All that "Justice League" has proven is that Zack Snyder has been holding Henry Cavill back from letting his natural...

All that "Justice League" has proven is that Zack Snyder has been holding Henry Cavill back from letting his natural charisma and charm shine through. We all knew he could be a great Superman, and while I don't like Joss Whedon, at least he understands the character slightly better and gives the fans what they want to see.

Personally I'd like to see more of Snyder's visual flair with Terrio's writing and Whedon's dialogue, but that more than likely won't happen ever again. It's an interesting combination.

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> At least Joss Whedon gives the fans what they want to see.

Yet this movie is flopping where Snyder movies made decent (although underwhelming) box office numbers
Strange hey?

Snyder suddenly has nothing to do with Justice League right?

OP here, I'm just speaking for myself. Seeing Superman crack a smile as he wipes the floor with Steppenwolf was extremely satisfying for me as a fan. Most of the people in my theater were cheering for Supes too, which proves that people still like Superman when he is DONE RIGHT. The average movie-going audience wants to see Superman in all his glory, not when he's brooding and serious (For the record I loved the Ultimate Edition of BvS).

BvS had such massive hype giving a massive OW, then each week you were getting 70% drops, that film wasn't popular but the people who liked it watched it more than the average.
JL looked like more of the same with some jokes so people just didn't want to watch the sequel to BvS
Whedon has done nothing to make people not want to watch it opening weekend, but he might contribute to massive drops week to week

You know that scene in BvS where Superman is in the court room with the wheelchair guy. Then the bomb in his wheelchair explodes. Superman is sitting there in the decaying rotten flesh and destroyed structure brooding.

Fuck you Snyder, Superman should have heard the bomb, gotten the guy out. Thrown the bomb super high up breaking the ceiling. It explodes in the air, but no SUPERMAN NEEDS TO BE BROODING AND SERIOUS FUCK YOU SNYDER. I'm glad they fired him, and yes he was definitely fired.

jl was great for avg fans, it was avengers lite. I personally enjoyed both editions of BvS more because the fights had weight (trinity), and it felt like a blender of multi stories while doing something new.

I am tired of the superheroes genre, I came in for adrenaline , left with family friendly stuff. Friends rec I read comic books, but I only want to read the collected stories w no filler.

OP here. To be fair, Superman had a lot on his mind, and it was hard for him to focus. He let his guard down, and when that happened, people died. It just goes back to Martha's "Island" speech in MoS and what Clark told Zod in the Smallville fight "My parents taught me, to hone my senses, FOCUS on just what I wanted to see" Plus it didn't help that the wheelchair was lined with lead, he would have never detected it otherwise. At least that's how I interpret the scene.

Pretty much. It was fun and enjoyable, but like you said, there were no stakes at all, no tension in each battle. I found the moment where Superman calls Flash a "slowpoke" amusing, but it robbed the scene of any drama it once had.

>ou know that scene in BvS where Superman is in the court room with the wheelchair guy. Then the bomb in his wheelchair explodes. Superman is sitting there in the decaying rotten flesh and destroyed structure brooding.

That was one of the best scenes of the movie, its like you dont understand what a character arch is.

>gives the fans what they want to see.

Fuck the fans and fuck pandering to them. That's a toddler's approach to filmmaking.

OP here. You are aware that the fans are the ones paying good money to see these movies, right? You really think that spitting in their face figuratively and telling them to deal with it is ok?

In pursuit of a more effectively realised character, yes, absolutely.

Fuck yes. I feel bad for Cavill. He could have made an amazing Superman.

yeah and what would have been even better for Superman's character arc is to become Superman. One who throws bombs sky high to prevent death of people.


Everything about the DCEU is wasted potential.

>Most of the people in my theater were cheering for Supes too, which proves that people still like Superman when he is DONE RIGHT.
Exactly. Aside from the last two entries of the Donner movies, which were low budget misfires, what has every silver screen appearance of Superman in the modern age been until now? Dour. Superman Returns, Man of Steel, and Dawn of Justice were all somewhere between depressing and dour in tone.

>it would have been better to complete his character's arc in the middle of the film

do you have one of those stickers for the disabled parking?

