It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission

If i were the director or producer i would take a razor, sneak to Henry Cavill and shave that fucking stache out off his face.

Tell Paramount
>Oops it was an accident.
>Cavill has no responsibility about it.
>We were trying to mark his stache for CGI guys or something like that.

or straight up.

>Fuck you! Deal with it.

I thought DC full of Alpha Creatives, why no one did that?

Because it's run by spineless jews who were too afraid of lawsuits from Paramount. The alpha thing was just a meme

Good idea, OP.
Cavill would probably be perfectly fine with that

I havent yet watched the movie but what happened?
a) he had facial hair and the CGId it out
b) he didnt have facial hair and they CGId it in

They don't care that much about their franchise

it was a)

but at one point WB was seriously considering making Henry shave, then foot the bill for Paramount to cgi him a stache for Mission Impossible

>>I thought DC full of Alpha Creatives, why no one did that?
The DChads are the comics division, not WB who are spineless fucks.

>Hemsworth grew and shaved his hair for his movie
>Cavill couldn't be bothered to shave his moustache

What a jackass. Superman would have shaved!

>implying the Cruise would let that happen

>foot the bill for Paramount to cgi him a stache for Mission Impossible
why on earth would you cgi a mustache in the first place, instead of hiring a competent make up artist?

>cgi a stache
This can't be fucking real

Should have just reshot the scenes with a beard and a black suit.

But its been pretty obvious that DCU wants its movies to suck. Its a big social experiment to test brand loyalty

hollywood execs think cgi can fix anything

it is. vfx artists even ran tests and discovered adding hair is (surprising no one) so much easier than removing it

Funny part is that a cg mustache would've been cheaper and easier.
Should have just payed mission impossible to cg a mustache on him

They should have had him come back with a beard and then shave it off with his laser sight at the end of the movie.

>it is. vfx artists even ran tests and discovered adding hair is (surprising no one) so much easier than removing it
Of course it is.
A stache doesnt have the same properties as skin and tissue

Paramount didn't want him to, do your really think Cavill gives a shit?

>laser doesn't even come from his eye
Nice animation

>I thought DC full of Alpha Creatives, why no one did that?
Whedon was in charge. Joss "what the hell is testosterone?" "I fuck your waifu with my manboobs" Whedon.

Why they thought an actor in a movie needed a mustache in 2017 is beyond me.

>but at one point WB was seriously considering making Henry shave, then foot the bill for Paramount to cgi him a stache for Mission Impossible
WB offered this to paramount. They found it was much easier, cheaper and more realistic looking if you add a moustache in post then removing one. So they offered the deal to paramount to foot the bill themselves. Paramount said no.

>times op watched too much mindhunters
>was it autism?


It's not that it was critical for him to have a mustache, it's just that actors are are contractually obligated not to change their appearance when filming a movie.

implying you cucks wouldn't find another run off the mill meme to complain about the movie if he shaved off the moustache


>dead body grows a beard

>millions of dollars in CGI
>not just paying paramount half of that to give him a few weeks to grow it back.

Paramount wanted to maximize the damage obviously

Yeah, fur/hair simulation technology good enough for replace just a moustache and beard.
i mean look at Ape movies.

I don't follow comic books but why would super,an having a mustache be a problem in a stupid kids movie? They make white characters into niggers all the time but some character can't have a mustache?

it would probably just be sort of dumb to have them open up Superman's grave only for him to emerge with a mustache that nobody comments on

They would have had to re-shoot some scenes I'm guessing or add a stache in with cgi. He only had it for re-shoots

Why the fuck was a mustache to integral to Cavills MI character that it was in his fucking contract that he couldn't shave? Fake mustaches not only exist, but they're very convincing

Paramount wanted to cuck Warner Bros

Why use a fake mustache when he can grow one for free? And him shaving it halfway through shooting then using a fake for the rest would look terrible

it would be hilarous to see them only in his character introduction scene... where he is shaving them

why should Paramount have to do extra work because of Warner Bros fuckup? Paramount is 100% in the right in this situation, I don't understand how this is still a debate

I think it's because people aren't really clear on the point that they filmed the whole movie with shaved Superman and this only matters for the reshoots where he went and moved on, grew his mustache and then had Josh Weedon phoned him to do the whole thing again even though he was on contract to grow a mustache

