>Odin just died

>Odin just died
>Hela shows up
>must insert a funny quip
>Banner fucking dies
>turn it into a funny moment
>Asgard gets fucking destroyed
>More funny quips!!
Fuck normies and their "superhero movies must be fun!!" mentality that drove all these directors to bloat their movies with stupid quips

Other urls found in this thread:


>Banner fucking dies
I watched the caprip, guy just falls down and smacks on the ground like a ragdoll. He's fucking dead. It's horrifying. And the audience laughs!

>falls down
>Thor quips “he didn’t fly so good!”

Disgusting. I walked out of the theater.


It was kino and I saw it twice

Did the same thing happen in the hulk movie but they cut before he hit the ground?

Yeah, because it's well known in the MCU that even if Banner shoots himself in the head with a gun he turns into the Hulk and spits it back out. Everybody laughed because they knew it was never going to be anything to worry about.

I don't remember a funny quip from when Hela showed up, I seem to remember Odin's death being dealt with without the moment being spoilt.

The OPs third point is where I agree though. We didn't need that quip there it just spoilt the scene. That being said, Ragnarok was made explicitly as a comedy, so that's why the film is like it.

Almost. It's not as graphic as in Thor.

Thor isn't a serious movie ruined by quips. it's a full-on action comedy with a few serious moments. Don't know why angry Sup Forums posters have so much trouble dealing with that. Oh wait, yes I do, it's because they are anally ravaged DC fans yearning for their spandex-wearing gay icons to be taken seriously for some reason...

I think he more refers to the whole "if I turn into the hulk again, I'm not coming back" thing. Though surely any of the numerous people with mind powers should be able to help him.

> in the head
In the mouth. It's always presented as indestructible hulk taking over before any harm can be done to fragile banner. He can't turn into a hulk if he's already dead, it won't help. He's not wolverine, he doesn't have fast regeneration(not as far as I know of). He falls from a plane, he hits the ground, he doesn't turn into a hulk just moments before the impact -> he's dead. Most of his bones are broken and his internal organs are ruptured. Most likely just broke his neck too, resulting in an instant death. And they hold a shot on his lifeless copse too, for good 3-4 seconds.
But yeah, we all know he can't really die, surely he'll come back, let's laugh at this gruesome scene.

I enjoyed the banner bit desu

As a point, it is already established that he can jump out of a plane, hit the ground, then, after these events, turn into the hulk. It's what they did in the hulk movie ages ago.

blame GotG for introducing "awkward quips anywhere" style and succeed
and blame BvS "wannabe nolan grim dark" style and failed

You sure get triggered by levity. Are you deep in the spectrum, champ? Not everything has to be dour and miserable like your life.

I know, the video above is exactly that scene. It's intentionally show vaguely, you can't really see what hits the ground: banner or hulk. I always assumed he started transforming just moments before hitting the ground, because that makes sense. Transformation is triggered when there's inevitable life-threatening harm is coming to banner, or by fear of it. Like that reference to bullet, he shot himself in the mouth but his mouth ceiling hardened faster than the bullet could penetrate it, Hulk took over. Like falling from a plane, he hardened faster than the sudden stop could break his body.
But not here. Sound logic and established lore should be thrown away, in service of cheap laughs. Yeah, totally worth it.

>muh lore
You're watching a comedy user


So? It's not an absurdist comedy. It's supposed to follow at least it's own internal logic and established rules of the world.
Also, "you're not supposed to take it seriously, just shut off your brain and enjoy the fun" is the weakest argument of them all, and you know it.

Already deleted it. If the thread it still alive when I download it again, I'll post it.

what is wrong wit you

>"Super heroes must be fun!"

>Is upset about that

Bro, do you honestly expect depth from capeshit?

kys brainlet pleb


How did that work out for you DCuck? Got that "Certified Fresh" and that huge box office? KEK


>Banner fucking dies
What the fuck are you talking about? He gets up from that fall and turns into the Hulk. Part of the joke is him acting hurt.

