When did you realize that Tarkovsky is the only director that elevated himself to the higher standards of all other...

When did you realize that Tarkovsky is the only director that elevated himself to the higher standards of all other artforms?

*blocks your path*

Post rare Tarkovsky’s

Both lacked philosophy and social critique. Fundamentally not art and occupy outdated romantic sensibilities for the postmodern middlebrow.

>it's a "reddit pleb watches one film that isn't capeshit and now believes they know something about cinema when they haven't explored it at all and couldn't even namedrop a raul ruiz film or post their top 10 polish art house sci fi flicks


what did raul ruiz do that sergei eisenstein didn't already do

>Unironically thinking namedropping is cool

>thinking googling a couple third world names is something special

Childhood is deifying Tarkovsky.

Adulthood is realizing Tarkovsky is a hippie faggot

>raul ruiz
>directed more than 100 films
No thanks

He's a portueguese no-name that pseuds drop to feel special.

might as well listen to swahili music

>It's another Griffithpleb user shills first """""""obscure""""""" director rerun episode

>DW Griffith

how do i avoid being bored and appreciating arthouse films?
i watched chungking express and it was no more than a 4 for me. watchable, but immensly boring and meaningless.

Fundamentally mate, you've gotta watch what you enjoy. Some people find meaning and interest in film and some people just watch whatever is enjoyable to them. If you can't glean any art in film, don't watch films made from the ground up to be arty. Same thing with music, or painting, novels or sculpture- if you 'get it' then you'll explore the more experimental stuff, if not then you can simply appreciate it.

tldr if you like arthouse watch it, if not don't waste time that could be spent watching stuff you actually enjoy.

All i do is watch arthouse crap and i think it's shit too. See fallen angels instead, now that one is kino

Post webms of his film making.

You forgot the heavy use of scare quotes I used