That scene should have had Superman actually explain his motivation. It would have been a turning point for the characters and audience. Instead he's a mute turd the whole movie.
Everyone in JL acts like he was some big inspiration when everyone hated him in BVS.

You already have the fans you need to pander to the normies

If they want Marvel flick style flicks they will chose an MCU movie not this Frankenstein mess of the worst of all Capeshit that WB produced

If you're going to hurl insults my way, we're done here.


>Snyder movies made decent
Man of steel did okay but BvS was running on the hype of the most popular super heroes together. The do you bleed trailer was dope. The movie was a massive let down, Snyder is what caused JL to have so little hype

OP here. What they could have done is let him make his speech about who he is and what his mission is, then mid-speech the bomb goes off. It humanizes him for the audience further, plus it shows what happens when he lets his guard down. Too late now, though.

>Everyone in JL acts like he was some big inspiration when everyone hated him in BVS.

Not to defend shitty writing, but it may be one of those things where a celebrity dies and suddenly everyone's their biggest fan even though they called that celebrity a creep or a rapist or a hack while they were still alive.

Hell, it applies to the film as well. Suddenly shitting on Snyder is considered taboo because his daughter killed herself.

>everyone hated him in BVS.

And then he saved the fucking world, again, at the cost of his own life

Yeah, I am sure the entire final act of the movie was Whedons doing...

This is exactly what's going on. It happens in sports too, a player who the fans hate leaves or retires and all of a sudden they're talking about what a hard worker he is, how he's really underrated, and so on.

>Superman should instantly be a flawless character who never makes mistakes and always saves everyone no matter what
People like you are the reason Superman is often an incredibly boring character.

>when everyone hated him in BVS
That's not even remotely true. But go ahead, twist reality to support your arguments.

the only thing you are a fan of is being a normie faggot


>Superman is boring because he saves people consistently

No. Superman is boring because people expect him to be completely flawless, some infallible being who can do no wrong.

Just look at the MoS criticisms.
>Hurr why didn't he stop mid fight to save people
>Durr he could have just flown away from the guy who literally just promised to kill every single person on the planet

Why did they make his revival so complicated?

He's Superman just throw him in the sun.

it wasn't complicated tho

>includes a direct, perfectly framed shot of a jar of lex luthor's piss

yeah it's one of the best alright

Nope. Snyder delivered something new and fresh and I wanted more evil Superman

Snyder didn't want to pander to comic fans.
Snyder didn't want to pander to a general audience.
Snyder wanted to pander to his cucks.

You think the bomb was a ticking timebomb?
Of course not. It was electronics. You can't hear electronics. It would have been stupid if he heard the bomb.

It's not even that. In the Snyder's cut is CLEARLY STATED by Lois that the weelchair was lined with lead, so Superman could'nt do anything

I want Snyder to fuck off and join he stupid daughter. He should never be allowed to make movies again.

I partly agree. If Snyder had included the fucking scene where Superman admits to not being able to save everyone and purposely blocking out some screams for help to catch a fucking breather, it would have actually explained why he didn't notice the bomb. Alas, even Snyder thought it was "too dark".

>Evil Superman
>New and fresh

Making Superman evil is the sign of a hack

So superman just ignores a lead-lined weelchair?
>I'm sure it's fine

You must be extremely paranoid to suspect everything lead-lined is dangerous. And who's to say some wheelchairs aren't? Is Superman some sort of wheelchair construction expert?

>m8 your wheelchair is lined with lead
>I have to inspect that
>Superman, you cunt, you fucking crippled me, i'm not going to give you my wheelchair
>No, you don't understand...
>Fuck off asshole, how am I suppose to give it to you, I can't get up
>Look, guards, hey guards! Could you just take him up for a second?

Joss saved Superman.

I'm sure you would be distracted too if your super-senses picked up the smell of piss across the room.

He's an emo with a superman complex.

He didn’t notice the bomb bc the wheelchair was lined with lead.

But they made Snyder cut that little bit of information out of the theatrical cut. Good job WB

Reads like a Monty Python skit

Good stuff

I think this film flopped mostly due to other issues. The plot was extraordinarily generic and boring and it showed. We knew exactly what we were getting as soon as we saw the trailer. If they showed us something a little bit crazy, like a movie where superman turns evil and they all have to fight him, that would be something interesting. Or maybe a film about Wonder Woman vs a superpowered Harley Quin with the rest of the justice league incapacitated (by Lex Luthor or something).