All of that reasoning is based on assumptions. You assume your interpretation is the correct one. I do not believe it is established in the films, but in the comics, hulk certainly does have a healing factor. Even if Banner survived for half a second from his initial impact, that would be enough to start the process.

Besides, I've always interpreted it as being that he hulked out after the bullet went into his brain, and after he hit the floor. This film for me, merely confirmed that was how it worked.

rip david banner ;_;

This. Asgard's destruction was fucking hilarious. A giant rock monster flailing around and talking about how he's going to destroy everything in a boring, monotone while no one pays attention is pure Taika.


>>Banner fucking dies
>>turn it into a funny moment
that's because it is a funny moment, nobody actually thinks he dies in that scene

Yeah that was brilliant. Only thing spoiling anything there for me was Korg. He could have just been quiet and let the moment happen


get lost freak show.

When Asgard was destroyed all Agardians were just shocked and had a blank stare.

It was just the rock guy that tried to motivate them again.

Is that the last time we see him?

So he's not going to be in Infinity War is he.

Next time we see him, he's already a hulk, saving the day.

Wasnt he back to normal on the refugee ship at the end?

>says he'll download it again and post it
>does it
Good job, user.

What the fuck was that?

Banner jumping out of a spaceship saving the day.

I don't see what the problem is here. He fell, broke most of his bones like a stupid shit and was dying of injuries before Hulk took over and saved both their asses. Next time we see him he'll be fine, stop being such a wuss and enjoy Marvel movies user. Why do you have to be so fucking difficult, why can't you just be like everyone else and ENJOY OUR FUCKING MOVIES YOU STUPID LITTLE SHIT???

>Infinity War without Hulk when everyones gonna be looking forward to Hulk vs. Thanos
ha ha no

Idk if I'm being b8d, but it's clearly funny because of the way he nonchalantly jumps out of the plane.

Now that he's turned into the hulk again, does that mean he's basically stuck that way now?
Didn't he say something about not being able to get control again if it happened?

I always took this as implying the fear of falling stresses Banner out and he Hulks out before he hits the ground.

he assumed. Honestly though, it's probably just for when mark leaves the role, they can just have 100% hulk

He's permanently Hulk now, probably.

He said he was scared of that happening, but it's a comic book movie that includes characters who can literally alter reality. Plus, Black Widow is still around, and if a video could cure Bruce before, seeing her in person will probably do something.

Bruce being "stuck" as the Hulk is probably the easiest problem for a future movie to solve in the whole franchise.

rip banner

>he doesn't have fast regeneration(not as far as I know of)
Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, comics Hulk is regularly shown to have very good healing. Good enough that if he is badly wounded somehow, he can survive wounds which should easily have him bleed out.


Tony Stark can probably fix it.

I felt that the Korg humour didn't really work at any point. And they needed ONE other character to be taking the gladiator stuff seriously. Also, he looked quite rubbery.
Fuck Korg, basically.

It doesn't have to be dark, but it doesn't have to shoe horn in quips at inappropriate moments either

Considering the terminal velocity of a human falling is less than the muzzle velocity of a gun and that the transformation is faster than a bullet I suppose you’re wrong. Falling is 100% non lethal


I assumed he was talking more about the mentality of being 'tied up in the trunk' or however he put it. Not that he was definitely physically stuck next time it happened. And he's got Wanda, Strange and Widow to help him get back to being Banner.

I disagree with the guy you replied to but you’re a fucking idiot

>everyone who thought of this ""film"" as anything less than perfect is clearly a DC shill!!

>i-it's SUPPOSED to be funny! puh-please ignore all the plot holes and the fact that this movie is nothing like the previous two and has a dramatic shift in style to be identical to the other mind numbingly cookie-cutter MCU movies
>n-no you're wrong, a movie can be funny AND serious at the same time!!1 so what if every serious moment of this film is undermined by recycled quips and jokes
>why are you taking the brutal destruction of asgard so seriously?

