Rare Colin edition
Last thread is fucked
/who/ - Politics about Doctor Who, Generally Speaking General
Last time on /dwg/:
Have a Kroton!
At the end of the day any sufficiently happy escapist media saves lives, which is less a reflection on specific vital qualities of the fiction than it is on the unsustainability of our material lives.
What did he mean by this?
Fuck off fake trip
It's what /who/ used to be.
Doctor who general
you're gonna attract more Sup Forumscucks with that title user. also you're fucking up the archive.
What was the first episode in which it was outright stated that the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey? Can anyone remember?
Dalek or Rose
Oh, you're right. How could I forget? Dalek states it more directly than Rose, I think. Thank you!
Given how faithful they've been about not explicitly naming the Time Lords / regeneration etc in 1 audios, I wonder if Big Finish won't name Gallifrey in the 9 or 10/Rose audios.
>9 and 10 never mentioned gallifrey
>A lot of people questioned why the character would have to be male in each incarnation, ever since the Old Series.
Mostly people who weren't fans of the show and didn't realise how much it would contradict what we already knew about gendered Time Lords.
>It just finally happened
Yeah it just finally happened in an atmosphere of toxic abuse from SJWs towards the show which only really kicked into gear a few years ago. What an amazing coincidence.
>the real bullying here
That I'm a bully is a very serious accusation. What's your evidence? I gave you plenty of evidence of bullying SJWs.
RTD's Master tortured the Doctor and never gave up power or his own freedom for his the Doctor. Missy did it for her (boy)friend who she liked to get touchy-feely and emotionally vulnerable with.
Clara died at an indefinite point in her own future at her own choosing. This is the least meaningful version of death imaginable. And again, if she dies before she goes back to the Raven the universe will end lol.
>Just because Hell Bent doesn't sit well with your ideology
Mostly I just hate it for story reasons. Because it undermines Clara's exit in Face the Raven, the events of Heaven Sent, the Hybrid arc, Rassilon etc. and leaves far too many loose ends hanging about Gallifrey and the Time Lords. The episode is extremely divisive.
>it doesn't reinforce shit
It reinforces the negative stereotype than feminism is about man-hating. It's a backwards step for gender-equality and no real feminist would defend it. Similarly no real anti-racist activist would defend anti-white jokes either.
I don't believe in any conspiracy theories.
>Mostly people who weren't fans of the show and didn't realise how much it would contradict what we already knew about gendered Time Lords.
Like Tom Baker?
The idea was first proposed as a joke by Tom Baker during interview when he quipped (having already known that it was Peter Davison that would succeed him) good luck to the next Doctor whoever he or she may be.
I thought he was just being polite
>Yeah it just finally happened in an atmosphere of toxic abuse from SJWs towards the show which only really kicked into gear a few years ago. What an amazing coincidence.
This is the thing that always drives me mad. SJW fans want to have their cake and eat it, too. Okay, great, you got your female Doctor. Good for you, you won. But then they go one step further and pretend that they're not being pandered to, either. It's bizarre that they act so surprised about the thing, like the BBC just did it out of the blue, after pushing so hard for it for so long.
Just give it up, dude. All you do is complain and bring the entire general down with arguments.
This is a place for likeminded individuals like you. You may get better responses if you post there and let /who/ go on without arguments.
I don't agree with him but this isn't Reddit. He's welcome to stay and express his opinions.
Not if he's bringing a once-comfy general down into politics arguments to the point where most of the trips have rightfully abandoned this place for most threads now.
What's /who/ with you?
>caring about tripfags
The absolute state of this general
Sometimes, I wish it were possible for them to keep the identity of the actor playing the Doctor under wraps until their first series begins.
So what have you contributed to /who/, user?
Ecclescake's face on the DWG wiki banner.
They're pretty much the only people who even post Doctor Who content on the general anymore.
made the crow story for shit trips, and only that, im bad at writing and i still regret that story
You mustn't die, /who/. Too many of your enemies would delight in your death.
bravo cunt, great post
thanks mate, yours was pretty good too
For each of the NewWho Doctors, which of their other work do you enjoy the most?
