Movies or TV shows like this? Doesn't have to be about technology, can be something like Good Will Hunting.
Sup Forums movies
Other urls found in this thread:
> Doesn't have to be about technology
What are you a fucking faggot?
Good Will Hunting is an awful movie, it's also in absolutely no fucking way Sup Forums related.
>"Doesn't have to be about technology"
Sup Forums - Technology
Chill you fags, I didn't want to have to make a thread on some other shitty boards
if your thread is only suitable for posting on shitty boards, then consider that it is your thread which is shit
End your existence
the movie portrayal of zuckerberg is nothing like him in real life, he's actually somewhat of a brainlet and was bad at programing. he initially did psychology then switched over to cs
Good thing i don't actually want a doco on that Jew, and good thing social network is actually a great film
silicon valley obviously
This film is Maximum /comfy/.
Also watch Johnny Mnemonic, OP. Or kys. Either is ok.
I am from third wold shithole and everytime I watch some tech movie from california and stanford I am jelly as fuck.
Comfy weather all year, close to ocean, those comfy stanford dorms.
High chance of good job with stanford diploma.
Ah americans are trully living in paradise.
>Ah americans are trully living in paradise.
You mean the half of a half of a percent of all Americans who actually go to these universities
dude, I live in easter europe, Avg salary is 500$ after taxes.
Electronic and other stuff cost price + 30%, cars cost 20% more than in us, gasoline cost 2x more, even fucking cheesburger in mcdonald cost 30% more.
I bet that jobless afromurrican on food coupons make more money that I do after 160h/month.
None of that has anything to do with what you posted originally.
If you're making the comparison to your cost of living, that's a new, unrelated post. Not everyone gets to go to Ivy League; the richest of the rich get to and that's about it
Statistic says that high % of students in ivy league are foreginers on schoolarship
No shit eh?
Taking the dream away from Americans? Fucking filthy foreigners
I wish someone would make a movie following a similar story and just copy the aesthetic of The Social Network. I love that movie.
This. The movie always gets me hype to do project work
>needing to watch a movie to get motivated to do his work
'Sneakers' obviously.
Zer0 Days is a pretty cool documentary imo. Worth checking out.
Sup Forums movies: The 13 th floor
Sneakers was ok, but it definitely didn't have the aesthetic comfy that The Social Network had, nor the grungy comfy that Hackers had.
Antitrust is pretty good too, and is a little comfy in its own right.
No one going to mention Operation Takedown?
The Imitation Game
Black Mirror
Black hat
Steve Jobs
Die hard 4
Ex Machina
War Games
The Core
Oh, also I can't believe I forgot to mention, and nobody else mentioned
>Person of Interest
Absolutely GOAT.
Silicon Cowboys
The social network wasn't actually a documentary on Zuckerberg or goybook, which is why it's such a great movie
>implying Sup Forums isn't a shitty board
Sup Forums is a gem compared to other boards, especially 2018s Sup Forums
Oh man, I haven't been on Sup Forums in like, 2 years almost I think. Just how bad is it now? Last I checked it was an endless stream of /soc/porn, dick threads, loli threads, furry threads and YLYL threads. Same, or worse?
>endless "Apple is SHIT" threads with obvious bait that people still fall for
>"le iphone sucks because..."
>"le android sucks because..."
>"intel is -5% less powerful than the new AMD processor, INTEL IS FINISHED"
>EDC threads, Screenfetch threads, some normies posting links to their website or shitty ARG
Let's be real here, the quality of threads has gone down dramatically since 2015, instead of using actual arguments people rely more on "SHILL, KEK, JEW," or whatever fucking buzzword they know so they can fit in.
It's a normie board now, the new Sup Forums is unofficially /bant/, /r9k/ is somewhere between.
Never seen it, worth watching?
Colossus: Forbin Project is my favorite, and probably the most Sup Forums movie of all.
Yes, exactly this. I used to browse it when I was 18-20, but now I'm 23 and think I'm too old for this. I mainly visit Sup Forums now when I'm bored and then browse /bst/ threads.
Sup Forums is 99 % (low quality) porn in 2018
Do you know how to filter? Just ignore shill threads. This happens in hardware forums too. That is why I also ignore them. You can't have a serious, objective discussion about AMD vs. NVIDIA cards with hardcore fanboys, this accounts for every piece of software/hardware/brand that exists.
I don't know, maybe I'm just to old for this shit. I bought me a 1080 Ti and started to play BF4 and ME3 again where I don't really need it.
In truth, California cities are full of bums, illegals, and other undesirables
those foreign students pay out the ass
we have the same thing here at our unis in Australia. foreign students pay around 30k per year just to attend the uni, and that doesn't cover food or rent which are insane in Sydney, easily 20k living per year just for one person
Hack the planet! Hack the planet!
I say it is worth watching. It is dramatized then again, it is a movie, not a documentary.
also if we are going off the hackers list:
antitrust is much more Sup Forums related.
Sneakers is also good.
You gonna love this!
Haha holy shit
He's tiny!
I feel sorry for guys under 5'11.
I really don't know how that's anything like the social network
>implying Sup Forums isn't a shitty board
Compared to Sup Forums, it's golden.
am i the only one who likes "the girl with the dragon tattoo" strange no one ever talked about it on this board is pretty great
Dang, this must be the first time in half a decade I've seen a mod on Gentoo
I just saw this thread on Sup Forums