>Cassidy "Why aren't you happy for me Benjamin, I EXPECTED you to be more enthusiastic" Yates
She sure ran Sisko through a lot of hoops just to turn out to be a terrorist.
/trek/ thread
>someone forgot their injections
So it's kind of implied, that both sexes take contraceptive injections, why would the contraceptive only work if both use it? I really can't believe it works like that in the future, did she get pregnant on purpose and lie to Sisko?
Kassidy, EMH doctor, and the first Vorta female we meet were all seen in this weeks episode of Orville!
It was Worfs brothers baby.
why are all the women on DS9 so atrocious?
Kira and both Dax's were fine.
>attractive women
>star trek
>committing treason and acts of terrorism against the federation only gets you six months in the county pokey
She didn't commit acts of terrorism. She just supplied terrorists, look at the Iran-Contra affair, they also mostly got away without punishment
Look at her glisten.
>they also mostly got away without punishment
I think that's becausr they were cia and government officials. Not because their crime wasn't severe. Cassidy as a political nobody should have had a book thrown at her
>mfw this became muh Chocolate Doctor Mommy from the Orville
I can't get over the stupid nose ridges. They're an instant turn-off for me
Why did the Bajorans develop them? What evolutionary purpose did they serve?
They're the perfect shape and texture for massaging Cardassian neck ridges
it developed from the beginning of the cardassian occupation after they all got punched in the nose for being such whiny cunts
What's such a shame is that Nana has ridiculously adorable all-natural nose-crinkles when she smiles.
It's probably because of their weird morality, I bet they think that both people involved in the sex should have to agree not to have a baby
Some were pretty good
that strand of spittle hnnnggg
Someone post that Garrett want interview from the mid 2000s
Hey Shatner-senpai, is Hanayo still your favorite?
Both women are beautiful unlike
>Garrett want interview
Garrett want but Garrett ain't gonna get
most women with short hair are almost completely neutral things to me
This, I don't even look at women with short hair, they do nothing to me. Might as well be men.
The FBI should commission a japanese comic book version of star trek. It'd be the ultimate pedotrap
Don't make me post my Kira webm
Crumple zones like on a car
then every bajoran should look like this
Was it rape?
why did Riker never hit on crusher if she was so hot?
they fucked tho
Yes. Tasha raped Data.
But it wasn't him controlling his body
He had his eye on a different Crusher.
which episode was this from i must have forgotten
only 2 episodes in but this seems to be star trek kino. why does it get Sup Forumstv/ so mad?
The Host
Just like any time a character isn't a white man, they REEEEE about how it must be some dastardly plot about cultural marxism or some other stupid nonsensical buzzword.
thank you. oh now i remember. that wasn't even riker that was the trill host that died that was still in love with her
It's an attack on 2 fronts. One is the Sup Forumstard who gets mad at black women and resisting Trump, the other is the buttmad star trek geek that doesn't like that it's taking the show in a new, better, more modern direction. Honestly their tears are amazing
its funny because star trek was always "liberal propaganda" . Every single episode was. i wish /pol would just leave star trek alone, they don't understand it, they don't agree with its core themes and beliefs, thye only like it because their loser incels and loser incels are drawn to scifi.
You gotta admit , anytime DISCO is mentioned and you get Sup Forums alt white butthurt, it's pure thread kino.
nice samefagging
because michael burnham is an unlikable character, and it introduces tech that doesn't make sense as a prequel. it's basically michael burnham: the show. every other star trek is about the crew not one singular person
You got to give it to him by not being so blatant to post 1 minute exact
honestly /disco/ is perfect scifi. i mean its just star trek made with modern production values and non-cheesy writers (cuz good lord the first few seasons of the other treks are almost always corny), theres nothing not to like. can';t wait for epic star trek space battles made with modern cgi capabilities.
He respected her too much and everyone on the ship pretty much knew that if anyone was going to get with Dr. Crusher, it would be Picard. Remember, Beverly was the only member of the crew allowed to call the captain by his first name, even when on duty.
Please don't ruin this thread, /disco/ discussion belongs here but eventually Sup Forumstard butthurt will derail the conversation like the insufferable cunts they are
trolling in /trek/ is like shooting fish in a barrel
nice butthurt
now back to Sup Forums
oh man you're right, I didn't even notice the post times, just the exact same wordings.
Always tell them about that one interview where Gene basically said something like how he wanted TOS to have Blacks and Asians because he didn't see them often enough on TV, which is basically identical to the shit Sup Forumstards bitch about endlessly these days. It's amazing watching them twist in a knot trying to explain that one away.
