When did surreal anti-humor become mainstream?

Tim and Eric wasn't that popular back when it premiered, but now everybody talks and acts like them. RLM, Eric Andre, Sup Forums, Filthy Frank, reddit, tumblr, mumkey jones, sam hyde. Even the popularity of Xavier Renegade Angel after the rick and morty meme is telling.

What does this say about society?

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>why do styles of humor change over time

But why is it popular now is the question. It's not as if it doesn't have precedent. You can trace it back to the Dadaists in the early 20th century. It just seems teenagers have finally discovered something that the cultural elite discovered through disillusionment and devastation over a century ago.

fuck off soyboy

you're not very good at making a point

RLM is not at all like Tim and Eric.

Tim and Eric is unwatchable garbage and I like RLM.

t. soyboy

Antithetical humor is tangential self-deprecation. A shallow veneer disguising self-hate. Literal woody allen disease

The chad knowingly deifies himself as better than anyone else. He doesn't have to disguise like a female.

>Tim and Eric

you mean Zach Galifianakis


It's called a "trend".

Only females follow trends.

Kill yourself soyboy

calling people "soyboy" is a trend

where's my chippy?

>t. soyboy

It's only unwatchable because they're not pretending to be your friends. They're aggressively antipathetic as opposed to the soft wannabe imitation varety offered by RLM that gives some sort of self-satisfaction for agreeing with their banal "disillusioned" tirades and you believing yourself to be above the "unwashed masses" even though you're actually one of them, another RLM subscriber, another redditor, another Sup Forums crossposter, another teengage faggot.


Was he ever really mainstream though? Sure he appeared on SNL, but the Osmonds were popular in the 70s

With The Simpsons, maybe with various Tree House of Horror episodes, or maybe 8x09 El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer. Maybe even 8x02 You Only Move Twice with Hank Scorpio. Or maybe Ren and Stimpy. Maybe even Seinfeld. Or South Park. Maybe some people would mention The State.

Then postmodern hipsters came along and that's that.

Satirical humor has been around forever only it used to not be as popular because it was expressed in a different medium (books some video games some older art house movies). These were seen as things only few people indulged in or they were seen as pretentious and sort of a coastal or city person type of thing to be into. Now the perception behind that type of comedy is different it's still not the only form of comedy out there tho

postmodernism started in the late 50's with pop art. andy Warhol is the postmodern hipster godfather. The question rather is are all these offshoots poor imitations, or are they enhanced extensions?

Taxi was a huge hit back then, that moved him more into the mainstream. Plus his antics on the late night shows kept Letterman afloat in the early years.


Gen X detachment. Cynicism, pop culture references, pointing the finger and calling everyone a hypocrite. It's amazing how much of culture still panders to this cohort.

Millenials have no unique voice . I guess our voice is insincere sincerity. Saying we care about issues but being completely full of shit...

Quality is usually something only derived from exclusivity. When everybody's an artist, when everybody's a comedian, nobody is. Is that the end of postmodernism? Is that the sociological comment?

Jesus dude, calm down a little yeah.

Well it wasn't mainstream then. And I don't know if Andy Warhol ever did anything funny.

Maybe it became mainstream with the animated film Yellow Submarine from 1968 with the Beatles.

MDE and Sup Forums aren't surreal, they're hyperreal.

Dada you fucking absolute child

the 50's to pstmodernism are like the 1910's ford modernism

the 60's are like the 20's

and the 70's are like the 30's

30's had marx brothers

70's had...

>I'm Iliterate!
Alright! Now that we've established that, you can kill yourself!


>Quality is usually something only derived from exclusivity.
For snobs and elitists maybe.

>When everybody's an artist, when everybody's a comedian, nobody is. Is that the end of postmodernism? Is that the sociological comment?
"The art world presents a curious aspect. It is as though art and artistic inspiration had entered a kind of stasis – as though everything which had developed magnificently over the several centuries had suddenly been immobilised, paralysed by its own image and its own riches. Behind the whole convulsive movement of modern art lies a kind of inertia, something that can no longer transcend itself and has therefore turned in upon itself, merely repeating itself at a faster and faster rate."

