Hmmm 86% enjoyed it... it's not like... the critics could be... biased or anything... right?!

Hmmm 86% enjoyed it... it's not like... the critics could be... biased or anything... right?!

Rotten Tomatoes was a mistake.

That 86% number was already there on thursday when no one but a handful of people had seen the movie. The audience score is always inflated by fanboys and then drops over the weeks. Just look at BvS at 63%. Or are you saying JL is that much better than BvS?

Critics>average pleb

No, DC shills are giving their movies 10/10 without even seeing them.

No, MARVEL shill are giving DC movies 0/10 without even seeing then.


They're both doing it because both cinematic universes have a retarded rabid fanbase

This is one of those examples where I think the audience score is more accurate. Ultimately they are the vast majority of people who watch the films and decide whether it is good or not. I was looking forward to shitting on JL but was surprised when it was surprisingly good. Not perfect, but good enough not to deserve all of those negative reviews.

could be that the average filmgoer is a dumbfuck that loves everything

Oh blow it up your ass you farting buffoon. You probably sit there farting out loud airy farts in your room, surrounded by pungent funny odors. Sitting there, farting and farting and farting. Get a life, you farting fool. Always with this guy, farting out bad comments on the internet while he farts bad smells from his farty ass.

>Or are you saying JL is that much better than BvS?
It's 12% better


It's clearly the audience who are biased user. Are you people really this much fucking morons.

Disney will stop at nothing to destroy their enemies.

>Taking fucking sides like little babbies.
You're no better than either of them.

Why the fuck do hispanics dc fans flood this board defending this fucking movie, have they never seen a shit film before? This movie is a goddamn mess from start to finish.
The only thing enjoyable about it is the characters. The plot, cgi, pacing is horrible. This is 1000% zack snyders fault not Joss Whedon’s.

These movies suck but the notion that Disney makes better ones is retarded

You're an idiot if you think average ratings mean anything. Why does something you like need general approval? The only opinions you should listen to are critics and friends with similar taste as you because they might actually be accurate indicators of whether you might enjoy something or not.

both of these are true and they always cancel each-other out leaving an accurate score

mexicans love batman and superman. so they'll watch schlock and crap and still enjoy it. they could release batman and robin today and they'd watch it. this is the same audience that actually enjoyed transformers non ironically. they think the robot balls joke was genuinely funny.

if you watch mexican tv, their comedic humor is very over the top and silly. so stupid shit entertains them.

why do people care so much about RT score?
seriously, why?

because people are stupid, but also want everyone in the world to agree with them

Lets wait a few months. The we will see if you say the same thing.

>someone who watches films regularly and writes about them for well established publications
>Randy Rick from Tennessee who loves BYBLE REFERENCES IN HIS MOVIN PICTURES and has an RT account


It's certainly easier to pay troll farms in India to give good scores to the movie than be able to pay critics.

Only one of them isn't biased and you know which.


audiences would never love garbage movies like the transformers