>fact that this movie is nothing like the previous two and has a dramatic shift in style to be identical to the other mind numbingly cookie-cutter MCU movies
Thank fuck for that. The first two films were utter shit.

christ, i can't believe this

my turds are big

mfw you reply to my post which was about how the destruction of asgard was not allowed to be taken seriously as if it was endorsement of it.

just saw this and have to say that Sup Forums was full of shit, this movie was great.

there were literally two black people in all of asgaard. Scrapper was very very clearly not the valkyrie character from the comics and I have no clue why people made that connection to begin with, probably normies who don't know what they're talking about.


Jokes? In a comedic, light-hearted movie? Blasphemy.

It's almost like OP doesn't understand tone.

>we gave up LOTR style fantasy kino for a carbon copy of Guardians of the Galaxy


Thor 2 was fantasy kino, why did they fuck up so much.

The usual.
>it was BORING

>"dude people that watch our movies can't seem to focus their attention for more than 20 seconds, lets change it but this time add in a quip or snarky comment every 30 seconds!"
>"why, thats genius!"

>movie starts getting too gloomy
>insert an appropriate joke to elevate the mood and maintain the movie's overall tone
>this is bad according to people who don't know movies
Hey remember in Ghostbusters where they made jokes because it's a comedy because the scene itself was getting a little too scary what a bad movie amirite?


It just works.

There were maybe one or two written jokes in ghostbusters remake, rest was just nonstop flat improv.

Banner turns into Hulk even if he gets a bullet in his head, but you guys think a fall might kill him? It's cartoon level humor because these movies are cartoons at heart. The fact that you people are taking them seriously is a sign of autism.

funniest part of the movie, not sure what you guys are complaining about

Many here on Sup Forums made posts saying that they (surprisingly) enjoyed it and how it managed to outshine GOTG2 in what it set out to do. Contrarians are just coming out now that Justice League is doing badly.

I was talking about actual Ghostbusters not Answer the Call. Remember how they "ruined" the scary opening scene by cutting away from the librarian as she screams to a cartoon ghost with an upbeat theme song? Man, it's almost like that movie wasn't a serious movie at all. Almost like it wasn't a horror film but, rather, a comedy. But nah it's just shit fuck the original Ghostbusters they don't understand movies like I do, I'm the expert, I'm the authority who tells you when you can and can't make a joke in your fucking movie.

Have you even watched the film?
you're a fucking idiot if you honest think what you just wrote is the case.
I will even take the first fucking opening scene:
>serious moment: "I'm going to kill assgard!!"
interrupted by a quip:
>"sorry can you wait for me to swing back around!"
Sure thats funny. Tension relieved by humour, so clever. But no, thats not the fucking end of it:
>back to being serious: "as I was saying, I will destroy your home with my fir-"
then they literally repeat the same FUCKING joke again. Do people who watch these movies seriously not have an attention span of more then 10 fucking seconds?
Then the movie tries to make me its bitch by expecting me to see be invested when it goes back to being serious (for the 3rd fuckin time), just so it can fuck me with another stupid fucking quip, most times just being the same joke used a mere 20 seconds earlier.
If the movie plays the "oh you thought it was a serious moment? haha fuck you heres a quip!" twice in a row, i'm going to lose interest. I'm not going to invest myself in whats happnening in the movie if the movie is just going to ruin it with a cheap quip

> Almost like it wasn't a horror film but, rather, a comedy.
But surprisingly enough, it still managed to have a couple really scary moments. Librarian scene, even undercut by upbeat song, was still scary. Zuul scene with the fridge was scary. Tully turning into a dog was scary. Gozer was scary and threatening.

>fag detected

"Yeah but it was completely ruined by all the jokes!" - a mouthbreathing idiot like you


I totally agree, the original Ghostbusters film was terrible for ruining all its tense scenes with fucking quips. Fuck that movie. Worst movie ever.

Doing it twice is fine. People don't exactly see the same joke coming again, and if it worked the first time, it'll work more the second time. In fact, doing it again so soon allows you to piggyback laughs (it creates a situation where they're still laughing over the first joke and then it comes again and they laugh harder). In general, if you go over three times, you've gone too far, but that's a guideline, not a rule.

Still don't see why comedy can't be in a comedy movie.