28 Days Later
The Crown
The Thick of It
Adult Life Skills
Eccles was pretty good in 28 Days Later and the only other thing I've seen on here is Thick of It.
The Leftovers
Thick of It
Tennant in Jessica Jones, but the rest is the same. 28 days later is the only zombie flick I've really gotten into. Haven't seen Jodie in anything. Was going to check out SkirtChapel and Adult life skills over the holidays since there's fuck all on Sup Forums anyway.
The Second Coming
Secret Smile
(haven't seen Matt in anything else)
The Thick of It
Black Mirror
You know, since the BBC made them spoil Simm in the coming soon trailer, couldn't they TECHNICALLY have just used Razor instead? On a technicality, it's still Simm. It's still the Master, just with a different look. I reckon they could've done that instead and gotten away with it.
People who reviewed your story liked it. And it got referenced in another War story.
You should watch Adult Life Skills and Tennant's Hamlet if you get the chance, user. Both are awesome. Highly recommended.
What do you mean? The reason marketing wanted Simm on trailers is to get viewers hyped and watching overnight if Razor appeared it wouldn't have worked.
I don't think that's how it works.
The BBC obviously wanted to promote the fact that John was returning as the Master to generate hype for marketing purposes. If some scruffy, bearded no-mark appeared in the trailer instead, nobody would've cared.
I know. What I'm saying is that if they really wanted to not spoil the Master's return (I don't think anyone working on the show wanted to spoil it, just the BBC marketing), they could've said to the marketing "well, we'll just use this character on the coming soon trailer because it's still Simm as the Master". As far as I know, the Simm spoiler had nothing to do with the show itself.
But why would the BBC Marketing agree with that? They wanted Simm on the trailer for the exact reasons Moffat and co didn't want him. There's no way there could be a compromise about it, just one side getting what they want and the wrong side did.
Do you mean the production team should have tried to trick the marketing team by technically putting Simm in the trailer but in a way that no one would recognise him?
I'm just really, really pissed that Simm's return was spoiled. It could've been one of the greatest twists ever, and the worst part is that the spoilers didn't even generate that much hype anyway.
Yeah, that's what lym is suggesting. I'm saying that there's no way the BBC suits would've agreed to it, as they wanted John recognisable as the Master in the trailer.
>the spoilers didn't even generate that much hype anyway
Yes, they did. It then turned to anger at such a huge twist being spoiled, but people were still hyped for Simm coming back.
deep dream is fucking terrifying
it also killed /who/ by introducing the new wave of posters
>implying BBC executives know how John Simm's Master is supposed to look
I bet they don't even watch the show.
Wait there was reviews? They get archived?
Series 10 got record low ratings and the finale wasn't great ratings wise either.
where did this 'BBC execs forced them to spoil simm' meme even come from
were the ratings better than series 9?
Dr Nyarlathotep? In MY /who/?!?
We don't want to believe anyone who worked on the show would have decided it
I hadn't seen this post before highlighted it - I really liked it.
how about some CROWPALDI and the NIGHTMARE TARDIS
why did moffat pretend to be a hack fraud for 5 years between 2011-2016 then he remembered he could write kino like heaven sent and doctor falls
Heaven Sent was 2015
This is what i've been trying to say. Razor was still technically the Master, he just looks different.
It's not even like it was the only time in the season they'd have intentionally misled us with trailers. All throughout them, they removed the Doctor's clouded eyes for when he was blind so as to keep it as a twist, and that one actually worked well.
fuck i forgot there was only 1 episode last year
Am I wrong in thinking that the surprise would have generated more hype by word of mouth, growing organically rather than having someone attempt to manipulate the viewing numbers by leaking it early?By the time he showed off how many people had forgotten or stopped caring by then from all the hype and chatter. They had the cat well in the bag apparently, why let it out. It's baffling to me at least.
It's seeming affinity for canines is what's disturbing.
There's a new wave every series.
I almost miss duckfuck. Having one person as a lightning rod for shit has it's benefits.
Melanon and hoodie user are the heirs of Duckfuck's legacy.
