What are some of the biggest unsolved mysteries and scadals involving what a film celebrity has done or said some time?
What are some of the biggest unsolved mysteries and scadals involving what a film celebrity has done or said some time?
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This English. Something about this OP's English.
>7 limes
Paul McCartney.
>shop at whole foods exclusively
God I hate this bitch.
why can't i buy all these limes?
7 limes. one for each day of the week. to squeeze the juice over the beaner food she will make
its not fucking hard to understand you basement dwelling no cooking retards
>squeezing an entire lime over your meal
>"durr you retards don't know how to cook"
>squeeze limes into bowl
>nice and wet
>pour juices into old, empty bottle
>nice and long
>place in refrigerator
>nice and cold
>re-usable, long lasting, fresh bottle of lime juice
>how simple
says the retard who has no idea how little juice a single lime contains
fucking retard
3 meals a day, 1 lime. for a family. even for a single person its the perfect amount
confirmed never squozen a lime in his life, fucking pathetic cunt
you squeeze it directly onto your meal you dumb fuck
>lime juice on every meal for a wrek
but that means you'll be using one lime over multiple days
>having lime juice on every meal
are you in the 18th century navy and afraid of scurvy or somethimg?
why don't they ever bring up the other plethora of gibs they get? snap should only be there to supplement someone who is working, but needs a little extra. nogs get free housing, free cell phones, free bus passes, they get money just for popping out a niglet. i was on snap for a time and it was extremely helpful and helped loosen up my money situation. if you depend solely on it you probably deserve to die
you see that photo, idiot? its going to be the same meal every day with slight variation. rice, veggies, beans. maybe an egg for breakfast.
how dense are you, kid? dont pretend to be trolling either, acting like a retard is not trolling, its acting like a retard
see above, dumb fuck
No shit sherlock. I was pointing it out too dumbshit that even 1 lime a day was too much. You could easily squeeze all that into the bottle, use some for that days meals, then pop it back into the fridge for later use. I honestly can't even think of that many meals that would require such large amounts of lime juice, let alone 3 new dishes each day for 7 days. Those 7 limes should last an average family of 4-5, a fortnight at least.
>7 limes
>1 tomato
>mfw the S in SNAP is meant to stand for supplementary and high vitamin stuff like limes (while still an expensive choice) is exactly what you should be buying to supplement your regular bulk food purchases of eggs, pastas, chicken, beans, etc., bought with your own money
>mfw retarded left-wingers think supplementary welfare should be enough to give entire unemployed families daily 3-course meals
no, it isnt. you get such little juice from a lime that size. you are so fucking stupid it hurts. you do not need to put it into a bottle when you can squeeze it fresh from a lime, you ignorant retard
>what is salsa
are you that dumb? no, your just pretending in a pathetic attempt to "troll". its not trolling, its pretending to be retarded
dont tell me you are actually that fucking dense, kid?
>>are you that dumb? no, your just pretending in a pathetic attempt to "troll". its not trolling, its pretending to be retarded
>dont tell me you are actually that fucking dense, kid?
>finger thinking lime-hivemind
I'm not sure I've ever seen a Sup Forums lime argument before.
pretending to be retarded is not trolling, its just pretending to be retarded
>same meal 3 times a day, covered with lime
excuse me while I find an image of an actor touching his face to join the others
>implying you could make more than two meals for a family with all those ingredients
>peel the lime
>chop into quarts
>grab a bowl
>squeeze each quarter into the bowl
>use a spoon to completely crush the pulps
>pour through a siv into another clean bowl
>pour into disinfected and clean bottle
Unless you're some paki or indian or w/e the fuck sand nigger/gook you are, your diet doesn't and shouldn't consist entirely of food drenched in lime.
you are literally pretending to be retarded though
29 dollars a week? I eat for 29 dollars a day at least and I'm single.
>What are some of the biggest unsolved mysteries and scadals involving what a film celebrity has done or said some time?
Original cut of Stalker was lost.
its called being poor and on SNAP as the imiage suggest, your mother wont get you tendies when your in that situation, idiot
>being this much of a retard
you cut it in half/quarters, depending on how many people are eating, and squeeze it onto your food directly you utter fucking retarded
imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just kissing my ass now, kid
filtered using your ID code, yes i have the greasemonkey script
>never squozen
I'm dying.
Wait until you have someone financially dependent on you. You either learn to stretch a $, or you learn to leech.
please tell me this isn't unironically how you prepare limes
What 'own money' does someone on welfare have?
>7 limes
its the past tense of squeeze you fucking retard
no it isnt, hes just saying dumb shit thinking hes trolling, but hes just pretending to be retarded
>buy a lime
>buy a coconut
>put de lime in de coconut, drink em both up
You can eat for fuck all if you really need to, bags of rice, tins of tomatoes & beans, bit of cheese each day. No need for limes 2bh.
its a refreshing nutritious drink, the song is right on the money
to bad you basement dwelling fucks have no idea about good
>$29 for this
>you cut it in half/quarters, depending on how many people are eating, and squeeze it onto your food directly you utter fucking retarded
>implying this was ever a this way or that way only sort of thing
Nigger I was backing you up originally. I knew what you meant when you posted and I knew what you meant when I was replying to . All I was adding to the argument, which i'll spell out for you incase you haven't noticed already, is that it didn't have too be 1 lime a day, they could be used in different ways over many different days. Your crusade in defence of there being only one way to use the limes is stupid user. Stop acting like a douche.
