Haven't seen any of his "new" movies like Song to Song, Knight of Cup, etc.
What I am in for? And why they have such low ratings?
The cast is god-tier and movies itself are shot by Lubezki.
Terrence Malick
They're over indulgent and pointless, seems like they don't even have a script
Knight of Cups was actually good but it went nowhere. No resolution whatsoever
Knight of Cups gets its point across early then keeps repeating it over and over until it stops mercifully it also has some really bad scenes and dialogue
Everything after tree of life isn't very good.
knight of cups is all right but it's so bloated and repetitive.
song to song tries to actually have a bit of a plot but it has none of that malick sense of wonder and scale, it just becomes a melodramatic gf simulator.
Knight of Cups is good
Song to Song is Malick reaching over-indulgence of his style
Song to Song is literally meandering cuckery
I've heard people give their opinions on Song to song and Knight of cups but it seems like no one even gives an inch of a shit about To The Wonder. Is it completely forgettable?
They're pure comfy. Just relax and take it in. If you go to see them expecting them to require some kind of intellectual effort, you're just gonna make them too hard on yourself.
look at them with your heart and not your brain and they're pretty good
this shit
What the fuck? The cinematography doesn't even look good. Just looks like a warped lens and laziness. How did Lubezki and Malick get away with it?
Was it rape?
Knight of Cups is on a par with The Tree of Life. Song to Song lacks substance imo
Kill yourself plotbabby.
>FPS at 120fpv
>Haven't seen any of his "new" movies like Song to Song, Knight of Cup, etc.
>What I am in for? And why they have such low ratings?
they are good for angsty teen who do not question liberal mores, aka hedonism
what did he mean by that?
Why don't you watch them instead of spouting retarded nonsense like this?
How can you be so retarded that your interpretation of a film is the exact opposite of what it actually is?
that's how he attracts them
>What I am in for?
sickness, and nausea , he shot them in super wide curvy lenses.
KoC is the best movie of the past 20 years
what you seen his penis?
His movies are really gorgeous and I get their point, but one thing that really pisses me off is that thing where the girl character walks ahead, and keeps looking back at the camera doing something silly, like skipping around or dancing. It's so ridiculous and annoying, it takes me out of the movie everytime. To The Wonder has this shit all over it.
>I get their point
Staggering, just brilliant. All of them, ToL, TTW, KoC, VoT, S2S, he's created a new cinematic language. Gorgeous, reverent, maudlin, stylish, deeply felt.
Nope, it's his most personal, intimate film. It's a bit darker than most as it's about the dissolution of a relationship.
>To the Wonder resembles another chapter out of Malick’s life. The male lead (Ben Affleck), named Neil, is an American man who, while in Paris, falls in love with a French woman (Olga Kurylenko) named Marina, the mother of a young daughter (Tatiana Chiline). When the three move to America, Marina has a hard time adjusting. The two grow apart, and in voice-over Marina says something like (I’m paraphrasing, the line is not in my notes), “Where does he go?” All of these details parallel what we know about Malick’s second marriage:
>One day in 1980 or 1981, Malick’s landlord introduced him to Michèle, a tall, thirtysomething blonde Parisienne who lived in the same building. She had a young daughter, Alexandra. … In a year or two, the trio moved to Austin, Texas. … Michèle did her best to adapt to Austin. … But she was out of her element. … Malick would often just leave, for hours, days, or weeks. She never knew where he went, and it made her crazy.
>Eventually Marina returns to Paris, just as Michèle did. While she’s away, Neil takes up with a woman he knew in his youth (Rachel McAdams). At this point in Malick’s life, he married his high school sweetheart, Alexandra “Ecky” Wallace, to whom he’s apparently still married.
>they are good for angsty teen who do not question liberal mores, aka hedonism
Dude. Song to Song is about the emptiness of sex without love. Obviously, you have not seen it, but glean bits and pieces from these threads.
Malicious has made one film, badlands.
Everything else is empty stream-of-consciousness garbage.
wrong it's cute :3
Days of Heaven has a clear straightforward narrative with very little stream of consciousness. Why haven't you watched it?
>2 out of 8 of those shots are good
Everyone who makes those grids are usually visually retarded for some reason
I didn't make that grid, only the bottom middle really deserves to be there
there are better shots throughout the movie
>it's cute
It's not when you do it everytime in every movie
The only movies that did that in excess were song to song and ttw
ToL and KoC have it as well
no where near as much
Still enough to piss me off
um sweetie, no one cares ;)
Don't ever fucking reply to me again
Awww you're so cute when you try and act like a man :3
Honestly they are my favorite movies. The Tree of Life is a masterpiece imo, one of the best films of this decade. I agree with the other user about Knight of Cups though, the point was over emphasized and seemed to just repeat itself after a while. Knight of Cups is still one of my favorites because of how originally it tells the story but also some of the dialog in it. The part where the priest is speaking and talks about how suffering is a sign god is there really spoke to me on a very deep level. It's honestly underrated, I get that it can seem repetitive but it tells such an important story, legit made me believe in god.
I also loved Song to Song but I might be biased because I have a crush on Rooney Mara and Michael Fassbender.
They are just great movies to relax to, I can watch them and just kind of tune out whats going on around me, make some tea and just get lost in them.
>I have a crush on Rooney Mara and Michael Fassbender.
Join the club buddy
Song To Song is easily one of the year's best films.
i agree but at the same time thats not saying much
The Tree of Life made me weep when I first saw it. Fortunately I was the only person in the theater.
>once you go black you never go b-