There "are no more fundamental rules" to differentiate art from not art, and "no more criteria of judgement or of pleasure."

"The aura of our world is no longer sacred -- no longer the numinous horizon of appearances -- but one of absolute merchandise. Its essence is advertising. At the heart of our universe of signs is a mischievous ad-man genie of publicity, a trickster, who has integrated the buffoonery of merchandising with its staging. A brilliant scenographer (capital?) has lured the world into a phantasmagoria of which we are all the fascinated victims."

"See what surplus value of the social each advertisement tries to produce: advertise advertise - the solicitation of the social everywhere, present on walls, in the hot and bloodless voices of female radio announcers, in the accents of the sound track and in the multiple tonalities of the image track that is played everywhere before our eyes. A sociality everywhere present, an absolute sociality finally realized in absolute advertising - that is to say, also totally dissolved, a vestige of sociality hallucinated on all the walls in the simplified form of a demand of the social that is immediately met by the echo of advertising. The social as a script, whose bewildered audience we are"

Not necessarily. Dick Masterson said on an episode of the official podcast recently that he thinks the future of comedy will be sort of like people will have their comedy and content that they indulge in made exactly for them in their own little bubbles, outsiders will have trouble getting into these bubbles this is where exclusivity will come from outsiders will not want to put the time or effort to enter and understand other comedy bubbles so they will stick to their own. I hope I didn't butcher what he was saying but I felt like it made a lot of sense. Basically people will have their own small comedy bubbles and those groups will have their own memes and inside jokes and shit like that and it will be kept alive by the community not one singular person


the question should really be, why were the 2000s a break from irony and anti humor? Seriously, before the 2000s, everyone was rife with sarcasm, irony, and satire. The way people joked with one another was very ironic and sardonic in a lot of ways. I'd say the late 90s and the 2000s people were in this faggy sincere limbo for while but now we are starting to realize once again, irony is cool

>everything devolves to cliques and memes
sounds pretty gay. i outgrew memes a few years ago. don't even use reaction images. pretty bored looking for something new

For the 90s I would mention The Simpsons, Seinfeld, maybe even Friends.

Then 9/11 happened, which maybe killed irony for a while, and sincerity became more popular. But I'd also mention Futurama and Family Guy as helping spread surreal humor. Maybe even Robot Chicken. And Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

When did BBC cuckolding become mainstream?

words are memes. this comment contains at least 10 memes.

Good post user but I have no idea what ur talking about. Am I low iq?

Sure some "cliques" will be pretty gay to you but you probably already belong to some others. And it wouldn't necessarily be memes it will probably be more abstracted and evolved In some way

>Am I low iq
Asking solidifies

The internet ruined everything, there you have it, we are in a cultural hole just like when the printing press became viable for the upper class and they could all voice their opinion

They're just some quotes from Jean Baudrillard, a French post-modernist (although some say a post-structuralist), about how art has turned in on itself, and there are no more real lines between art and not art, and how all media is being swallowed up by advertising, and how the "social" world has also been swallowed up by the media, and how everyone is just gawking at the spectacle before us.

He says advertising is neither true nor false, just a hyperreal spectacle. "Strictly speaking, nothing remains for us to base anything on." From that you get hipsters, LOLSORANDOM humor, surreal humor, referential humor, no meaning just images flying by like flying toasters on a screensaver.