>man flies and shots laser beams

well ACTUALLY corpses often show a sort of stubble after dying, because the skin gets tighter sort of and the hairs that were below the skin before stick out

It's not a full beard but corpses look like they grow hair post mortem

it was me WB

the author of all your pain

based Jim

>Cavill couldn't be bothered to shave his moustache
He wasn't allowed, dipshit.
And Hemsworth is wearing a wig for Infinity War so nice going there.

cavill would be more then happy for this shit show to collapse he's a decent actor and he got his head start

They still would have had to add a beard with cgi instead of removing the mustache


Honestly the solution to all this would have been for WB to just make a movie in one go instead of reshooting half of it

>I thought DC full of Alpha Creatives, why no one did that?

Nearly no one from DC worked on on the DCEU, let alone the production of JL. It's all WB. DC creatives don't have a movie studio. WB owns the publishing rights as they own DC comics itself. WB just do what the fuck they want regardless of what DC employees might think or say.

>WB shaves Cavill's mustache off and says "fuck you, Paramount!"
>Cavill is now in breach of contract and Paramount sues him.
>Cavill says "Fuck you, WB!" and never works for them.again
I suppose it's a good solution in that everybody loses.

what WB should have done
>have an exec take Affleck out for drinks
> get him shitfaced, then go "hey wouldn't it be funny if you shaved Henry's mustache off?"
>Affleck shaves Canill's stache of in a drunken stupor, wakes up with no memory of what he did

WB has their stachless Supes and another reason to dump Batfleck win-win all around

actually brilliant
way too clever for a guy like Joss
he's probably allergic to alcohol

this, or maybe involve Cavill in some kind of accident where he burns his facial hair

No, he is not, he has short hair in the poster and in the leaked trailer (Even in the posters and promotional items, they did everything possible to hide his right eye).

However Loki was wearing a wig in Thor and Infinity War, but apparently it was more a "my hair didn't grow so fast" than he refusing to grow his hair.

The fact they didn't use a bearded Superman, it only makes me realize how directors and studios don't care about source material and probably never read a comic.

>didn't see the set photos
Ignorance is bliss.

>Shaves his mustache
>Paramount sues Cavill
>WB pays


they do
and Superman's cells dying slower was literally a plotpoint. Otherwise he would already be rotten.

Why on earth would Cavill torpedo his relationship to Paramount over fucking Justice League?

he's actually an alcoholic
hence the vampire-blood willow-magic metaphors

What if anything about the project gave you the idea there was any confidence in it?

>major rewrites
>major reshoots
>swapped directors

He's wearing a wig, most actors in these movies are. Like Ben, Chris Evans, and I think rdj too

They don't

>ruining his chances of being fucking superman over a generic spy flick

It's not like these movies are doing great.

Couldnt he have just shaved it and then grown it back? thats like a 2 week tash at best

He grows a fucking mullet in the comics

Why delay shooting your movie for some other movie's re shoots? It also wouldn't look exactly the same as the first mustache

they should have just stuck a fake beard on him

a week later it would be fully grown

>the shitty DCEU trying to interfere with the BASED Mission Impossible franchise

Then they would have to cgi a beard on the non re-shoot scenes

Yes I'm sure Cavill would have loved to have been held down and sheared like a sheep BRAVO SNYDER

Doing better than whatever trash marvel is shitting out. Everyone's already stopped talking about Thor

>Several people at work have this mustache
>every single one is a cunt

I am glad they just grow it out so I know who to avoid. Fuck EMS

Whether you think Marvel's movies are good or not, you can't deny DC is doing financially worse than the Marvel movies

Why not get your expert fucking makeup artists or prosthetics people to make you a fucking mustache? How could that not be easier than CG'ing off your fucking face?

Paramount doesn't care what's easier for the WB retards reshoots

Why should he have to shave in the middle of filming because DC can't make movies?


Was it written into his Paramount contract that he had to have a mustache? Couldn't he just shave it and say "tough shit, figure it out?" Certainly he would want both of his films to succeed and look good, right?

It was in his contract

1) yes

2) why the fuck would he want to piss off paramount on behalf of WB capeshit?