>a screenshot that can be easily altered proves anything
back to plebbit with you
>that cliffhanger at the end of disco
Holy shit I can't wait for s2. Theories? Thoughts? Where the hell did they jump too? What were those ships? We /VOY/ now?
kill yourself homo
>It introduces tech that doesn't make sense as a prequel
With long-running scifi franchises, I've never paid too much attention to how they depict future technology. It's hard to accurately predict tech 30 years in the future, let alone 300. So unless it's actually crucial to the plot, just relax and enjoy it. The only tech that's really out-of-place is the spore drive, but that's still limited to one ship and there's plenty of time for the show to explain why it never got out of the prototype phase.
so what exactly is going on between these 2? "soon" seems to imply theyre up to something.
Alternate universe. It was heavily foreshadowed when Lorca was talking about shit they were mapping and when they showed him override the jump coordinates.
finally someone takes over for me.
What annoys me about the hype for Disco is the idea that we need to have gay romance shoved in our face in the middle of a Star Trek show when we've never even gotten a believable heterosexual romance. Roddenberry's understanding of sexuality informed the entire series, in a really bad way.
>no new disco until January next year
Hold me BROS I don't think I'm gonna /makeit/
lmao just turn your brain off then you will like it! nah that's not what star trek is about
>it's a Keiko episode
Really ? Gonna complain about homosexual relationships in a show about social progress and interspecies love? Trigger Sup Forumsflake much?
you tell him gurl
fuck wite pipo
It's not a show about any kind of love--my point was that romance has never been done well on Trek. Fuck off.
She constantly raped him. In the middle of those rapes, she's put in a series of trigger words like the Manchurian Candidate which will allow her to say a few Klingon words and then he'll activate his sleeper-instincts and go terrorist on the Discovery.
Dude nonsense tech jargon has always been a part of star trek. You have to turn your brain off for the rrtarded tech dialogue in all the star treks. At least disco is more believable than in the past. You gonna say you didn't turn your brain off anytime someone said dumb shit like "captain we have to relay the delta wave gamma arrays for our neutrino flux capacitor!"
What tech is glaringly out of place (that actually affects the plot)? And in any case, most Trek episodes that are generally considered to be the best (Inner Light, Pale Moonlight, etc.) have not been terribly reliant on tech at all.
Shut up Miles!
Technobabble has always been there but it's been accepted since the early 90s that humans built warp drive in the 20th century, anything that contradicts established diegetic facts that have already contributed to the building of this world must be either reconciled, dismissed, or ridiculed, as there is supposed to be continuity here.
But was Tuvix a fully functional man?
Saw that ep yesterday lmao
Nickolai did nothing wrong
Janeway killed him because she's innately afraid of penises.
I've seen some people speculate they've gone to Elysia from TAS, but IMO that's way too obscure of an reference for them to make (Plus no reason Lorca would know about that place). Probably Mirror Universe just because that's popular and everyone clamors for it, and it'd explain some of Lorca's personality quirks and question dodging with the admiral if he's actually Mirror-Lorca.
Different guy, but the only tech I can recall that feels really out-of-place are things like viewscreens and such looking more advanced, and to me that's more just a consequence of actually having a budget compared to TOS. Also the holo-training simulator I guess, but that seems believably behind the level of TNG's Holodecks, and Gene wanted those on TOS anyway (but didn't have them due to budgetary concerns).
what did Tuvix's dick look like?
> a qt edo girl will never take your virginity
dude mushrooms, tardigrade. wat
>A-user, my vagina is off limits this month...come back next month when the Elders have chosen something new to forbid, we'll talk about this again then
"star trek has always been" and pol-flagging seem to be the gold standard responses from disco shills/trolls.
Nothing gets by you, it seems
What do you mean no other ships act like a fidget spinner?
that's an exaggerated response to a gentle slap if I have ever seen one.
Sure, but the drive has already been shown to have issues. Especially now that Discovery and the drive's inventor are probably in a different reality, there's plenty of narrative room to explain why it never became used (e.g., the mycelial network is accidentally or deliberately destroyed, Discovery never returns to the prime reality so the tech is lost, etc.).
>Scotty, I need you to make the Enterprise spin. Can you do that?
>I-I cannae do that, captain. What's the point?
so this whole season has been in the mirror universe?
They were obviously hamming it up.
What would you feed him for dinner?