Jews are mad because normies think cw's overgirl is hot


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has Sup Forums apoligized yet?

Stop reading teenager's twitters


Ovengirl would hav been a better name for a Nazi villain desu

are you scared yet, Sup Forums?


Oh my god. Facebook people are mad!

what the fuck does Karamels mean?


>mentally ill kike cries crocodile tears
how is this news?

I'm assuming it's an anti-white slur. Niggers never were good at those.


>let's talk about social media posts made by idiots

the wrong side won ww2

>people put this much time and energy into chasing around imaginary monsters

This is over a stupid comic book lazy subplot. Show this person Schindler's list and they would have to be hospitalized.

well that Nazi costume even better than original so? better make up too.

Jesus Raimi

Red white and blue faggots can't handle superior red white and black

>about EVIL hiding behind snazzy design
Holy kek, and libs have the audacity to call right-wingers "conspiratards".

i wish i had a twitter, i would probably shitposting as a concerened mum who has a daughter that wants to dress up as nazi supergirl now

>i wish i had a twitter
Live the dream, user.

These people are reading too much into it.

Nazi uniforms aren't hot because "the seductive powers of evil" or some bullshit like that, as if real life is fucking Star Wars. They're hot because the dominatrix angle. It's no different than the people thirsting over Hela in the new Thor movie.

You have to admit she does look good

Look at that Jin Roh-looking motherfucker on the right

>we did it before
what's with americans claiming credit for the work of the red army controlled by a guy who was practically a fascist

Shit on nazis all you want but to deny they had some of the most stylish uniforms is just absurd.

Is it a Nazi zombie?

it's literally le 56% amerilard education.


is she always on top

what kind of sad virgins actually watch this drivel

sad virgin here. capeshit is unwatchable trash.

>"white supremacists embedded in every facet of our society"
Gee, where have I heard something like this before?

Bad comparison, McCarthy turned out to be right.

Literally shaking

He confused a person's fame for their influence and spent his life chasing ghosts. By going after celebrities he made it easier for actual KGB agents to influence the lower tiers of society.

Of course the US solved that problem by kickstarting the hard drug industry in the united states, forever inoculating the western poor against communist sentiment.

>forever inoculating the western poor against communist sentiment

lolwut the poor vote overwhelmingly socialist

Show some fucking respect, our boy Joe saved America

>socialism = communism

adults are talking, run along.

It's a reference to Overman, which was alternate reality Superman's Nazi character name. Which is a reference to Nietzsche's musings of the übermensch, occasionally translated "overman" (as opposed to, e.g., "superman")

Nigress wants to be strapon fucked by Overgirl, arousal quickly transformed into fear

>socialism =/= communism

adults are talking, run along.

>socialism = communism
>adults are talking, run along.

I wonder who is behind this post

He was making a morbid joke user

Light skin niggers. It's funny that blacks hate lightskins more than their own yet Sup Forums thinks that the black community wants interbreeding. Dated a light skin girl once and all the blacks I knew said she didn't count

>KANG Panther avatar

Of course, about the only advanced and peaceful black country. A fictional one.

>I woke up from a nightmare
Imagine this is how you live and think for real. I mean Sup Forums isn't full of paragons of society, but goddamn.

To be fair, I've never met anyone this bad in real life, and only a few people I'd describe as SJWs. I'm way more conservative than most people I know, but even "hardcore" liberals (who I would think of as bernie supporters and such) don't behave like this. They bitch about Trump and get melodramatic, but there's a difference between mental illness like this and someone just being kind of a liberal faggot.

Low hanging fruit is usually rife with insects, best avoided for better jokes higher on that tree.

She should be worried though, whites are waking up and we're going to put apes like her back in the zoo

The efforts exerted to inoculate the west against communist sentiment destroyed everything worth protecting about the west.

Leftists are religious nutjobs who left God for identity politics. It's fucking hilarious how similar they are.

No, you just have autism and normal social exchanges escape you.
For the benefit of all and to avoid yourself further embarassment, just keep quiet.

>feminist symbol in nazi uniform
really makes you think

No I'm pretty sure it was the Jews that did that

Should I start watching Supergirl?

Someone who isnt a complete retard like you.

