DC's answer to the Avengers won't even break a 100 million first weekend

>DC's answer to the Avengers won't even break a 100 million first weekend.

What went wrong?

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This killed any interest in Justice League for literally everyone


they added 3 characters that no one gives a fuck about

On top of the 3 existing characters no one gives a fuck about


It was something people hadn't see in 2012 when The Avengers happened, and it was perfectly led up to with the solo films Iron Man, Thor, Iron Man 2, and Captain America: The First Avenger (Hulk was not important movie, also different actor).
People were already fatiguing on the idea of the big superhero team-up movie by the time the sequel Avengers 2: Age of Ultron came out.
So DC inherits the problems of a fatigued audience, in addition with failing to properly set up their own movie. Who are Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg? if I am a casual movie-goer I don't know these characters. I don't care.
If they straight forward stole the Marvel formula: Superman movie, Batman movie, Aquaman movie, Wonder Woman movie, Batman sequel, and THEN Justice League, it might have worked. That is assuming those movies were horrible eye-hurting confusing Snyderfests.

Jackie Chan, Blade Runner and Ace Ventura are better detective movies than anything Detective Comics shits out.

>We're living in a world where Deadpool, Suicide Squad, Guardians of the fucking galaxy have all made more money than a fucking Justice League movie first weekend.

>called detective comics
>batman is literally only one thats a detective
shouldve stuck with action comics

>What went wrong?
Whites are sick of the jew SJW propganda shit.

muh violent nazi skinhead attacks the poor peaceful muslim immigrants
muh white bank robbers scaring the poor multy culty kids in the bank
muh aqua man/batman global warming is going to kill us all scene
muh gay jew flash is bullied by the big cis wasp white male
muh evil white devil at the multy culty stronk woman lgbtq island with the men are stupid comment

and that's just like the first 10-15 minutes

(((hollywood))) needs to burn, nothing but propaganda at this point

Justice League is opening to literally less than half of The Avengers opening weekend.


Leslie Nielson is a better detective than Batman.

did you recently make a mindhunters thread by any chance?

>(((hollywood))) needs to burn
people say this all the time. this needs to burn. that needs to burn. they need to be hanged. those got to be killed. do do do, but really after living so many years. nah, your a weird ass civilian and nothing more.

You think that's bad? If JUSTice League has BvS level drops, it's end domestic tally won't even be $200m, less than Thor 2, Dr. Strange, and Avengers opening weekend

savage post bruh xD

I can only imagine how many bottles of champagne Iger, Fiege and their crew are popping tonight.

WB done goofed.

>Whites are sick of the jew SJW propganda shit.

doubt it considering WW sucess this year

The truth

>Marquee tent pole movie can't crack $100 million opening weekend with no major competition

Jesus Christ, realistically what is its ceiling if it can't even do that?

Most kids are out for thanksgiving holiday now too. There is literally no excuse for this shit.


I bought tix for BvS weeks in advance, I used points for JL two days before the first showing, and got back row centre seats.

Almost $2000 more screen, I'm sure the theatres appreciated Marvel for that extra business, especially in concessions



you'll see none of that money you marvel fuck

My theater had 6 people in it on Friday, I shit you not.
The couple in front of us fell asleep.

>not having stock in Disney
Cry more poor-fag

I was the only one in my theater. It felt awkward.

they should've just stuck to tv. there's like 9 dc shows on right now

So is this it?

Is this the end for Snyder?

Looks like it.

It's not doing well overseas either.

This is bad.

and reminder that Pixar kino is going to be next week

>what went wrong?

>What went wrong?

You can't fault him, he was brought in with the explicit order to put in more quips and make the movie more lighthearted.

*inserts quips*

fucking Nolan's going to have to reboot DC AGAIN to save it

>What went wrong?
All the previous DCEU movies. You can only burn people so many times before they're not willing to give you a chance anymore.

Which is a shame, since even though this movie has a lot of faults, actually managed to be enjoyable. BvS and Suicide Squad were so shitty, though.

I have not seen it but I'm wondering if the justice league talked to each other with invisible ear pieces like in Avengers... did they?

>$300 million

JL going down in flames is detrimental to capeshit as a whole. Marvel doesn't want DC to fail on this level.

they wanted to defeat marvel at all costs instead of focusing on a sure profit (let's remember disney has spent a lot on the marvel icencese recently while wb initial investment in dc paid off a long time ago already) and letting the director do his thing

they thought they could reach star wars levels at the box office with reshoots and studio notes

Its the fucking THIRD thor movie competing against the JUSTice League one of the most iconic team ups with the biggest name superheros and it fucking flops my god reboot it already

has there ever been an example of reshoots resulting in a good movie?