>Was it written into his Paramount contract that he had to have a mustache?
Usually that's the case, you don't want your actors to change their looks mid-filming.

I find this whole situation hilarious,but there are two points I don't understand
1) Why were reshoots necessary in the first place?
2) isn't it easier to do a convincing face moustache than it is to digitally remove a moustache with CGI after the fact? Couldn't the studios have worked out some sort of compromise on this? Hollywood makeup is unbelievably good, and they'd be able to give him a realistic moustache no problem.

They could've worked something out, but it seems like WB decided CGI mouth was cheaper than paying off Paramount.

No one can ruin his chances of being Superman. He holds all the bargaining chips because they'd have to be completely retarded to try and replace him at this point given that the DCEU is already a giant train-wreck. It's the same reason why Bruce Willis can be a dick to the studio when he's working on the Die Hard movies.

Also, he doesn't really seem to give a shit about being Superman.

That's not how it works. They're not going to recast the main face of their movie franchise just because he has a moustache. And the reason why he'd care is because perhaps he doesn't want to be typecast as "only that superman guy".

Even an actors weight is regulated in their contract.

Why not just have him have a full beard?

Because they made a bland mess that looked identical to MoS, BvS and SS. Then they saw that everyone was excited for the funny, colorful Thor film, so they tried to copy the Marvel tone at the last minute in order to draw in a larger crowd, while completely disregarding creative vision and integrity.
Yes, but CGI is much cheaper than people seem to believe, and they assumed nobody would notice. Everyone noticed.

They would have to cgi a beard on him then

I cannot understand this decision at all. Isn't it A LOT easier to fake a mustache than it is to CGI it out? Do they not have believable fake hair, beards, mustaches? What's going on?

>1) Why were reshoots necessary in the first place?
Because Whedon is a hack that needed to shit over that he couldn't understand
>2) isn't it easier to do a convincing face moustache than it is to digitally remove a moustache with CGI after the fact? Couldn't the studios have worked out some sort of compromise on this? Hollywood makeup is unbelievably good, and they'd be able to give him a realistic moustache no problem.
WB offered this solution to paramount, offering to foot the bill. Paramount said no

Why would Paramount care about DC's fuckups?

Yes it was. If he shaved it he would've faced a stiff penalty.

Yes it was, all contracts have ridiculously rigid "appearance clauses" that say that actors cannot change their physical appearance during a shoot. Cavill's was very strict. He revealed that he was not even allowed to shave his pubic hair (there were daily penis inspections until his wrap date) and could be fined up to $15,000 if caught eating any desserts or junk foods.

People probably would have actually went and seen the stupid fucking movie if they let Henry keep the mustache for Superman in it.

So basically the same situation as SOME KINDA SOOSIDE SKWAH where the WB just feels the need to always change around their films at the last second to "me too" off the flavor of the month competition? Not that I think suicide squad would've been good with the original cut.
Are you sure about that? I was under the impression that CGI is very expensive, especially for facial stuff. Certainly far more expensive than shaving for JUSTice league and doing makeup/prosthetics for the other movie and settling on a deal.

I understand the reshoots being done by whedon, but my question is more about why they needed to do reshoots at all, regardless of who was doing them. But I guess according to the other poster, it's simply because they were scrambling to copy marvel again?

>WB offered this solution to paramount, offering to foot the bill. Paramount said no
So what's Paramounts end game here? Were they just trying to sabotage and fuck over WB? Taking a monetary deal seems like the most sensible thing.

The only person that owes DCEU anything is Gal

for anyone else it seems like an overall bad career move

Cavill should get dropped like a stone for this what a humongous faggot he is

>I understand the reshoots being done by whedon, but my question is more about why they needed to do reshoots at all, regardless of who was doing them. But I guess according to the other poster, it's simply because they were scrambling to copy marvel again?
I wasn't meme'ing.
Whedon replaced 90% of superman scenes because he didn't like what Snyder was doing.
>So what's Paramounts end game here? Were they just trying to sabotage and fuck over WB? Taking a monetary deal seems like the most sensible thing.
Why should Paramount risk having to cgi a moustache due to wb's fuckup? Warner bros seriously shit the bed and should be punished for being such utter retards. It's not paramount's responsibility to fix their film