>lolwut the poor vote overwhelmingly socialist

There's no socialists in fucking america. Republicans and Democrats are both neo-liberals

nah, it's terrible

The hardcore ones who you see online, and that's all you see because they're directly hand picked and delivered to you on Sup Forums. Most people in real life are not like this, liberal or conservative. Just as most people you meet are not evangelical nutjobs, most liberals you meet are not like this.

Wtf I love Bernie now!

Yeah but now they're a bunch of drugged out layabouts who nobody takes seriously.

Bernie is a social democrat. Not socialist, the guy is also a zionist.

Aren't American colleges chock full of students pushing for racial segregation?

No, the joke was just stupid grade-school shit you could see on a Family Guy episode commenting on this nonsense. An old man yawing in joke-form.

>the jews ran the CIA in the 60s/70s.

Adults are talking, run along now.

depends on the college

Niggers have no sense of foresight. They want to fuck white women and literally don't understand the outcome of miscegenation.

Woah dude slow down, I'm not ready to be this woke so quickly. So you're saying Jews aren't a problem either?

Their own fault. If they stopped fucking whining for a day it would make them infinitely more bearable. All this shit does is push normie further from them. Also doesn't help they are always scratching each other's backs.

I for one desire gender segregation so all of Earth's problems could be fixed like Zentradi fixed their problems in old school Macross.

I'm saying he is a zionist, so he can't be socialist by definition since he supports israel. he is a fucking social democrat aka Sweden styled cuck.

I see, so you're saying we need some combination of Nationalism and Socialism...

Don't bother user.

So what is actually the background of this costume? I don't watch supergirl. Is it like an alternate timeline or something?

Why are people being cucks about the plot

>Nazis are a part of Supergirl
Now I am interested in watching. What season or episode is this?

I have no idea, I just like the minor irony of the evil version of the character actually being less of a slut because she's wearing pants instead of a short skirt.

>needing Socialism

Most of those black girls are single or have white boyfriends, though. No black female intellectuals date black men, period.

Let's get this shit started
>black female intellectuals

>you will see all the normies slowly turn against the left and be on the pro white side due to being secretly redpilled by people like Pewdiepie and youtube comments
These are amazing times

Overgirl is her name in the comics.

SJWs making a big deal out of everything.

There's a sex appeal that comes with the well-dressed brooding arrogant villain/evil character/'bad boy' or 'bad girl'. See basically every show and movie enjoyed by teen girls

What about ultraman?

Back in my day everyone just self segregated without saying anything.

Why does everyone dead have a swastika on their chest and why does that tower look like something straight out of the cthulu mythos?

>Overman uses his Zyklon-B breath to gas the Jews

I know what DC was going for but I felt this was a bit on the nose

How would teen girls react to Omega Red if he were played straight? Damaged muscular Russian male with golden locks and fun tentacles.

because nazis are so evil you can't even fathom it

Different evil Superman, from the crime syndicate universe, he actually gets stronger with Kryptonite and snorts it like coke.

But religion is conservative.

The rest of the Master Men were more patriotic than the Over Family

The tower is the living cliche of "mental asylum/haunted house from hell" and was one of many beings who tried to kill the multiverse

He was actually opposed to gassing both in Germany and the USA
He betrays the Nazi utopia and aids American terrorists

>:pol thinks jews control the media
>jews think Sup Forums controls the media

>Yet another day Sup Forums filled with Twitter threads and capeshit
This board is truly lost

post a good thread then nigger

It's a dumb ship name. The teens that watch this shit love shipping. They're constantly fighting each other over which ship is better.

Why is it that socialist and communist countries need to practice capitalism with other countries in order to survive? And they don't even use the proceeds to help their people. Communism is the biggest lie

welcome to 2017 Sup Forums

It's the circle of life.

most likely this tbqh.

Seriously, man. Don't. Unless you like bottom of the barrel CW trash then be my guest.

Dear White People fucking called this shit out. The movie at least. Haven't seen the tv show.

so a beauty of a woman depends on her ideology and clothing instead of her physical body? this timeline man, this timeline

yes. its another crossover ep where all the shows (arrow,supergirl,etc) go over to another earth to kick the ass of nazi versions of themselves.