Like sure they probably improve plenty of movies they happen in but does turning a terrible movie into an only slightly bad movie even matter?

When have reshoots ever made a bad movie good?

>give 2 years, hire new actors, call it a reboot and try again
I wish studios didn't actually think this way, I wish they would fail at something and then try something new instead of ramming their head over and over again into a popular IP until they completely kill its commercial viability

This is the first time theyve done a justice league movie though right?

They should just do some standalone movie with other characters not tied to a greater universe to get their style down.

Compare the DC and Marvel output in the last ten years and Marvel has been consistent with about 2+ movies per year and DC just have this slow monotonous slog

just watched it a couple of hours ago, definitely the weakest film out of Snyder's trilogy. I'm a huge fan of Snyder btw but this just felt flat.

- Didn't feel a huge stake in all of the fighting. Didn't really made me care about that Russian family though

- Horrible pacing. BvS pacing was because it was gutted, this one felt pasted and fast forwarded just to move to the ending.

- Gal Gadot's horrible horrible acting. Who the fuck thought of giving her so much screentime? WW worked since Pine carried her, this one I felt like I want to bang my head on the chair everytime she spoke.

- Post Credit scenes. This one is definitely Whedon's. Snyder doesn't do post credit scenes.

- Batman's quip was bad

= Cavill's face looked fine. The editted face was'nt really noticeable

= I really wish Cyborg's story was given more screentime, he really needed the background story

= Once Superman manhandled Step, it didn't really felt there was any danger in the movie

+ Superman BTFOing JL was awesome

+ Aquaman sitting on the rope was funny

+ Flash's quippy character was funny

Overall it was pretty ok movie. Quite weak for a team up movie though

>What went wrong?
They went from making an alternative to Marvel movies to just making Marvel-like movies. Problem is, we've already gotten three Marvel movies this year, with one coming out fairly recently. We didn't need a fourth one, DC.

DC fucked up by bringing in Josh Whedon to "fix" their movie, especially considering he's at his most hated point in his career right now, where absolutely nobody likes him.

It flopped because in terms of capeshit Batman > Anything Marvel makes > Everything else from DC. Aquaman is literally a joke character mocked by all normie type shows like Family Guy for his gay abilities. Flash is just blant and unappealing as always, compare him to somebody like Quicksilver from Xmen movies. Superman is the dumbest most boring hero in existence. Everything from his secret identity to "master of all trades" superpowers is borderline cringy just as that one fucking asshole kid who would pretend to be completely invincible in a kid's superheroes pretend play. Batman can't have quips because the Gotham universe is a finely crafted world that just works on its own. On the other hand, every other DC hero is a corny, cringy stereotype that would fit in perfectly in Marvel's quip feast machine. This blatant antagonism in character's background and motives combined with the fact that DC writers seem to be stuck in early 00s and late 90s when it comes to writing dialogue just fucks everything up.

>A week in advance.
>Watching cape shit.


>DC flagship literally tanking
Does the DCEU even have a future? Reset is the only option. And the top brass should be executed in public, or at least get fired

>Didn't really made me care about that Russian family though
I'm postive that whole useless subplot was added by Whedon in reshoots.

Justice Leage isn't DC's answer to the Avenger, it's DC's answer to Suicide Squad.


If you told me 5 years ago that a fucking Thor movie would beat out a fucking JUSTICE LEAGUE movie, I would've thought you were legally insane.

How the fuck can you fuck up this badly DC.

It was doomed from the moment they let a fucking Marvel employee take the helm of thier most important asset

That's because only retarded pleb amerifats judge movies by the money they made. Same thing happened with Blade Runner 2049. In a few years movies like Batman v. Superman and Justice League will be remembered for the special kind of cape kino they are, while Marvel movies will be judged for what they are -entertaining, but certainly bland and forgettable.

>Justice League being beaten by Thor 3
Just sell the entire franchise to Disney already, we might get a proper movie then

That doesn't change the fact that JL is being beaten out by Thor, critically and financially.

That Marvel employee who pulled in almost $3B with two movies?

I'm sad boys, reboots are never the answer, chances of a reboot now?

I'ma miss cavill, fuck everyone else.

Bury DC. It's dead.

Marvel won and we reign supreme now.

