Is Punisher any good?
Is Punisher any good?
>(((Joe Bernthal)))
If shitty sites like that are rolling out lines like 'white male anger' it's probably good.
I'm shocked Vox would use this to take a stab at white men. Totally out of character for them.
>white male anger
>jewish actor
>man out for revenge after losing his entire family
>see guys, all white males are evil and violent
Why do SJWs always do this with Jews? When it's convenient for the narrative, they always lump them in with white people, but if ever put on the spot, they will backpeddle immediately if you bring up all of the discrimination they have suffered throughout history.
But if the story needs to be 'white males with power in Hollywood', they're just reduced to being white males. To be honest, if I was a Jew, I'd be pretty pissed off about this sort of thing.
Welcome to 'progressive' media!
Jews do it all the time.
>fellow white people we have to do better
>uh I'm not white
The whole subplot with the white soldier who turns into a terrorist was meant to appease liberals like Vox, lol. Glad to see it failed spectacularly. 2nd worst subplot on the show, behind the DHS lady subplot.
To answer your question, no, it is not good. The last 2 or 3 episodes are pretty good but the previous 10-11 episodes are a total fucking bore.
when does this white male rge start?
According to the reviews I awaited a tv show about slaughter, blood and killing. It is rather a drama.
i guess they only saw one episode because there was a white angry male and they made it a point to show him as being evil and he got blown up.
Start buying more guns.
sadly not
Doesn't really make a lot of sense, though. To the average person, if they see a Jew walking down the street, they're just going to be a white person.
I know that you anti-Semitic types say the Jews are pulling the strings behind the SJW movement, but to what end, really? If anything, it would just make them potential targets for the rage of minorities. I don't really understand how this is logical to you conspiracy theorists.
stop being white
They toned down the punishing, and that still doesn't appease the leftists
instead of frank castle punishing criminals you get a whinny little manlet who at every turn takes the time to menstruate cause his emotions are women tier. fuck netflix
>but to what end, really?
Simple answer: open borders for cheap labor.
jews aren't white. they are their own ethnic group. they are the only fucking people who have their own ethnic state known as israel. a jew being born in anywhere else in the world gets automatic citizenship to israel. a white guy does not. so go ahead and defend these kikes proclaiming to be the same as you while the advocate for policies that are destructive for whites while tricking stupid goyim like you into believing they are also white
Is this dude from Walking Dead even white? He looks jewish to me.
you're right, user. Sup Forums wants to see larger than life figures of fantasy, not people responding to situations in the same way they would
I'm 5 episodes in and I love it.
>but to what end, really?
to protect themselves. jews have continuously been persecuted in every host nation they infest. jews don't give a shit about niggers and minorities. these sjw movements only exist to protect themselves
I live in rural Tennessee in the States and to be honest, the only people I've seen benefiting from cheap illegal labor aren't Jews. We don't even have any Jews around here. But still, farmers will hire them to pick tobacco, or for construction gigs. Doesn't really seem to be a Jew thing.
But they wouldn't be protecting themselves. My whole point is, to Tyrone Shanuiqez Robinson, visually there isn't going to be any difference between a Jew and a white person. So, if they were behind the SJW movement, stirring up hate against white people, they'd just be making themselves targets.
You really think a black guy would stop beating up a white-looking Jew in the middle of a race riot because he told them he was Jewish all of a sudden? It just doesn't make any sense logically.
>but if ever put on the spot, they will backpeddle immediately if you bring up all of the discrimination they have suffered throughout history.
do you honestly, honestly, find yourself in this situation often?
they aren't a target because they don't live around them and a jew absolutely will use the defense that "i'm a jew" when confronted by undesirables
>they aren't a target because they don't live around them
Really? I thought most Jews lived near urban centers, same as minorities. I'm just saying, seems to be plenty in New York City and LA but I genuinely don't think I've ever seen one hanging out in Rogersville, Tennessee where everyone is white.
I really don't think saying "I'm a Jew" after being hit in the back of the head with a brick by a nigger is going to make them stop beating you to death. I don't know, I was just hoping you guys could explain it to me. Still don't get it though.
>when does this white male rge start?
here . impotent whiny rage is still rage
Frank isnt white. He is an amerimutt
I think it would be better if Frank Castle was an aggressive faggot who PUNISHED the assholes of malefactors.
Why can't special ops hit their target?
It's so incredible unrealistic, who falls for this shit?
7/10 anyways, he is a great character and actor
"whites" are considered the "privileged majority." jews consider themselves an oppressed minority. how can one be a privileged majority and oppressed minority simultaneously?
>Is Punisher any good?
