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Davo edition
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You know what we need? A /who/ Minecraft server.
>he never got to see england winning the ashes
5 BTFO by aussies
series 11 but death grips replaces marigold
Doctor Who is dead.
I'd join if some /who/ mods were thrown in there, dust off my old account and see if it works.
Unrelated, but pic related;
Why hasn't End of Evangelion ever had a blu ray release in english or a DVD re-release in north america? The out of print DVD goes for outrageous prices, and it'd be so rad to have it on blu ray. Ree.
Whomever replaces Marigold is going to have some pretty big shoes to fill, wouldn't want to be them. Can't imagine the stress.
The dub of end of eva was so bad and almost ruined it for me. I hate subs though so i dealt with it. That being said, was there even an official american version period? when i watched it it looked really shoddy, like the japanese version with a different audio file.
I'm making a trip shipping chart lads this is so great
reminder historicals are coming back
>the japanese version with a different audio file.
that's literally what a dub is
did you expect them to translate all the signs and text and shit?
No i mean the subtitles and the bits of the movie that were pure text, they changed them in the original series run, i obviously dont mean all the signs and shit
I really like Shinj's VA, I like both but the Lance of Longinus scene alone makes the original japanese better. Dat screaming. But yes there was an official english dub. I'd be happy with even the japanese only audio being released in North America on blu ray, but no dice. There appears to be an out of print one that goes for hundreds of dollars.
doctor who end of evangelion meme parody when
both baneposting and ponyshit got one
would chibnall be shinji getting to decide the fate of the world?
The only true ship is Cloister/Belle, everything else is non canon
I mean, I had that last picture that I made and we have pic related. Think we have a couple other ones like ANTI PLASTIC but Shinji's hand from the opening.
Look at the quality we're missing out on because only japan gets the blu ray release youtube.com
since Chris appears to be sticking with his group of familiar faces for S11, could this mean that Olafur Arnalds the composer for Broadchurch could be replacing Marigold?
What would the giant naked rei be?
Jodie :^)
pic related, i think it was the first OC i made for /who/
reminder you can see see misato split into 3 pieces in her death scene
>i didnt post it reee
Sneak peek at the Trip Shipping chart
good lord you weren't kidding
nilso's not a trip tho
How did you- I have Nilso on the chart but he's not even visible in my screenshot.
Because you're the same user from every thread who is obsessed with the trips and you always include Nilso.
t. nilso
There's at least one other user obsessed with trips. I post the trip ship names and do NeGanon stuff but there's also the guy doing songs about them.
christ, you people. And I say that as a streamfag.
I can't say shit about the song user because they look like they put a lot of effort into their shitposting and I'm frankly pretty impressed
Hello, Edge. How are you?
t. nilso
Evening Immigrant, write anything lately?
I'm okay, I have a new pen coming in the mail thanks to Daps so I'm looking forward to drawfagging again soon!
yes a chance to post my meme again
let us know what you buy
i think you should get curse of fenric. not got it but the features sound great and it'll be my next who buy. it's 2 discs and has the special edition cut where they made it into a 103 minute long film.
Surprised we don't have a "Pathetic." one yet
is the tv movie blu ray any good? i feel like i heard about some issues with the frame rate, and i hate it when you can watch a film and you can tell it's slightly fast and the audio's a slightly higher pitch. not sure if i should get the blu ray or just the revisitations box set, which i'm leaning towards because i don't own caves or talons either.
I haven't written much.
who should it be?
t. pigbinjosh
Nice try, though.
I have completed the chart.
i'm thinking clara
you can't be best friends with more than one person rreeeeee
I immediately thought of Amy because of the hair
>Kilgrave pic
I approve
You could add 'friends' to Chantho and Cloister
I dunno what Guy With An Art Degree is doing with that tho, we only seem to relate with art shit and occasionally weeb shit
Sure you can!
Also I forgot to add that I have nothing against nilso, what's up with that? We've had comfy casualwhostream memery :(
amy would be good actually, i'm sure i can picture her making that face but i can't think where
I feel I'm closer with Edge then Cats, though I'm friends with both.
cats btfo
Also, I'm friendly with Cloister and Belle.
I'm still friends with cats, bucko.
oh god, check the stream. poor cats...
I mean you're definitely one of my close friends, so I'd put you higher too
Some bad news guys. Cats passed away. He and I actually know each other and well, I just thought I would pass the news on. So yeah. Sorry if I brought any of you down. If anyone has any kind words, I'll gladly write them down and pass them onto his bull.
He passed in his sleep, so there was no pain... god this sucks.
Ahh, thanks.
Looking closer at the chart...does Belle even know Lymerence?
The pony one is a fucking masterpiece.
>I'll gladly write them down and pass them onto his bull
caught me off-guard
>look mom I posted it again
>sean spicer
fucking kek
>Immigrant loves Neo and hates McGanon
Poor lym. All those unrequited feelings.
That's not what's on the chart...
Yes it is? You have unrequited love for Neo who only views you as a friend. And you consider yourself an enemy of McGanon but like Neo, she considers you a friend.
Imagine if this was a Capaldi finale. People would have been shitting on it for years.
But because it's a Tennant episode it gets a free pass.
For the record, I am on friendly terms with both Neo and McGanon.
Don't most people shit on it anyway though?
Immigneo > NeGanon
Also, it's clear this chart was made by someone who wasn't around for the many convos that Cloister and me had in-thread, or that Belle helped me out while I was getting voices for the Small Beginnings audios.
/who/ minecraft server when?
I'd do it if I remembered how to run one, I think the ways you go about setting one up has also changed over the years (I haven't made one in like 4 years)
I would have to redownload minecraft and would only dick around, I don't have the time to get invested in mining and building elaborate shit but more power to you desu
throwing my support in as one of the yes votes
it'd need to be a cracked server though as i'm assuming only a few people here have accounts
quick post your favourite marigold masterpieces
When does the doctor who copyright expire? or will the government just say no?
I'm laughing at the image of, in the future, some girl saying "Finally I can make my own Who continuity" and the Parliament just come up to her doorstep and say "No!"
Can't they just renew it?
I'm pretty sure they can renew it if it's still being used
>mfw Cloister won't live to see any Doctor Who copyright expire
>Listening to Blood of the Daleks
>Hear Red Rocket Rising
>Didn't get McGann beating off dogs
if this actually happened where would big finish be today? would night of the doctor have happened?
okay lads im feeling a bit better about my math test, i should hopefully know enough by tuesday to get the mark i need
whats /who/ with you?
fuck me does mqu seriously still have exams this late in november?
yeah exam period doesnt end until fucking December
As for a minecraft account this christmas
The U.N.I.T van in Llandudno was apparently something to do with s4c (welsh tv channel) scoping out a location, weird they reuse a van like that though.
How do you pronounce Llandudno?
I pronounce it starting with a soft V or hard F
Hard L 'Lhan-did-no' .Welcome to wales.
only just noticed gatiss holding a vhs tape in the clip. do you think 12 will show 1 some classic eps to convince him to regenerate?
>...ah, and this is peri, my american friend who liked to wear-
>oh yes i do think i will change after all
S4C UNIT spin off series WHEN?
>yfw gatiss finds the missing episodes