Hi, it's me, the guy who made it cool to hate on Star Wars and ruined all discussion of Star Wars on the internet due to my insufferable rabid fans who parrot every shitty opinion I have.
Hi, it's me...
Other urls found in this thread:
haha epin post my friend
>still butthurt that the prequels are shit
Let it go OP.
So, does he hate star wars or shill for it? Make up your fucking minds.
what went wrong?
People knew the prequels were garbage before Mike came along.
Sleep it off, Kathleen
>the guy who made it cool to hate on Star Wars
You mean George Lucas?
>ruined all discussion of Star Wars
Thank god someone did that, there is nothing more pathetic than a "star wars discussion"
>still talking shit about george
This is all George's fault. Not JJ, not Disney, it's his fault.
He's just an old spineless weak pussy who was afraid to get shat on by critics yet again so out of all people he choose to sell his life's work to a children toy manufacturing franchise fully knowing what they are going to do with it in hope that everyone would stop blaming him.
Fuck you George
>the battle of the dubs
>redditors actually idolise a high school drop out
nah op is a pretty big fag
Kek what a fucking loser
why do 50 IQ morons share and post this so often? they're a couple, they've been sitting on the couch for hours, it's not that weird to shift around. did you expect him to start fingerbanging her in front of his grown adult friends as he was being filmed for an internet comedy show?
But Star Wars is so boring and samey, why would you want to discuss the same old shit for the 100th time
Because it's a funny situation? I bet even Mike get's a bit red while watching that footage
>help the first star wars I ever saw is the worst one in the series
LOL Disneyfags are catching up. Now they hate RLM because they call out your queen. Fucking fags, these guys were your heroes yesterday
>Because it's a funny situation?
Why is two people shifting positions on a couch so funny to you? Is it because you've had zero interaction with women?
Calm down mike
Its reversed you idiots
If you cannot see the inherent comedy in that gif you have the autism big time
Hey there, Mike.
Aging, depression, alcohol, and a neverending stream of capeshit and Star Wars.
Or perhaps Star Wars has always been shit and he just became the speaker box for this sentiment
t. woman hater
>It's a buttblasted mouseketeer thread
*drinks tears*
It's in reverse
>asspained that your nostalgia circus is being milked for sweet plebbux
Just go somewhere else to talk about it, faggot. It's not that fucking hard.
>TFA was "everything I ever wanted"
>R1 was shit because AT-ST and Tie Fighters
They lost literally all credibility with their R1 review.
That was when half of their fanbase left. Look at their views past R1 review.
They pretended to be SW fans in Plinkett reviews but R1 revealed them as dirty plebs who just want muh family friendly space adventure and hated PT just because it was popular to hate on it.
PT is crap btw.
because it causes your autism to flare up like that
Anything that normies likes deserves to get shit on
This but unironically.
If you cannot see that the image is reversed and it is literally just two people changing positions on a couch, you may be a pathetic permavirgin who has never been allowed in the same room with a woman.
anybody else notice how mike stopped drinking in the hitb episodes over time?
now he only drinks on botw
is he trying to quit step by step?
If Mike wanted to just his change position why would he attempt to put his arm around her first and why would he make a half-embarassed smile in the process?
That's because there's more pressure to shoot HITB and get it out quickly after release.
They used to film them in the late afternoon, now they film them in the morning.
>is he trying to quit step by step?
Or maybe Mike being an alcoholic is a meme that autists have taken seriously because they're autistic.
How do you know this?
lifes work... didnt he only make the first movie.
>They lost literally all credibility with their R1 review.
>That was when half of their fanbase left.
Precisely the moment I stopped following them as well. havent watched a single of their videos ever since
Both flicks were shit. No better than capeshit
The new movies deserve every bit of criticism they get.
I don't understand why would you make a post and then completely discredit it by attaching a weeb picture to it?
>the guy who made it cool to hate on Star Wars
You wish, you fat slav. Go back to your booze, Mike.
Rogue One was a shitty mess of a movie. Force Awakens was a boring rehash. If you like nu-Star Wars you don't have the right to call anyone a fucking pleb.
He loves the original trilogy and hates the prequels, is enjoying the resurgence but is bitter about the soullessness of it.
That's Nico from Idolmaster. Her VA passed away yesterday. Pay some respect.
Okay then I'm going to attach a picture of that Lil Peep guy in my next Star Wars post because he died a few days ago, pay some respec
>What are some RLM memes that you never got behind?
>"I'm dying, Lauren", "Mike 'Insert Something Racist Here' Stoklasa" and other shit straight from Sup Forums.
Now they need to stop star wars on liners in regular tv shows. All banter between scenes are nerd references.