No, it is absolute garbage
>5 episodes of material stretched to 13
>Frank is only the Punisher the first 5 minutes of episode 1 and the last 2 episodes
>The other 11 episodes he is Hobo Pete who is very fond of talking about his feelings as well as playing surrogate dad for Tom Baker
>Jigsaw is his bestie
Loved it. Best Marvel show after Daredevil.
correct, aside from it being hipster pete
soy boys hate it, so it must be good
saw a little bit of the first episode last night, there a "real" feeling scene of these veterans in a PTSD support group where these poor white people talk about how they were discarded and spat upon by the country, and its done in a sympathetic way and not at all a sarcastic "lol fucking white men, amirite?" way
Did you miss the article about Curb Your Enthusiasm being about a privliged white male?
>The whole subplot with the white soldier who turns into a terrorist was meant to appease liberals like Vox, lol. Glad to see it failed spectacularly.
This is what happens when you try to appease SJWs. They never accept it, they almost always find a way to somehow get even more offended at it, and you deserve exactly what you get for playing their game.
wait, is it the christian guy?
It was decent. A bit too "basic procedural" like at some parts. Too little of Frank Castle himself, oddly enough.
I would have made 1-2 episodes of to setup events at U.S. soil if the conflict started from Afghanistan.
Poppy field redpill was pretty amazing to see in mainstream television.
U.S. Marine / soldier attempting suicide (Pentagon does not allow IIRC) was major.
Same Marine bombing civilians was major.
>Why do SJWs always do this with Jews?
The kid reminded me of McVeigh oddly enough.
It was good in my opinion.
It showed how a path to hell is paved with good intentions.
2nd Amendment was well protected by not showing Frank in a bad light by show narrative, nor his waifu from True Blood.
Retarded anti-2A Senator got blown the fuck out in his hypocrisy (armed forces guarding him) and lying (Frank coming to kill him)
>whinny little manlet who at every turn takes the time to menstruate cause his emotions are women tier
>U.S. Marine / soldier attempting suicide (Pentagon does not allow IIRC) was major.
>Same Marine bombing civilians was major.
That subplot was fucking pointless. I don't care how "edgy" and "major" it was. It served no purpose to the overall plot and made the show 3-4 episodes too long.
so how long until this is blamed on for the next mass shooting in america?
Well, it is not like they are paid to find grievances isn't it? Not like feminism is a racket worth two billion dollars per year.
>Bernthal is white in America
damn, the amerimutt meme is real
>watching critically panned garbage to own the libs!
>>Bernthal is white in America
>damn, the amerimutt meme is real
It showed how Frank diverted to good path and Lewis diverted to a bad path. The line between them got lost for Lewis who needed help and Frank even tried to help. It showed Frank in a good light and as a helping figure, while also portraying 2A in a good light (note that it is not the federal government who gets Lewis, it is the citizen practicing his 2A and civic responsibility going after the nut soldier).
>dat trigger discipline doe
I have more concern about his binge eating discipline.
The show does so much to cater to the left and it still gets flack from them. Should not have bothered to pander to them so much since it honestly detracted from the show in more than a few scenes.
What was "left catering"?
that is harmless to others
All the bad guys are white men
All the good guys are either Jewish (the two sidekicks), female, or black
Frank Doesnt kill a single non white person, he robs a arms dealer to get guns (who is black) and DOESNT kill him
White Villains are as follows.
4 white construction workers that harass mexican
dirty DHS head that tried to kill and frame a heroic jew
dirty CIA guy that killed a muslim cop
fat NRA right wing gun nut that lies about being a war vet, he also names the jew before being killed by
PTSD war vet that turns into a home grown terrorist, because he was lied to by NRA guy
Franks own best friend who turns out to be evil
Sub Cuck degenerate Army Commander that helped CIA guy, and when we see him he is letting a black prostitute torture him
Notable henchmen include US soldiers, Gun Runners or Mercs and Mafia Gangsters. All white
Even Micro and Franks kids are the same, older daughter is kind caring and smart, younger son is a racist bully
>plastic knife and airsoft guns
dang I surrender bro
It's p. litty, my dude. Frank franking people, losing all hope in humanity. Brenthal is killing it as Frank, best on-screen punisher ever.
not that guy, but i'm a liberal and even i found some of the shit in the first couple of episodes hilarious, like the kid saying "hajji" and the dad freaking the fuck out and a couple of other times they made a character just randomly start spewing something comically racist/sexist/etc to say to the audience "THIS PERSON IS BADD AND U SHUDNT LIEK THEM"
I feel like you're referencing something specific with this post, I'm interested in what it is.
The fat lying O'Connor guy comes to mind immediately
>NRA 2nd Amendment advocate
When he said "everyone knows the Jews control the internet" I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Writers are so bad at portraying those that they ideologically oppose and inevitably just turn them into absurd caricatures.
I don't personally imagine it is far fetched for the kid to hear the word "haji" when his father and his at-the-time best friend were serving in middle east. Probably heard them talk and just repeats it to sound cool.
