Daily reminder this is the man who singlehandedly destroyed Japanese culture
Daily reminder this is the man who singlehandedly destroyed Japanese culture
didn’t know his name was enola gay
he was a meanie to the new shitty FF
Daily reminder this is the man who highhandedly masturbated in front of women.
No you fagot. You are masturbate to our pretty asian women and you destroy our culture. Please exit mother basement.
We don't know that for sure. He might have switched hands halfway thru.
Having trouble with you're English, Chu Lee Sin?
Daily reminder this is the man who singlehandedly destroyed Halston Sage pussy
fainaru fantashee
I have, lots and lots of times and I don't regret it.
>fainaru fantashee
No one gives a crap.
weebs do
ffxv is legit bad tho
imagine being this out of touch
Wrong. XV was trash
>caring about video games on a board for movies
Stop wasting your life bud.
any weeb worth his salt thought xv was trash, because it was kid
I don't care about FF, but I hope he doesn't come after my loli
And now he's waiting for the destruction of american culture
I don't play videogames.
This is just an AD.
XV is getting a GOTY version soon with cut content readded back in and they want to hype it up again.
Imagine being this soyboy
kek is he pissing on the new ghostbusters
Conan knows an America lead by a female would flop like Ghostbusters.
He's saying men have failed, he posted it after the sexual harassment allegations.
Rumors are that Conan has an IQ of 160
h my god what the fuck does he want he doesnt even have a STEM degree fuck off Conan youre a huge retard what do you even do le funny voices you wrote le "funny " scripts of the Simpsons (which always sucked by the fucking way) oh my fucking god does he have the IQ he claims?
because I fucking doubt he does that job doesnt require rbains just money and his parents rich aprents licking ass boots and testicles hes nothing I could do that fucking shitty job for 50 cents fuck this retard who does he think he is?
I spend my time codin I work ahrd I got a real degree not le history which is all usless bullshit, when communism prevails clowns like him will toil in the fucking fields
t. men who all knew what FF was
Reminder this is the man who singlehandedly destroyed Japanese culture
Google isn't that hard to use
> white 'men'
>on Sup Forums
>see "FF"
>first thing they think is Final Fantasy instead of Fast & Furious
You're frauds, you don't belong here.
but there's no ampersand
I thought of Fantastic Four
How could he went from this
to this
It still hurts, guys.
How does Fast & Furious connect with Conan and Japanese culture?
Fast forward
>Stop wasting your life bud
>Now excuse me while I spend my Sunday afternoon watching TV and discussing it on Sup Forums
Tokyo Drift
you'd get a few (you)s if it wasn't for that last sentence. maybe a couple less of those fake anger typos and it's a decent one.
All female would be just as bad as all male
Yeah I can't imagine a system where all or most of the decisions are made by men.
Nor can I imagine a life without female sex partners; can you imagine if men had to have sex with other men? How would that even work?
Ofcourse I know what Final Fantasy is, Final Fantasy 7 was huge when it came out, it was everywhere, I just didn't know what he was referring too when he said ff.
At least I'm not playing with dumb virtual childen's toys.
y-yeah he-eheh.
The way he shat on final fantasy was so on point and accurate. All rpg's fags should die.
a dose of marxism