And although the characters were slightly more interesting than man of steel or bvs, they still were not as fun or interesting as the characters in marvel films (no, I am not referring to 'quips'. Quips don't mean 'fun').

Whedon fucking ruined it. Adding all those stupid quips, making Batman gay for superman "I uh d-d-don't not like you... baka"

Fucking rick and morty on tv in the flash's hideout. It was cringe af

>doubling down on horse-shit
Isn't that how you got into this mess in the fucking first place?

The only thing lead-lined in these movies WAS dangerous, not to superman, but the whole courtroom fucking exploded. This is superman, that wasn't the time to be relaxed

If you think Snyder is ever gonna work on another DC movie, you're wrong. WB took this movie away from him and killed his daughter. He's not coming back.

When they killed his daughter, Snyder became batman, hunting down hollywood corruption.

Why do you think Weinstein got toppled?

>rick and morty
You're joking right?

I agree with you OP. Superman IS charismatic. But Snyder is a hack so he thinks he has to make Superman uncharismatic in order to make a refreshing movie. So we ended up with depressed looking Super beta who is extremely unentertaining.

All that Justice League proves is that Snyder fans care about the product more than Whedon fans do, if he even has any.

Actually, the very existence of a lead-lined wheelchair bomb in a Superman movie is fucked up beyond belief. I don't care how he failed to stop it. It shouldn't fucking be there in the first place. It's like showing 9-11 in movie that's supposed to inspire hope and make you feel good -- it's like Man of Steel. The problem is 100% Snyder. This dude tried to give Batman a rape victim backstory in BVS and tried to make Superman evil for all of JL before WB stepped in.

>heard the bomb

>So superman just ignores a lead-lined weelchair?
superman isnt constantly monitoring every room he enters with x-ray vision mate.

You sure it isn't just three strikes and you're out with people sick of Snyder?

Why not? why wouldn't he? Is it hard for him? is he too tired or lazy to do it? he could have prevented the death of everyone on that courtroom

They were even trying to soft reboot him with aqua man telling Bruce that you lose a part of yourself after dying. Sure enough, Supes was less angsty autistic when he came back but too little too late.


He's too busy staring at his feet while holding back tears.

>Why not? why wouldn't he?
cause he has to focus to do it?

for whatever reason the movies make it clear that he is not constantly using it.

>building blows up, killing nearly everyone inside
>dramatic, sad moment
>superman just stands there with the same look a person gets if they're not sure they left the coffee maker plugged in or not before they left

No shit
did you not see the man from uncle?

So he could just focus a little bit everytime he enters a room. There, superman saves the day again!

Nope. When Batman goes to recruit him it's on the tv in the background.

You just don't understand all the deep religious allegories in Rick and Morty.

The reason this movie is flopping is because it's still advertised as a Snyder joint, so audiences are staying away. People saw MoS and BvS because they were fucking Superman and Batman flicks, of course everyone was goning to see them but once they realized they were shit the numbers dropped and realized the DCEU had been tainted forever.

No, he didn't notice because he didn't want to look at the guy
Director's cut makes sense on this.
He didn't see it because he was afraid to look at the guy, be cause he felt guilty. Showing that the strongest, fastest man in the world was still a man struggling with his own fears and doubts.
Good ideas applied poorly. I don't know Nolan or the studio are to blame for this.

The thing is there is a Superman film between MoS and BvS, that shouldn't have necessarily showed the mature, classic Superman of Justice League but at least him trying to be that in the eyes of the people.

Snyder is the one that likes Rick and Morty.

Are you autistic? You actually want scenes where Superman fails to x-ray a bunch of shit and then finds out they're just typical lead-lined things to establish that lead-lined things are safe before shattering that notion with the one thing that explodes?

Are you pretending to be retarded? Or are you so much of a shut it that you can't read faces anymore?

>worldwide gross of almost 300 mil in two days

Someone explain

He literally has a line in the theatrical cut where he says that.
>I didn't notice because I wasn't looking
And it mirrors Batman/Bruce who also didn't notice the checks being sent back, because he was focused so much on Superman that he stopped looking.