The irony is that he's talking about us having major problems with women when he's as bad if not worse than many of us here with women
What happened? I'm uniformed
Star Wars has only two good movies to its name, is a shitty franchise, and there's nothing you can do about it
What are you doing on a weeb site retard?
>Copying replies from reddit
>RLM invented hating the shitquels
Is this a meme, or do people under 25 actually believe this?
RO was a movie fans wanted for decades. It had a bunch of flaws but it was good overall. TFA was shit.
Old RLM lore, but it's still canon
>I was born after the prequels and have no idea that the prequels were hated long before rlm
>green eyeballs
It's not about hating PT. Everybody did that. It's about hating everything related to new SW because AT-ST! AT-ST! AT-ST!
Meanwhile those same retards love Marvel crap after 20 movies of same shit.
AVGN made videos trashing the prequels way before Plinkett
Who would think of reversing something like that?
Nobody cares about that fag and yours homo relationship
Sup Forums stopped being a weeb site a long time ago my friend , you have your own degenerate board to post there
>Stopped being a weeb site a long time ago
This is catalog of the largest Sup Forums board. 3/4 of it is weebshit.
Fuck off.
Holy god fuck off you autist. Nothing changed about this website. Someone posting an anime reaction image is not against any rules because it's an anime imageboard.
The site creator, mods and current owner lay this out for you.
You shouldn't hate the Disney movies as much as the shitquels, but you shouldn't be OK with all the nostolgia whoring. I mean, fuck a new SW every year?
Also I'm pretty sure they gave VII a good review and were only lukewarm on RO. They were competently made movies, its just one was a soft reboot and the other wouldn't have really done well if wasn't relying on an existing fanbase.
For me, I stopped caring about ST in the early 2000s, the shitquels ruined it for me, and also I grew up. I still like the OT, and I'll stream the newer movies, but I can't say I give a fuck.
I never said it's against the rules, I just don't see why would you discredit your post by attaching an anime picture, who the fuck is going to take you seriously, especially while talking about Television and Film
Fuck off Disney shill, doing soft reboots and Nostalgia pandering is the worst and anyone who enjoys it should kill themselves, especially if the prefer that over originality
I like Rich even more now
the prequels really were utter shit though
>and were only lukewarm on RO
They absolutely hated RO and were only shitting all over it. Because same forces in the same period fighting with the same equipment is nostalgia whoring but TFA being a 1:1 copy of IV with everything biggerer and betterer was not.
>that reading comprehension
Wanna know how I know you love the shitquels?
>why would you discredit your post by attaching an anime picture
Because it's not discrediting anything you stupid reddit shit. Anime is better than western crap for years now.
The prequels are hilariously bad. These new Disney sequels are just the typical generic sad corporate focus-group tuned designed by committee bad.
If you're a fan of the universe that the OT films built the prequels are more insulting. If you're just a fan of genuine movies these new Disney movies are more insulting since they feel so forced and fake.
>Star Wars doesn't deserve to be hated on
Nu Star Wars isn't much better
Thats a decent summary.
where's the Rich and Mike one?
Who gives a shit if I do, Disney is still the worst and the world would be better without the SW manchildren fanbase
Good, maybe people will stop watching them now.
Yeah try talking how D.W.Griffith is not a good film director with an anime princess attached to your post and see how everyone takes you seriously
Because you're a retard who can't read, and probably got bored two words in but felt you needed to reply, for some reason. Maybe you got triggered by seeing the word Disney
Stop being a faggot on the internet.
>you shouldn't be OK with all the nostalgia whoring. I mean, fuck a new SW every year?
>For me, I stopped caring about ST in the early 2000s, the shitquels ruined it for me, and also I grew up. I still like the OT, and I'll stream the newer movies, but I can't say I give a fuck.
The best is when you point out that they're just parroting Plinkett and they go "no I came up with that all on my own." Yeah, no, sure, you came up with "describe the following Star Wars character WITHOUT saying what they look like, what kind of costume they wore, or what their profession or role in Star Wars is. Describe this character to your friends like they ain't never seen Star Wars" all on your own. That's an user Original.
Are you new?
Hi, Razorfist.
>Half of their fanbase left
Yeah fucking right, get over yourself. If you truly believe that, you're a fucking retard.
Also ignoring the actual criticism they levied against it during the review, You stopped watching after the beginning right?
Imagine being such a raging autistic that you boycott someone for disagreeing with them.
>pretend to be SAWfans
This has never been the case. Mike and Rich especially have said that they don't give a shot about Star Wars beyond the first 2 being well made movies.
t. colo claw fish