What is the strongest or coolest starship in all of sci-fi?
What is the strongest or coolest starship in all of sci-fi?
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The Orville
always gets me
the one in OPM in season 1 finale
Ah, the SS Tin Cans Welded Together
Why ? It's so stupid, durrhurr they rebelled and went crazy lol :D
Whoever made this, kek
Don’t know about strongest but definitely one of the coolest designed.
Halo ships are aesthetic af. Names are the best too
Star Wars is not sci-fi.
The best are all the Goa'uld ships in Stargate.
>star wars isn't sci fi
Yes it is
>Eclipse is now 36km
I guess this was done as a joke, but it is pretty dumb that Executor size creeped up to idiocy as well.
I read somewhere it was supposed to be originally like 5km in length, then it grew to 11 and then seems to have standardized at 17.
>massing all these resources on a single vessel
there's a reason you don't do this
No Ship from Dune.
It's fantasy.
I like this. Quite comfy.
It's also sci fi
Yeah, Culture ships are insane.
For looks I'm in love with Daedalus from stargate
Agreed, but the culture is so OP that it removes any kind of tension or compelling storytelling. The culture novels always revolved around something happening OUTSIDE of the culture.
>when your ships are just tubes and blobs and can outgun virtually everyone else.
Has to be a contender for the strongest.
a series of books called The Culture Novels by Iain M. Banks (he dead now sadly)
he goes into a lot over detail over the course of the books about how OP and fantastical the ships built by the culture are and he gives them funny names sometimes
The Ringworld.
>gary stu the ship
Strongest: Whatever the Xeelee used. They had spaceships, right?
Blakes 7
that is one happy space ship
Thats not the real size
The executor was longer than the eclipse but smaller
Orion's Arm
this fucker
It's all the plutonium nyborg dude.
Why the EU content related with the OT was so retarded?
Starfury from Babylon 5 was pretty great, so were the Earth Alliance ships.
>tfw your ships only have physical hulls as a fashion statement when they feel like it
Reichboos need not apply
Because Star Wars simply becomes Star Trek the moment you take it out of it's OT jerkoff safety zone.
GSVs are cool, I'd probably want to live on one if they were real desu, anything you want at any time for all eternity sounds good to me. If you got bored you could always just volunteer to crew one of the other insanely huge and powerful ships that the GSV is constantly building inside itself.
The Eclipse was never that fucking big. The Executor is larger in length.
Pretty sure living in any Culture habitat/orbital/rock/ship would be infinite comfy.
this thread is now a culture thread.
technically a spaceship the ringworld is a pretty cool idea. I vote for the Dyson sphere as a close second.
The rebel blockade runner was always the realest nigga. It had some big fucking guns on it, too, for such a small ship.
Every ship needs its crew user.
I love that there are some movie ship models on display at museums.
>YWN have a drone bodyguard as your best friend
feels bad lads.
Aren't those both technically space stations?
>tfw nobody has made a grand space opera scifi movie with tons of megastructures
>we will never see an Alderson disk
This fukken bad boy right here is the GOAT of space travel. It comes with sharp sticks for fuck sake!
the only reason anyone in the culture would ever have a bodyguard drone would be because they work for SC or Contact which is an absolutely uncomfy job that only weirdos take
Mostly because authors followed the OT's stories by obsessing over Super weapons. Like the Eclipse, Sovereign, Darksaber, Suncrusher, Galaxy Gun. They generally stuck to what worked before. KOTOR is very guilty of this which is why KOTOR II works better because its completely different.
Completely disagree. We've gotten good stories once we stray out of that territory. See Tales of the Jedi. Star Wars is a lot of things as TCW proved. We had monster , horror, war and political drama themes and they all worked out.
The ringworld can move.
it's not the strongest or anything but i always really loved the design of red dwarf
any other ships like this?
>join contact
>go to alien civilisations of all different shapes and sizes and types
>and have sex with them while glanding 6+ drugs that will never do bad things to you
not seeing the downside.
>never see an Alderson disk
Because it's fucking retarded.
Comfiest ship ever.
Comfiest show ever.
Move as in orbit its star? Or can it actually travel to different star systems?
You would be fucked over at every opportunity. Unless you're one of those one in a trillion humans who can outwit a Mind the culture has literally no reason to keep you alive instead of the drone, so if things fuck up, which they regularly do, you're fucked. The only reason they have biologicals doing work for them is because most alien civilisations don't like talking to machines.
You think Zakalwe or Gurgeh had a good time?
Or because they actually murdered someone somehow and got hit with a slap drone.
nightfighters yes
>Or can it actually travel to different star systems?
They do that in the last book.
Yeah but then the drone is sort of a reverse bodyguard. Protecting others form you in the event that you try to kill someone again.
>that isn't even what a ship looks like
>except it totally could be because a mind could just decide it wants to aesthetically look like that
gurgeh had a good time for a while and zak actually signed up for it
Zakalwe couldn't do anything other than what he was doing for the Culture. That's why he's still doing the same thing hundreds of years later, too (and now appears to be completely off-the-books as far as the Culture goes).
Also Gurgeh's epilogue shows that the whole thing was kind of a epiphany for him.
i thought that was his sadness over having been played his whole life
shame it goes to proper shite after series 6
The culture manipulated zakalwe into continuing the lifestyle he hates and performing actions that he despises himself for only to give him the great gift of an aneurysm at the end of it.
As for gurgeh he realised that he was just a pawn in a much bigger game and came to understand his overall insignificance and that his 'games' are just that - pointless, meaningless games.
Le baguetteship
I think Use of Weapons could be turned into a decent series. Alternating episodes could show the past and current narratives of Zakalwe, until the final episode where we learn the truth about him.
>The culture manipulated zakalwe into continuing the lifestyle he hates and performing actions that he despises himself for
He did it first and every time they gave him free reign he went back to it. Zakalwe is compelled to be like that, the Culture just gives him a framework where he can objectively be sure the result is good. They don't 'gift' him an aneurysm either, that occurs because of what he wants. And he survives because he's around in another book far in the future anyway.
Both Gurgeh and Zakalwe do show there are people/personalities/agents the Culture can't easily replicate though.
It would be pretty great. There are a few books that would work for it, but definitely not all of them.
>the chair
It's a shame we got to see so little of the Warlock class.
Why the gap?
Whats the point of building that marvel if the sun will destroy it anyway
What is the biggest starship? I vote for the Leviathan - orionsarm.com
A entire galaxy converted into Shkadov Thrusters.
Diplomatic mission my ass
Well depending on which star you build it around you'll have several billion years of more landmass than you know what to do with.
Self defense, bro. You never know when a star destroyer is going to drop out of hyperspace and chase your ass.
More landmass how?
We get to see them getting BTFO by Centauri cruisers and BTFOing them.
I want to live in that. VERY COMFY.