It wasn't. Librarian scene cuts to song only when it's over. Nobody said something stupid like "That lady had a nasty breath!". Zuul scene is not undercut with anything. "who brough the dog" was the only comedy in the other scene, rest is just terrifying monster creature rampaging on the streets. Nobody quipped at Gozer.

Repetition is one of the oldest and most common comedic techniques there is fag
Austin Powers for example is regarded as one of the best comedy movies and it's full of it

It was hilarious

I thought it was funny at the time, it just looked like a delayed Hulk transformation and no big deal. But looking back on it, it does look as though Banner is permanently ded now and it's all Hulk all the time.

its not even the repetition that annoys me, its that the movie keeps trying to get you invested in serious emotional moments, only to routinely say "fuck you bro!" and ruin it with a quip, and then repeat the entire thing all over again.
Like using my previous example, after the second time they made the swinging around joke, i didn't really care what Surtur was saying, because i felt like they were just going to fuck me for getting invested by ruining it with a quip.
Gaurdians of the Galaxy vol 2 was extremely guilt of it as well, and I didn't like that one either

The sad fucking thing is you actually care. You actually want your capeshit to have some inherent gravitas and somber moments as if it's not superheroes flying at each other with a giant green man roaring. You want this to be taken seriously.

No, actually, the sad thing is me. You probably grew up with Downey, Jr. as Iron Man. Had a little lunchbox with him and everything. You know no other reality, and what you are now watching is the corruption of your childhood. Meanwhile I'm an old fuck who was skeptical of this when it first came out and feel I can snarkily put down younger people for having different childhood heroes than I.

Why the fuck would you see a Marvel movie if that bothers you? That's been a staple of their movies from the beginning. You have no one to blame but yourself
This movie was a lot of things but unfunny wasn't one of them, I'd say the jokes landed a lot more than the other Marvel movies (probably because they had an actual comedy director this time)

>Sup Forums now pretending that Thor 2 is good to appear contrarian

You people are like Sup Forums, too predictable and stupid.

The scene wasn't over at all. The tense and horrorific scene is interrupted by a fun, upbeat song and a cartoon ghost mid-reaction, mid-scream.

>Zuul scene is not undercut with anything.
Except the entire scene was played as comedic when she retells it to other characters. Eggs popping and an alternate dimension in your refrigerator is pretty funny stuff on its own anyways.

>"who brough the dog" was the only comedy in the other scene
You mean where Tully is running through the city in a comedic fashion screaming about a bear in his apartment (which the doorman repeats in comedic disbelief) and then he's tripping over chairs and trying to get into the restaurant but nobody lets him in, and then he quips "maybe I have a milkbone" as the monster approaches, and everyone inside the restaurant turns as he's mauled (and the music stops) but shrug it off and go back to eating (and the music replays)? Yeah, that's fucking comedic.

>Nobody quipped at Gozer.
That scene is FULL of some of the most famous quips from that movie. There's the whole "go get her Ray" thing, which leads into Ray's autistic speech where he introduces himself as the "duly appointed representative of the city, state, and county of New York" and then tells her to go back to her home or "nearest parallel dimension," which leads to "When someone asks you if you are a god, you say yes!" And, of course, all that leads to A GIANT MARSHMALLOW MAN ATTACKING THEM.

Lord almighty, it's okay to not get movies, but you need to stop acting like you understand them when you don't. It's fine for jokes to be in a "serious" scene when the movie isn't trying to be serious. In fact, it's pretty good that they do that to maintain an overall tone.

You're comparing tryhard with givenup in that pic - we need something in the middle

The movie isn't trying to get you " invested in serious emotional moments." The movie is trying to be a comedic action movie, which it does well. You're faulting a movie for your own misunderstanding of the movie.

I saw GotG 2 because I liked the first one.
I originally wasn't going to see thor 3, but my dad wanted to see it so I went with him while i was town.
Also, you idiot, how am I supposed to decide as to whether i like something or not without going to see it? unlike you, i don't form my opinion from what the rest of the fuckers on this board tell me to think

If you want a serious movie maybe try watching something that isn't based on a fucking breakfast cereal.