>They don't eat a lime a day
>no it isnt, hes just saying dumb shit thinking hes trolling, but hes just pretending to be retarded
>squozen is the past tense of squeeze
user, i... i think you're doing the exact same thing...
>buy 7 limes
>compare and contrast, keep the strongest lime
>throw the others away
What's the problem?
Nah just repeating what I've seen people do.
how do you determine the strongest lime? and why do you need to buy them first?
Just you know, the most vibrant and juicy one. And I think it would be awkward and rude to compare fruit in the store without buying them, no?
>biggest lime
>least amount of imperfections on the skin
>feels nice and firm
>get it before someone else does
>buying a picture of a nigger
For what porpuse?
>And I think it would be awkward and rude to compare fruit in the store without buying them, no?
i buy fifteen avocados at the store but keep only the 2 ripest ones
i dont want people to see me comparing fruits like some sort of faggot
Halloween and insurance fraud
>one tomato
Put it in the microwave for 10 seconds first. Warm limes release more juice.
Okay guys I'm not am American (developed western Europe) but how come most people in your country are either post-obese, anorexic or food hipsters?
>no bananas
Because its either 7 limes or starvation.
Abundance of choice.
Go to africa and take a look. Usually either all malnourished and fat, or malnourished and skinny. It shows you've got alot of choice if you look around and notice all sorts of sized.
Most food stamp recipients are low-income, not no-income.
>tfw it's crab legs and 7 limes at the kinostadt again
But isn't SNAP ie food stamps supplementing the income of poor families? I thought it was meant to balance out the fact that shitty processed food is much cheaper than organic food.
when i got foodstamps i got 400 dollars a money
and w ould just spend like crazy because theyd count it against you if you dont use full allotment every month
it's bullshit from the outset, there's no point even arguing about her retarded limes
So the system is set up as supplemental food assistance. But what about people who have no income?
They would get more SNAP money. A single person could receive $194 a month (about $48 a week). SNAP benefits for a household of four would be closer to $40 a week.
Neither number is near Paltrow’s $29 a week figure. That figure is the amount of SNAP benefits for the average individual (all benefits divided by all people).
The trouble is that calculation misses the point that SNAP is supposed to supplement people’s food budget, does not account for the fact that people with no net income receive more government support, and ignores other government programs that provide food aid.
Many families bring in other income or benefits that complete the overall budget for food, said Greg Mills, who studies SNAP policy at the Urban Institute think tank.
"Households on food stamps do typically receive some other benefits from the government, but it may be limited," he said.
Hey, no need to be so sour.
>implying there's no food choice in western Europe
>uses the entire African continent as an example
really activates the limes
>amerimutts squeeze limes all over their food
No, the limes are the base. You squeeze other food over the limes.
a bottle of concentrated lime juice is 99 cents
i turned myself into 7 limes, morty
yes, exactly. when you have low income you can't necessarily afford foods rich in necessary nutrients, even if you don't buy processed foods
why isn't anyone mentioning that this is plenty of food for a week to survive on. it isn't like these people are burning a bunch of calories at their job. also, i make over 100k a year now, and i have never ate as good as when i was on food stamps in my early 20's. The money is more then enough. they should probably cut it by half
>not squeezing lime juice into your Cinnamon Toast Crunch and on your well done steak, with ketchup
get a look at this no-taste plebeian
shut the fuck up you retard, you cant backtrack now, fuck head
no im not, google it, its a word in use that means past tense of squeeze you fuck head
i dont need to, its summer in my country which is better than the united obese of fatmericunts
not even a good joke, fuck off
I can buy limes for 2 cents at my local grocery store.
stolen limes friend, blood limes.
>only 7 limes
Obesity is a plague in every industrialized country. A post-ironic fact is although there are still millions of people starving in India and China the number of obese people is increasing rapidly due to fast food becoming readily available.
Coming back to the US with an anecdote, on recent trip to New York two years back I have never seen so many obese and underweight people in my whole life.
Doesn't she shove rocks up her vaj?
While this is ultimately the case, there's also a bunch of shit she bought that has no nutritional value. When you're poor, you buy cheap high calorie food. During some of the rougher times in my life I'd go weeks only eating spam and rice from the dollar store. Limes, green onions, regular onions, lettuce, garlic, and jalapenos would never cross my mind on a $29 budget.
what's the prime lime number for optimum citrus-y times?
i dont give a fuck if you want to tell everyone in the thread you have autism, kid
fuck off
this old man gets it
1 lime per meal and course.
this type of arbitrary nonsense is why I come here.... never change tv
the average American family needs to consume 40 limes a week
Does anyone have the copypasta where it details the meals you'd make with this, but it ends with something like, "Sunday - wash down a nice lime juice to wrap up the week"
Maybe she just eats limes as a snack
Only the salad has no real nutritional value.
Garlic and onions as well as tomatoes and pepper bells are very good for your body. Potatoes are also rich in cheap carbohydrates.
friendly reminder that limes are not a crime
Damn I want to squeeze my lemon all over her if you know what I mean.
Where the fuck are the potatoes?
you retards know that's a proper word right?
>implying I don't know you are samefagging
You can't squoze those
fuck off shitposters
wrong use of the word, fuck head