No, you sound like exactly that guy, that scene with his kid was to show how he has anger management issues. He also probably didn't want him to turn into some obese 30-something alt-lite shitbag festering in diabetes in his basement.
There were 2A advocates in Frank and his waifu who were great.
It's good to mock retards like O'Connor with stolen valor and fake patriotism.
i didnt say it was, just the scene as a whole came off as really hamfisted, i was joking with my brother when we were watching it that it seems like they just figured out the audience is predominantly liberal and are shoving in the most hamfisted studio-executive focus-grouped liberalism they can come up with
>No, you sound like exactly that guy
that's nice lol, i'm still not that guy.
Kill yourself
It was funny when he said "Christian Patriots" are the most discriminated against group, and then the POC countersignaled him, only for himself to be countersignaled later for being a degenerate who went to titty bars. I think they are more self aware than we think.
In other words, they got you to a T. and this triggered you immensely. The entirety of the punisher franchise is like an ad for the NRA and the 2nd amendment, they obviously wanted to show that they don't advocate gun proliferation.
I think the biggest problem the show is facing is censorship, and the shitty situation the US is in in terms of violence. They can't go full Garth Ennis without it causing a huge media backlash. Then there's also Disney's strict censorship of everything they do.
Creative freedom my ass.
The guy who went to titty bars was the nigger who interrupted him. Why even bother commenting if you didn't pay attention.
It's basically just a snorefest showing people talking.
>The whole subplot with the white soldier who turns into a terrorist was meant to appease liberals like Vox
Really? Because I thought it made both sides look like utter morons.
lol who gives a flying fuck.
Hahaha I didn't even notice the orange rings when I first saved that image, good eye user
I believe the show portrayed more than fairly the pros of 2A.
It also portrayed two examples of where it had gone "wrong" in O'Connor and Lewis.
>It's okay when Luther does it!
same with Blade Runner 2049
>2/3 of the cast is women
sadly this is all true
Persian lady showed an ICE badge to get into the government building. I'm stupid but doesn't that mean she works for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement?
No, it's not good. Sites like that are going to talk about that kind of shit no matter what. The Punisher doesn't really kill that many people, there's not a lot of action, and it seems like most of the show is him sipping wine with some widow or planning. And when I say planning, I mean sitting in a basement and talking about feelings and the past. The show should have been Cucked by Castle, since 80% of it is a tech geek watching Frank bring his wife flowers and drink wine with her.
There's some weird side-plot where there's a veteran's support group,
and a fat white baby-boomer keeps trying to talk about the NRA and those damn liberals and Jews and how we need to take our rights back from them. Turns out he's a stolen valor guy and it triggers another vet to bomb innocent people and write a manifesto about the Constitution. He goes after those "liberal journalists", which includes the blonde chick from Daredevil. Then there's a huge thing about gun control, like they hammer you over the head with it.
Basically it's a boring ass fucking show.
In America, you are white, black, asian, or hispanic pretty much. Jews are considered white here.
>they got you to a T. and this triggered you immensely.
Actually you stupid fucking faggot, if you were capable of even a modicum of reading comprehension then you'd realize that I don't identify with the portrayal of O'Connor at all, because it's an absurd caricature, which is why I criticized the writers in their attempt. God damn you're a fucking retard my man.
>Actually you stupid fucking faggot, if you were capable of even a modicum of reading comprehension then you'd realize that I don't identify with the portrayal of O'Connor at all
You appear to be upset, try to calm down and collect your thoughts. Stop proving the other guy right.
So what even is the Punisher's super power?
>collect your thoughts
Okay. Try this. I wish there was a punisher that killed faggots like you. Fuck you.
Stolen valor and fake patriotism isn't that rare. Besides there is already counter-argument against O'Conner in Curt and Frank, Madabidingondg etc.
bullets miss him
Sup Forums and Sup Forums said it was SJW.
They lied.
There are a couple moments where you can tell the writers hamfistedly shoved caricatures of right wing white guys into some of the side characters but that's it. The main story isn't sjw at all. Even the musim cop says she is American before anything else.
The only bad thing is that it really lags in the middle of the season but the first few episodes and the last few are great.
>stolen valor isn't that rare
I don't know if there is any way to quantify this, so I'm not sure where you're coming from with this statement. It doesn't seem like something that would be too common since it is so heavily shamed.
Muslim Cop saying "i'm an american" and you don't think its SJW? Thats how fucking far things have gotten you remtard.
Manlet rage
Maybe there's no way to quantify it but it was used as a narrative tool to explore patriotism where Frank is "proper and moral" which he is, Lewis had good intentions but went to hell with his actions and O'Conner was completely fake.
Not like those peaceful black men and Muslims.
Why do mods allow left wing politics threads on this board?
>Punisher only kills white men in NYC, one of the most racially diverse places on earth
>re-written backstory of how his family was killed
>Punisher a depressed hipster emo most of the time
How did they fuck this up so bad?