>What went wrong?
Thor 3: Cate Blanchett

It reminds me of fantasy football, where Marvel has a 80pt lead, DC's QB threw 3 inteceptions, and all they have left is their K and DEF going into Monday

Audiences still think Aquaman is gay af and Cyborg is a cartoon character

Also normies reeing over Grant Gustin getting recast

Wonder woman has a man jaw and hook nose, cyborg is shoehorned in harder than if they added Robin or Nightwing, and who gives a fuck about aquaman? They're all BORING to see. I'd rather watch Captain America kick ass not some shiny WW party city costume

I liked JL more than the avengers. Fight me right now.

>Superman can keep up with the Flash speed
This is the most retarded decision in all capeshit cinematic universes

JL's visuals and action were superior, and its best gags were better than Avengers best ones

jew agenda

God damn it must be nice being Kevin Fiege right about now

The JL disaster speaks for itself

Imagine if Ant-Man 2 ends up with a bigger opening weekend than Justice League

As much as some parts Whedon detracted from the movie, and there were a number of them, I bet some of the better jokes were him as well. The 2hr mandate hurt more than the reshoots, and it's still Synder's name in the credits.

>won't even break a 100 million first weekend.

Is this bait? The $100M number is for domestic box office. Avengers made almost twice the amount in the same time period, and maybe twice JL's lifetime world gross as well, unadjusted for inflation.

All time India opening:
>JL 8M
>Toilet movie 13M
This shit lost to toilet movie. Motherfucking toilet movie had bigger opening in India

It probably will because nobody takes seriously Marvel movies and if you are told to go and watch it, you go; if you are told it's (as always) a good movie with 99% score it becomes your new princess to fight for.

What can we do to make this film better now that Snyder is gone? I know, let's add completely flat and lifeless scenes of:

>two people talking for five minutes by a lake

>two people talking for five minutes in a plane

>two people talking for five minutes in an office

>also any time something interesting might be about to happen let's jump back to a Russian family nobody cares about being very scared.

Marvel made people love characters they didn't give a fuck about.

WB/DC made people not give a fuck about characters they love.


"Opening weekend" refers to the domestic box office alone, mate
Thor Ragnarok made $123m in its opening weekend in the USA, and~$430m if you also include foreign box offices

how do you go about removing facial hair in post? do they use 3D lips or do they actually blend his skin in photoshop frame by frame?

That's some true shit

It didn't make anywhere near 430 in its opening weekend you idiot.


Snyder, and his daughter's suicide

If you told me 5 years ago that in US a movie about Wonder Woman would beat every Thor!

If you told me 5 years ago that in US a movie about Suicide Squad would beat every Thor!

But hey, people must think Thor is successful so what can we do to save it? Yeaaaah, let's speak about Justice League and say it's a mess; and let's say it's over after 1-day box office (same income as WW). Let's say that if it doesn't work as with Marvel movies it's the end for DCEU.

However for Thor is over anyway, dear friends, no matter its whole income. You won't have another standalone movie on our beloved asgardian... king? Prince? Slave? W-what is he now? You will see him in some Avengers movie in the future. Maybe.

Better than the actual Justice League soundtrack, it was so fucking dull.

>If you told me 5 years ago that in US a movie about Wonder Woman would beat every Thor!

This honestly wouldn't be that surprising, and I love how you need to put in the "in the US" because the international market kills your narative.

I attended today.
Look, I liked the movie.
It could have been better, and the villain is a cliché.
But it's not that bad.
I said here I was going to ask if my girlfriend noticed something on Superman's face: she did not notice. But for me it was clear at least 2x.
About memorable scene failure: The Superman resurrection dps fight is the closest to it, because the scenes with Steppenwolf are pretty much the same.

The brother issue is not dying or living for a thing like that, but rather the partiality that a professional in the area has and should not have to comment and outline his opinion about something that is competing with his preference.
I will never stop watching a movie, or read a book or do something because of what the critic says. But unfortunately today many people fail to do so. It seems that these people have no opinion of their own or simply think they have to think like most.
That is why I believe that the opinion of people who are "specialized" or who work in the medium of communication in which they express their opinions should be more impartial to their preferences. After all, this is fun but involves the employment of many people!

People take things very seriously. And that's just a movie review. This is not normal for people.

No it is not, movies have quality independent of the taste ... this is the evil of our century, everything is subjective .. that is why they consider zoophilia art ..

Bots are creepy

Muito bom, man. Qual sua nota final pro filme?

>being remembered in any shape or form in the following years
my sides
this is just a depressing fad like the zombie fad or the frankenstein fad were decades ago