving it for IW.
Bucky will probably be Nu Cap, Marvel Studios is well aware of the shit comics got for FalCap and is steering well the fuck away from that. The beautifu thing is audiences won't kvetch too much about it because one, WinterCap precedes FalCap chronologically and two, they'll have had Black Panther to placate them in his solo and Infinity War
People who still watch capeshit should be castrated.
>the hate for Star Wars seems pretty confined to boards on Sup Forums
No, the hate for Star Wars was all over Reddit. The stories about Disney trying to dick theaters over with Episode 8, followed by EA's bullshit with Battlefront 2, was all Reddit's front page was talking about for a long time (to the point where Disney stepped in and told EA to stop giving them bad press). That plus the near zero hype normies have for Episode 8 and it's clear Disney is going to make less than they were expecting.
>people hated Civil War
A lot of people call it the beginning point of Marvel fatigue. I'd say that really started with Avengers 2 (which normies consider to be inferior to Avengers 1) but Civil War definitely accelerated that problem.
that doesn't prove anything you putz
>all these fucking characters
is it going to be 3+ hours long? because it's going to just be a whole bunch of establishment scenes and an action scene if not
This, and the next film, will make an insane amount of money.
I predict that they will kill off some characters, but I suspect that they will try to bring them back, ala Dr Strange, HOWEVER I am going to predict that those who die, CHOOSE to remain dead. Thus, we get actual dead heroes, but also the possiblity that death can be overcome.
>go to reddit to check this
>scroll through the front page to find a star wars post
>top one is at 62
>it's shitting on star wars
Episode VIII is out in a month. This is bad news for them.
Who cares, Sup Forums and reddit doesn't make even 20% of people who are going to watch the movie or buy the game.
>dude we got 600k updoots Battlefront 2 is dead! #wewon
Meanwhile chad who doesn't read any forums at all will take his 10 bitches to cinema and play Battlefront 2 on his PS4 while paying triple digit amounts for lootboxes.
The worst thing I could see happening is that the deaths, or lack their of, turn off the general public. Meaning, not enough loss took place to make the film meaningful, or the losses that do take place are so crushing that it turns off fans.
>"who cares about normie opinions on reddit?"
People making blockbusters for normies.
GoT pretty much proves normies love watching characters they like die. Dunno why people still pussyfoot about killing off main characters.
I foresee the next chapter in the MCU handling the multiverse, and thus more powerful entities on the level of the Beyonder or the Celestials. I don't think they will kill off Thanos considering how popular his is, but if they did I wouldn't mind it. In fact, considering the shear number of well known and loved villains, I would hope they'd not retread used villians past a "chapter" of the MCU.
>reddit had no effect on EA's battlefront 2
Which is why EA immediately disabled refunds for the game (the only way you could get a refund was by waiting in customer service for an hour) and then disabled in-game purchases. I mean, the whole thing began on Reddit when EA's community team replied to a complaint about the game on Reddit (but Reddit is "irrelevant" because you hate the website).
Even if you don't use that website, gaming websites jumped on the story immediately and started pushing it everywhere. The only way you, as a gamer, didn't hear about it is if you aren't much of a gamer at all and don't talk about games or read about games or have any interest in games, but even then, you'd also need to be living under a rock because a lot of non-gamers also heard the story (and while they might not have got it or cared, it still attaches a bad image to the Star Wars name right as they're ramping up to release a new Star Wars).
I get why you're trying to play it off like it was all irrelevant, I don't like Reddit either, but EA and Disney's and news's reactions to it clearly show you're wrong.
>I foresee the next chapter in the MCU handling the multiverse
It'd be great. I mean, they have Spider-Man now. The next Spider-Man movie could easily explore stuff like Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen. You could even have a guest appearance by Tobey Maguire (if you make the legals work out).
>I don't think they will kill off Thanos considering how popular his is
He's not that popular in the movies. He's so far just been "hey who is that guy at the end credits scene oh that's a Thanos neat." But if they go forward with multiverse stuff, it's not like he couldn't come back in some shape or form. Same with anyone else they kill.
Give me Miguel O'Hara in Spider-Man 2099 or don't bother at all.
TRON capeshit, make it work