Is Scrooge Mc Duck really smarter than this? Some how, I have my doubts

Is Scrooge Mc Duck really smarter than this? Some how, I have my doubts.

Well how smart is your average smartie really? Did he mean he was smarter than one or a combined package?

I think he was saying he was smarter than the copyrighted brand itself.

Bold words McDuck.

The real question - is he tougher than this?

Well I mean he's not smart enough to know you can't fucking dive headfirst into a heap of metal without breaking your neck.



>doesnt know about mcduck microvibrations

>Scrooge shitposting is going to become a thing on Sup Forums
Truly 2017 is shaping up to be a great year.

>implying he didnt outsmart the owners and bought them

>Americans don't get the superior chocolate Smarties
>only get chalky sugar pucks

I don't think this thread is really shitposting, here.

McDuck despite all is an honest hardworking man, and extremely tough on himself. He wouldn't make such a claim if it wasn't true

he's richer than Nestle.

I hope the new show brings back the explanation from the comics about how he knows how to do this without getting hurt so that this meme will die already.

Yes -- and he made it square!

That's were being tougher than the thoughies comes into play

Funny how both of them used to be a big deal.

Wasn't the quote: "Tougher than the toughies and SHARPER than the SHARPIES".?

Wasn't there an exact scene in the original series where Huey, Dewey, and Louie try to jump in after Scrooge and they bounce off because they don't know how to do it.

The very first Scrooge story makes fun of this and is even used to defeat the Beagle Boys by tricking them into taking a dive. He just can, user. He just can.

>Scrooge in pooper

>tfw you just want to talk about Carl Barks but it's just going be threads full of people shitting on the new show