but what's his answer to fix it

When future generations sift through the smoldering rubble of postmodern America, they would do well to locate a hard drive with RedLetterMedia content on it. They could study Mike and Jay and, with that thin slice of information, fully understand what it is that killed western civilization.
Those two are bitter, cynical nihilists. They have devoted their lives, the prime years of productivity, to pithily lampooning cultural ephemera and implying "we could do better than these idiot filmmakers, but we're too cool to actually try."
They are every strain of societal AIDS melded together into a super AIDS of cultural death...
Well into middle age, they're still obsessively analyzing adventure stories for children. They're childless, unmarried, stubbornly avoiding an actual profession, opting instead to beg for Patreon donations. They are subsisting on the patronage of even more embittered, more lonely, more cynical losers who need virtual friends to swim in their vast Petri dish of misery with them.
Look in their fucking eyes, man. It's a joyless, pointless existence they're living.
They are so afraid of sincerity or honest artistic effort that they'll leave behind hours of footage of them chuckling about Tommy Wiseau. They are artistic cowards and abject failures in every respect.
Each time you catch a glimpse of them, you're reminded that we peaked as a civilization a long time ago. We're done creating. We're done feeling real emotions. All we can do now is analyze, criticize, and ironically pick through the dessicated corpse of our once great nation.

Maybe mass media does destroy civilizations. Cave art, clay tablets, writing, the printing press, the telegraph, the telephone, the teletype, the Internet, the world wide web, the smartphone. Now you can enrage anyone on the planet and they can enrage you.

The noise to signal ratio has increased and has arguably reached it's maximum potential.

And in a fractured media landscape, where people are competing within a globalized attention economy, weird surreal humor stands out.

I'd also mention Monty Python OP.

>Monty Python
British wannabe Laugh-In that was in turn a wannabe Sid Caesar Show of Sows. Postmodernism started in the 50s

He was talking about mass media in general faggot. Television is media.

Maybe it can't be fixed. He does talk about reversibility, the idea that every system contains within itself the seed of its own destruction.

Nietzsche said "What is falling, that should also be pushed!"

Baudrillard could even be called a troll, a master of hyperbole. "It is a process of pushing a system or a concept or an argument to the extreme points where one pushes them over... Yes it’s all a type of artifice using irony and humour. ...it is a fatal strategy. When you push the systems to the extreme you see that there is nothing more to say. So there is destabilization. Maybe there is a certain provocation."

so he's an overwrought pseud without a solution

I wasn't around then, but I think Laugh In was popular, but I don't know if it had much "surreal anti-humor" which I think Monty Python's Flying Circus did.

I think postmodernism as a philosophy started after quantum mechanics destroyed classical understanding of physics, foundations crumbled, the ground shifted beneath their feet. Maybe it did enter art in the 50s, I don't know.

What is the solution to advertising? You're arguably advertising your opinions right here right now, on a Taiwanese billiards forum.

The nigger isn't figuring any solutions. He's just overwriting basic shit.
>people exchange via language
>people are social creatures

soyboy detected


Oh I would also say, no solution is necessary if systems eventually implode and collapse on their own. I guess sytems could be pushed along, accelerated, so their implosion happens sooner.

He's a culture critic you tard. His job isn't to find answers.

I remember watching the Donnie and Marie show

>tim and eric started a comedy genre

How old are you? For real?

I think that the fat guy is good reviewer, but this skinny guy is just a hack, and dont know what he is talking about. Also, he is fucking annoying.

iktf. rlm is more popular than those 2 hacks ever were

>Tim and Eric
Never heard of them
Oh yeah, youtube nobodies
>Eric Andre
>Sup Forums
Those losers
>Filthy Frank
>reddit, tumblr
I know of these
>mumkey jones, sam hyde
One of these is a Sup Forums meme I've never got; don't know the other
>Xavier Renegade Angel
>rick and morty
Seen a few of this

He's a culture critic

To be fair, RLM have been doing that type of humor long before it was a known style. There’s some old videos on their channel from when they were in high school in the 90s that have the same type of humor they’re known for now.

>2 High school drop outs circle jerk

estro-lad detected
estro-Gen Z detected
tofukid detected

because people are not sincere anymore. it's all irony.

nice blog my dude

monty python and then reeves and mortimer.

vic and bob's stuff holds up far better than python.

yes Tim and Eric literally created this genre of humor how fucking stupid do you have to be to credit them with it
