300 million?
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>Or about 105mph
Even Steven Seagal runs better than that wtf
Who the fuck even runs like that?!
Someone post AoU quicksilver running gifs
>hire an effeminate gay Jew to portray a character than runs around
That's what happens when you, for all intents and purposes, reshoot your movie three times. Every second you spend costs money. Cameramen, editors, makeup artists, effects crew, and actors all have to get paid. Costs to keep the lights on and refreshments on the table. That's even bringing in the initial CGI sequences and everything they had to done over. Entire Cyborg scenes were shelved (as someone leaked yesterday) and there was that Flash crash scene.
>ok, Erza, you're Barry Allen, god of speed, you run very fast, much faster than any athlete, give me your best "running like an athlete" performance!
I hate Snyder with a passion for a very long time. And yeah Flash seems to be running very slowly here, it's awful no question.
However when it comes to speedsters, I think that Singer did it so perfectly with quicksilver in DoFP that no one can come close after that. That bar is super high. So much so that Singer himself didn't do better in apocalypse, as it became a parody of itself.
Whedon/Marvel didn't even try in AoU, because of how high the standard now is. They simply avoided this trap. In Ultron QS is almost teleporting, there's next to no slow motion.
Snyder tried because he has a shit ton of hubris. He can outdo them all right? I mean look at Flash here. It's preposterous. It's badly done. He's slow running over an extremely fast background plate. It's ugly and laughable.
By running at this speed, wouldn't it a big shockwave killing people around?
It's even worse in the abandoned Russian town scene. Looks like someone fake-skating without advancing in front of a green screen.
Which it shouldn't.
I'm pretty sure even CW's Flash has better CGI than that
does this faggot know how to run? they should have just casted usain bolt Jesus Christian
He’s able to control its effects via speed force.
Holy shit that's the worst one I've seen so far.
Why is lightning always coming off him? Is he DC’s Thor or something
What does that even mean? Magic?
>Running at superspeed
>Scene is in slow motion
Will this Six Million Dollar Man trope ever be abandoned?
A simple google search will tell you.
>can't even get step length right
>it's like the ground is just moving under him really fast
He doesn't have super long legs, he is just supposed to run fast. FUCKING IDIOTS!
He said that when he used his power it wasn't like running, it was more like skating you dumb shitposters
>My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the FASTEST SKATER ALIVE
Christ, did they deliberately pick someone with the world's faggiest run or was it just a horrible accident?
Holy fuck, worse than a PS3 game
It looks like shit, no one cares what he said. It looks like shit.
This is bretty bretty gud
Maybe they spent most of the money before the reshoots, so that isn't even close to the "this cost $300 million dollars meme
What kind of superpower is skating fast? It's almost in the same tier as being able to climb anything.
>Virgin frolick vs Chad sprint
Imagine this coming at you coming at the speed of dead parents.
Damn, sometimes not watching CW for a while opens your eyes to the shit acting
fucking hell, I so hoped it won't look like a fucking cw flash.
Yeah, you're one to laugh here, buddy.
Why the fuck does he shoot at Superman? Is it some kind of social commentary about american cops?
lol he's running like Woody in Toy Story 1
The suit starts reacting to impending threats and he can't control it
imagine being this butthurt
Wait, when did Cyborg ever have that problem? I thought Blue Beetle was the one whose suit does this kind of stuff.
>He's slow running over an extremely fast background plate. It's ugly and laughable.
GOD YES, that's the problem
speed force endows him with some kind of no friction aura or some shit
it's hard to explain because it doesn't make sense
just know that it exists and it works, and that's all that matters
People who take it up the ass.
Is that real ?
WUT? I've never seen your mom run like that. You must be wrong.
money can't buy talent
In the comics? I think never
But it makes sense within the context, that the suit is a motherbox with an AI that learns to defend itself
Shit acting, but at least it actually conveys the idea that they're fast as fuck
This looks like Tekken3
>looks like [videogame]
*blocks your opinion*
Geez. That looks bad. Did they animate that in Flash?
I hate how all speedsters need to have the bursts of speed when already going fast for no reason.
Soy boys
Just saw this movie today. Question, why does Flash consistently run like a gigantic faggot? He runs like that weird kid in middle school who's obsessed with Naruto and peed his pants and cried in front of the whole class
>He runs like that weird kid in middle school who's obsessed with Naruto and peed his pants and cried in front of the whole class
james we all know it's you.
That's an awfully specific analogy user. How many years has it been since you did that? Are you ok?
probably because Snyder thought it was cool if he waved his hands wide while running. in a close up, with perspective, it does look pretty cool, but on wide shots Flash just looks like a faggot weeab.
in time...
at this point I wouldnt be surprised if they were using these movie budgets to launder money for some pedo ring.
Home for thanksgiving break. I’m definitely going to have a good laugh in the theater tomorrow.
Isn't that normal running for homos?
You do realize that marvel's influence is what led DC to copy their superhero film formula of "fun light hearted quip movie"
Good speed effect.
I have been out of the loop for a while after getting rid of my DCUO addiction, why is Zoom called Reverse Flash recently?
best part of the movie was Superman beating everyone's ass
When tires move really fast, they look like they're actually going slow (and it looks like they start rolling backwards). Why hasn't anyone tried making him look like he's running in slow motion, but have an effect around him that looks like arms and legs moving ridiculously fast, like how Agent Smith looked when punching Neo (pic related)?
>wack off
6 million
When will this board get over its little hate boner for this movie?
See it with a group of friends on a night out or don't.
Either way shut the fuck up about it.
Inflated numbers to profit off them. The movie budget of course, wink wink.
wtf why does he look so slow? shouldn't the flash be tremendously faster?
>He's gonna get you
this be bait right?
Superman calls him a dindu and starts making ape noises
wtf is going on with his chest? Looks like a bad tit reduction
How can you see when you're traveling faster than light? Wouldn't the photons just never reach your eyes?
Reverse Flash and Zoom are separate characters with almost identical costumes. Reverse Flash is Eobard Thawne and Zoom is Hunter Zolomon
we had a kid in h.s. who was exactly this. he would run to the school bus area like crouched over and had his hands high behind his back
>le 56% face
Looks like trash, makes you feel nauseous.
Futabu uncensored when
It's really hard to open one eye wider than the other.
You run into the photons
Why is the Flash portrayed in slo-mo? Shouldn't everything else be in slo-mo while he's traveling at normal speed or quicker?
Just the photons behind you and you can't see those anyway, things in front of you you'll see even faster than a normal person
They didnt get the character right probably.
You cant travel faster than light.
>early episode shows his normal shoes would burn because friction of his speed
>this scene they looks totally fine