Is the Fargo Season 3 worth watching? I loved the first two, the second one being maybe even better than the first...

Is the Fargo Season 3 worth watching? I loved the first two, the second one being maybe even better than the first. I don't want to get it spoiled.

Yes. Now get out of the thread before you get spoiled.


thanks f a m

>it's a 2 sluts throw away their marriages for brief bouts of passion only to realize they don't actually love this new person and now they're hated by everyone that follows Hollywood gossip episode

as many as 2?

it starts to shit the bed somewhere around the midway point and doesn't relent

the worst thing was McGregor's accent

Get ready to fap to MEW's delicious booty

its probably the worst television ive seen

hard to imagine it being worse than s2, was it really?

1 > 3 > 2

No, it's awful compared to 1 and 2.

it's REALLY bad. having ewan play 2 characters was the dumbest fucking move in television history. it kills any realism.

She's a rube and Ewan will get tired of her, relegating her to stay at home wife he doesn't trust to leave the house while cheating on her with other women like he did his last one.

yes, s2 was much better.

I dont understand the hate S3 is getting. It's definitely the weakest Fargo season but still better television than any other show

I quite enjoyed it even though just like the first two it's pretentious and nowhere near as well-written as it thinks it is. Hawley ripping off Coen Brothers films is a really hacky idea as well.

I loved the first two as well , only watched 4 episodes of season 3, it has a significant drop in quality

Yes, it gets even better when you think based Ewan was fucking MEW during the whole thing.

Its the worst season but still worth watching

Both of them dies, mary gets killed in the last episode and ray's twin accidentally kills him. The ending was poetic in many ways because it resolve multiple storylines in the end.


1 > 2 > 3 > Movie

thanks, you just saved me 10 hours.


>its a whore season


Yeah, the ending is up to your interpretation whether the bad guy gets away or not. Gloria and V.M varga were betting on each other what happens next and all that and it ends right there.

Also, I don't think there would be a season 4 because the writer/director is too busy with other projects. Which is just fine because it's better to end it on a high note.

I liked 1 and 2, quit watching s3 after three episodes.