Is Sup Forums excited for the arrival of The incredibles 2?
I am
Is Sup Forums excited for the arrival of The incredibles 2?
I am
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I’m excited for the inevitable shadman incest porn of it.
> That reservation in her voice when she says 'I don't think so'
> Ends up a housewife
it will be full of sjw bs calling it right now
Seriously. This.
that's the first thing I thought about too lel
Honestly I'm disappointed that it seems to be picking up immediately after the first one. I think I would've preferred it to at least be a few years later. Also the fact that the whole teaser was about the baby doesn't bode well.
I haven't even seen the first one.
Grooming a new generation of men-hating ultra-feminists I see
>being excited for things
NuMale beta fag reddit soyboy detected.
>Ends up a housewife
This was depicted as bad. Remember, Mr. Incredible got stuck working as an insurance company.
Yeah, and Mr Incredible ends up a wagecuck working a job he hates in a tiny cubicle. What’s your point?
the animation in her face is kind of fucked honestly
how will they shit on the original?
I agree but I get it that the characters are kids and it would be weird to see dash as a teenager etc. especially since they are so stylistically designed as kids
Can we please not talk about shadman?
The Incredibles 2 is teased and all you faggots can talk about is incest porn. I'm not on for fuck's sake.
not really excited but i will see it because i enjoyed the first movie. if it was a live-action movie i would be excited because live-action dash would be so handsome.
No. Disappointed it is set immediately after the first one and just appears to be a cash-in years later.
>Ends up a housewife with a fat brappable ass
That was the whole bit, Bob was talking about being done with the gig and wanting to be a family man but as soon as he saw the reality he wanted nothing more than to be a vigilante again, meanwhile Helen has this whole spitfire personality, and then has to quietly keep house as her husband and kids raise hell.
Trailer needed more thicc
I'm more excited for the porn to be honest
>it may push him to continue the storyline
why would you want the porn to be honest? dishonest porn is best porn, moron.
I'm christian, dishonest porn goes against what I believe
There is "honest" porn?
I just wish there was more porn of Helen inserting Violet's head on her pussy.
Because there is nothing worse than a lying whore cunt.
>Is Sup Forums excited for the arrival of The incredibles 2
I'm not, maybe you should go ask reedit instead, Pajeet.
how about you stop smelling your own farts and start thinking before you write things and post them online? Unlike the miserable life you like, blasting out loud farts in your bedroom all day, farting and farting, some of us really enjoy good animated movies. I suppose anything more cerebral than watching videos of asses making funny farts for 30 minutes doesn't retain your attention. Go back to farting and fouling the air of somebody else's thread, please.
Not really. She genuinely cared about her family.
>implying he's got time to ever do another comic when he's so busy making porn of the latest FOTM twitter meme.
You can't get any more christian than vanilla.
the OP is ironic considering the first Incredibles is actually pretty redpilled
>white family lose freedom, forced into submission by egalitarian state
>showcases overpopulation and mass congestion once forced equality is in place
>showcases how conformity, especially among labour work destroys the soul
>the tragedy of syndrome, a young man who admired the beauty of the white nuclear family was too manipulated by (((materialism))), this incompatible mix inadvertently corrupts him
> vanilla
eh, 2/10 for effort
>watch Incredibles
>almost everyone is white
>bad guy is radical leftist
>heteronormative husband and wife
>happy marriage
>cute children
>daughter likes boys
>son will grow up to be a chad
It aged well too. I miss good movies without injected politics.
>see femdom
>get excited
>not even a hint of ball busting
yeah fuck that
>>bad guy is radical leftist
>not injecting politics
Isn’t Brad Bird an Objectivist? Ratatouille, The Iron Giant and The Incredibles are all about special people bucking the authoritarian control of their talent and rising above the common rabble who hate them.
>bad guy is radical leftist
>I miss good movies without injected politics
The absolute state of Sup Forumstards.
Fucking hell there's nothing I hate more in the world than Japanese censorship in their porn. ISIS could be systematically destroyed tomorrow and I couldn't feel happy because I'd know that hentai is still censored in ridiculous ways.
>bad guy is a radical leftist
What? can I get a quick rundown? I haven't seen this movie since I was a kid and I only remember that he was some assblasted fanboy of the dad.
Why do people, on Sup Forums of all places, get so worked up about Shadman? I've seen his porn. Compared to a lot of stuff out there its pretty mild. It's like you western media-exclusive fags have never look at an Asanagi or ShindoL doujin, let alone some Takotsuboya kino.
I'm assuming he is referring to the "if everyone is special nobody is" quote but honestly Sup Forumstards and especially Americans don't even know what "leftist" or "liberal" means
Because his art is terrible and he's scarcely improved. He has nothing close to a grasp on anatomy.
What bothers me is his popularity. There are plenty of much better artists out there who draw the same fetishes but people willingly settle for less.
He is talking out of his ass.
>white blonde aryan family with 3/2 birth rate fighting the jewish communist villain
What did Pixar mean by this?
He also ruined every sleepycast he was in
Quantity over Quality. Every fucking photo he does has a trap, non nude, child, different outfits, captions, not captioned. Same reason NETFLIX is so popular, the more you have the less people notice the flaws.
Pretend to hate Shad is a meme. Asking why people do that is like asking why people say UR A BIG GUY if Bane gets posted.
he needs to do more anne Frank
No, I didn't even know there was a first Incredible.
But I love the guy and I bet he's a right lad to talk to.
Also his Smoli stuff is great in a pinch,
especially if you're on hotel wifi or something.
what does it mean
It's what he calls his loli stuff
The Incredibles 2: Current Year
>Takes place 15 years after the events of the first movie
>Violet is married to Frozone's son
>Jack Jack is ostracized for liking boys in school but still tries his best to never use his powers or hurt anyone
>Dash is the new main villain after getting tired of his parents and Violet always telling him to hold himself back and hide who he is
>He believes Supers are superior to humans and they should worship them as gods
>Helen and Bob are too old to fight him and beg for him to stop but he doesn't listen
>Plot is Violet,Jack Jack and Frozone's son trying to stop Dash before he does irreparable damage to the already shakey reputation of supers
Hope it lives up to the first one.
Was kinda put off with the plan to have Elastigirl being the one on a mission as opposed to Mr Incredible.
Eh, kind of. Supposedly it picks up right at the end of the first one, meaning they had to recast Dash.
I was more interested in seeing how the characters had grown and developed between the two movies.
He becomes orange
Every single sequel is fucked up.
I loved cars and the second one is uttershit the third one is horseshit. They will fuck up this too.
Shadman's popularity comes with the fact he's really good at marketing himself with his dumb edgy personsality.
>Supposedly it picks up right at the end of the first one
Why, because a shitty short teaser?
this is funny as fuck
This. I think they are misleading people with this. They said it "starts right up where the last movie ended" but that doesn't mean it takes place there. they could easily have a fun cute intro sequence of the family fighting the underminer and then go into a montage of the kids growing up and funny antics while raising Jack Jack which would include that teaser scene.
I can't hate the guy
I want to ____ the bunny
shes so cute it hurts it bros
This is nu-Disney, there's no room for new ideas. We're stuck with the familiar
>that little door kick
every time
go on...
>got to looove the shadman
I'm excited for the return of that ass, if you know what I mean.
That is fucking vile.
It's canon.