His face looks like a Peter File
There was at least 1 review, and yes. Remember bookclub?
Oh shit, I forgot about them keeping the blindness arc a secret. Did nobody know about that until Oxygen aired?
I haven't been able to pick out hoodie yet, unless he/she/zhe explicitly complains about the hoodie. Melanon is pretty easy to spot. They don't get dogpiled the way duckfuck did though.
Oh shit i forgot book club
Hoodie user is basically just the new version of Melanon. There's also the "MUH SJWS" and burrunjor user, but all three of these may be the same person.
it got leaked a day before hand or so iirc
Still, commendable on how they kept that a secret until then. I didn't even know it was leaked.
I honestly think TDF would have gotten MORE hype and higher ratings if they didn't announce Simm, as the word of mouth would probably be really high for that week, rather than people finding it out months beforehand and expecting it to happen.
>The BBC hold a press screening of The Pilot. They include a trailer at the end, which includes the Simm spoiler where they state "There will come up a warning and then there will be a countdown to the spoiler, and then there will be a warning to 'Blink now' – If, at that point, you close your eyes and wait until you hear the cliffhanger noise, you will have a better experience in a few weeks' time." Among the invited were The Sun, known leakers and general shitbags when it comes to anything Who related. (Let us not forget the countless articles claiming Who's cancellation, weird-ass rumours and responsible for several previous leaks.)
>The Sun leak it. Woah! Surprise! Shock horror! Radio Times's guy accidentally confirms it.
>About a day after The Sun leak it, BBC finally release official press release and post it on all the social media outlets, turning something that was somewhat doubtful and not really known into something confirmed and nearly unavoidable online, complete with quotes.
>Filming wraps a day or so later. Simm had been filming for weeks, both internal and external, and there was no evidence (e.g. no filming pics) to suggest it was going to come out.
>The Pilot airs with a warning-less and countdown-less trailer, spoiling most who don't already know.
>BBC release trailer that clearly shows Bill after she was shot and with the life support and the metal heart.
>World Enough and Time airs to slightly higher ratings and absolutely relies on the audience NOT knowing anything about the reveals. >BBC rub salt in the wounds by telling people to "Catch Doctor Who before somebody spoils the surprises".
What's this now? I've been around less. Muh SJWs could be any board tourist I'd imagine. I hate to be conspiratorial but across Sup Forums the Sup Forums types seem to me like they're reading from a script or have certain beats they have to hit. Like a telemarketer.
>all three of these may be the same person.
Yes, they're all me. But don't worry I'm going to try to keep most of my long exhaustive rants to Planet Mondas from now on. I like the humour of this place and don't want to kill it with constant negativity.
reminder that this general is a shell of what it once was
I really like Capaldi as 12, I love him in fact. But out of series 8, 9 and 10, there wasn't a single episode except for The Doctor Falls that I actually want to go back and rewatch. None of them really struck me as absolutely amazing, except for The Doctor Falls, and that was only because of the end, plus Missy, SimmMaster and 12 all being together. This is ironic because I hated Smith as 11 but there were several episodes I loved rewatching of his run, mainly The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, A Good Man Goes To War, Let's Kill Hitler, Name of the Doctor, Day of the Doctor, Time of the Doctor.
Why does a doctor I disliked have more episodes I actually liked watching than a doctor I love very much, who had only one?
hey Immigrant, did you manage to donwload the Trenchcoat PDF yesterday?
A perfect representation of Doctor Who then.
all this says to me is that you should suck it up and actually rewatch some capaldi stories
>Let's Kill Hitler
On the rewatch a lot of them are actually pretty enjoyable. I really, really hated series 8 when it aired and I'm still not at all a fan of the Danny Pink/Clara storyline but there are some good episodes in there.
What are your thoughts on Doctor hoodies?
>dark water
>heaven sent
>hell bent
>hell bent
We're not going to pretend that hell bent was good now are we?
No pretend. Was a pretty good ep.
I remember how hype I was for that episode. It has an amazing title, and I figured it would be a pure Moffuck. (And it was, but for all the wrong reasons)
Hell Bent is good
except the dinner cgi