what are some films that would suit the taste of pic related
What are some films that would suit the taste of pic related
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Fuck leftists are disgusting
justice league
>smash the alt-right
>proud cucks unite
americans are a fucking joke
Join our community
the average "fuck drumphy drumph" poster
>t. triggered drumpfkins
wtf I love reddit now
>defending a cuckold
the absolute state of the left
>I project my own cuckoldry into pictures that suggest nothing of the sort
can't make this shit up
>obvious falseflag
>trumpkins automatically fall for it cause of their confirmation bias
oh the things trumpkins do just to delude themselves
Ah right you're baiting for (You)'s. Here you go
Why are metal and hardcore fans such disgusting beings?
>he's falseflagging u guize that's why he put his face in the photo
Triggered at what exactly?
>can't read
Public education at work
> being so insane that you would be put on list for purchasing cuckcage so you could false flag
dude no ones that crazy if they are insincere
Serious question. I want to cuckold a weak beta like OP pic. Where do I find these people so I can inseminate their gfs in front of them?
I'm bewildered more than anything
Antifa rallies
They'll only take you if you have BLACK seed.
>yeah I better wear a shirt to signal what political movement I'm part of!
you guys are really easy to manipulate
In the US.
The thumbnail looks like Louis Theroux sitting on the toilet.
That's cool and all my dude but why is his face in the image if he is falseflagging?
I'm black, but how do I initiate something like that? Pls, Im being serious
At being called out for you bigotry, sweetie.
That was only added after my post, try again.
He's obviously a commie
While we have our fair share of freaks, the alt-right is full of the absolute dregs of society. Only ugly retards are actually convinced by racism and you'd have to have a below average IQ to be fooled by Trump.
Just go up to a pathetic whyteboi and tell him that you'll culturally enrich his gf like she needs. Try coffee shops or leftist rallies
why would some alt-right fag give a shit about his face on the internet, its not like they have friends who would recognize them
OP's pic makes him look like a fucking Chad in comparison.
Use craigslist or some fetish hookup site. Cuckolding is pretty popular, it's not that weird.
That's cool and all my dude but you can't actually answer the question can you? Why is a falseflag posting on tumblr, on the cuck board visibly showing off his face?
>fat grumpf supporters are as bad as literal cuckolds
>defending pedos and sexual predators
the absolute state of the right
i'll take cucks before pedo senators
Anti Flag were probably my favourite band when I was 13. Between them and RATM, it's amazing that I didn't end up far-left.
based OP. *ntifa are all fucking degenerate commie faggots (serioulsy)
Just look online for the most fervent right wingers, they may act racist but they secretly drool for black cock, the male right wingers love to prep you before you take their wife and daughters second virginity.
>a fat MAGAtard is as bad as a literal cuckold
You're going to need to step the game up. The fact you both ran to the same image is telling.
>strawmanning desperately
lmao amerimutt im not even a 56%er
it's always a white guy. why is it always the white guy?
you don't see black guys doing this shit.
It's just. White guys defend this. But they can't answer that question. Ever. Really makes you think
>better hide my face so its not obvious that its a false flag
answer this question, people who hate alt-right know that alt-right uses cuck and hates cucks and constantly spam cuck
so why would someone who hates the atl-right, proudly confirm their enemies accusations?
why would they just openly wear a shirt and say the exact thing someone falseflagging would want them to say
>he says this while every sex offender getting outted besides moore is a leftist
Strange how all the cuckold images feature left wing men.
White cock shouldn't be allowed to breed. Blacks know they have superior seed that must be spread
Another low testosterone soy boy who turned into a left pussy.
lmao itt triggered trump-fags
lmao is that riley sterns???
MEW pls how have you broken this poor man
Are you a woman? Stop trying to answer a question with a question for fucks sake. Why is this man on the tumblr cuck board happily posting his chastity cage and face? Occams razor.
Well, you guys never let me take pics.
louis ck and weinstein never ran for public office
franken didn't grab the pussy of a 14-year-old and force her to touch his dick
>inb4 fake allegations
Seems comfy
>liberal """banter"""
Jesus Christ
>Why is this man on the tumblr cuck board happily posting
Why does Sup Forums seem to know everythiing that happens on tumblr cuck threads that can immediately post something like this that confirms their beliefs
but of course falseflag never happens, unless its mass shootings
>it's Sup Forums's fault this numale faggot tumblrina is a cuckold
Great logic. We both know why he is happy to show his face to his community you are just desperate to pretend otherwise because of his t-shirt. If that same t-shirt had a pepe frog on it you would have a very different outlook.
Nice come back cuckboy.
>thread up for nearly an hour
Good stuff, mods
if it was posted on /r/politics where libtards redditors can confirm their biases, I would be very cynical that it was not a falseflag
>liberal """banter"""
Geez, America needs to sort itself out.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a bigot.
I don't see the issue here, he took a picture of himself so it's technically related to film because even a single image it could someday become film and therefore it belongs on Sup Forums
Who /shadilay/ here?
Is it wrong that i want to be the bull, just so i can assert my dominance over these nu males and get some snatch?
Again my man it was literally posted on tumblr on their procuck board. Dude was with his own and felt safe showing them his face. Would you risk doing this even as falseflag? Unless you are a proud cuck that photo would ruin your life.
Well, I can't argue with that. Carry on.
My dick is too small for that ass
Oh thank god, I thought she was going to stomp on that poor kitten
If I was a neet with no friends, sure why not, people on the internet have no self-awareness
You know an awful lot about those other websites, magapede.
Anything by Tarantino.
Still not as bad as the cuck up there. In fact kind of proves Sup Forums right about race-mixing the kid's come out fucking retarded.
Most of the latest capeshit.
Does it have to be a muscular one?
Can you read? It's written on the image. But keep trying desperately to get an out it's cute.
The googley eyes get me every time, it looks like someone glued those fake rolling eyes onto the kids face
you'll grow up someday, kid
They truly are.
One. Again still not as bad as the cuck. You're going to have to update the Drumpf folder.
Why do spic and indian Kekistanis spam these images en masse just so they can shit on whites?
not bad besides the cuck stuff
You wouldn't care if your parents or siblings saw you like that? Come on man. That shit would haunt you.
why would my parents or siblings browse Sup Forums
im so horny someone fucking blow me