Why don’t they make a movie loosely based on DBZ with DBZ style fights? Man of Steel had DBZ type of fighting

Why don’t they make a movie loosely based on DBZ with DBZ style fights? Man of Steel had DBZ type of fighting.

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It doesn't work in live action. It never will.

(((They))) wouldn't like the masses get informed on the super secret martial arts

So did Matrix Revolutions.

Believe it or not...we don't have the tech to do DBZ right yet. Give it another decade.

>yfw 8th movie of the Dragon Ball Cinematic Universe
>yfw kid Buu appears
>yfw this starts playing
>yfw Human Extinction Wave
>yfw crowd goes wild


MOS and Matrix Revolution fighting was approaching DBZ style, but it still was very lacking.

>muh live action anime

stop watching anime

>DBZ style fights?
Where the fuck do you think DBZ got its style of fighting from?



Because cg anime (what you're asking for) looks like shit.







>Man of Steel had DBZ type of fighting.
No it didn't. DB-type fights are good at showing people taking damage and getting tired. Everyone in MOS was just punching each other to no effect.

>DBZ invented superhuman battles.
You weebs are pure cancer.

DBZ is shit
edgy dogshit compared to DB

Because DBZ (as much as I loved it growing up and still love it) got a TON of mileage just stretching out their plot and playing with character interactions. You could maybe make a movie about the entire life of Goku and it'd span all three series but would be a hodge-podge of ideas and nearly impossible to film without an astronomically high budget.

what is this film and are you sure it predates DBZ?

the one on the right cant keep up

A Chinese Ghost Story, from 1987

But OP posted a great example of making it work

Also, some stuff from the black and white film era



kid buu didnt use human extinction wave. It was Slim buu.


holy shit. Cool.

oh shit, what is this?

You sure about that? China's been making it work on the regular for quite literally almost a hundred years now.


DBZ fighting is based on kung fu movies, just at a inhumane speed and with teleports and superpowers. Toryiama said was inspired by bruce lee for creating adult goku look and movements iirc


Dragon Ball didn't "invent" its style of fighting. It didn't originate with Japanese anime and its got nothing at all to do with American superheroes.

Everything you see fight-wise in DB and DBZ comes from a genre of Chinese kung fu fantasy called Wuxia. Its been around for literally hundreds if not *thousands* of years (with stories and myths that originate in ancient folklore and even pre-date written language), and movies have been made since literally the silent film era in the 1920s.

So live action Chinese movies (and TV shows) have been pumping out this style of fairy tale martial arts fighting (where characters use their Chi to fly around at super speeds, knock each other through mountains and buildings, and fire energy blasts from their hands/eyes/mouthes/etc at one another) by the THOUSANDS for literally almost a hundred years now.

All of the gifs that have been posted in here are from a slew of Chinese Wuxia films and TV shows, some from more recently, bust most predating Dragon Ball by many decades.

This is the stuff that Dragon Ball had originally copied and took its cues from.



Kinda irrelevant to OP though, one can still make something based on Dragon Ball's interpretation and not based on Wuxia films.


Well 1) Dragon Ball itself IS based on Wuxia films, so the influence is kinda hard, if not downright impossible, to get away from.

And 2) Even without that being the case, this is more in response to the misconception that's constantly floated about (including in this thread) that there's something unique about DB's style of fighting that's rarely or almost-never been done in live action movies, when that's almost comically and demonstrably incorrect across hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of examples to the contrary.



What movie is this?

the only things distinctive about Dragon Ball's interpretation is that it was drawn by a guy who wrote poop jokes for a living. Unless there's something specific you have in mind that makes DB's interpretation more distinct.

Can be dragonball be considered capeshit? Some people describe it as a “superheroes” anime

The Storm Riders (1998). Based fairly faithfully on a Manhua (Chinese comic/manga) from the mid-80s.


Dragon Ball has almost nothing to do with superheroes at all (other than Great Saiyaman, and more recently the Pride Troopers in DB Super). Its all based on mystical martial arts fantasy stories and ancient Taoist folklore that go back to like 300 B.C. or so.

The people who keep insisting that its superhero-based generally have no clue what they're talking about and are coming from a place of total ignorance.

Superhero anime would be Kamen Riders, as far as I can tell. Not really into it.

Makes me wonder why Chinese movies are mostly pre-communist era instead of, well, communist propaganda stuff.


Dragon Chronicles: The Maidens of Heavenly Mountain (1994)

>First episode of Dragonball aired in 1986
>Manga was released 84/85

Cast them.

>are you sure it predates DBZ?
>first chapter of the Saiyan arc was in 1988
>first episode of Z was in 1989
How much ki blast spam was there before the Namek arc? I'm having trouble remembering any.

The gifs being posted in here are from all over the place. Some are from the same time period when DB was first getting published, others are from well after it finished, and others are from many, many, many decades before. A few are even from the 1960s, 1950s, and 1920s.

The genre's been around a LONG-ass time (since ancient Dynastic China) and is still going strong today.


A shit ton post tao. Against pickle JR goku was firing beams from his feet.


Not blasts (blasts were there PRE Tao), we're talking about blast spam. Like, a lot in rapid succession. Like in the gif that we're specifically talking about.

Its irrelevant anyway. In film, this stuff goes back to the 20s. Across literature and all forms of storytelling in general (plays, even puppet theater) it goes back hundreds of years BC.

Unless someone here wants to argue with me on how exactly it works out that Dragon Ball is older than The Kunlun Slave: an ancient Wuxia story from around 850 AD whose main character is a powerful martial arts master living as a lowly slave and who can use his Chi to fly and move at blindingly supersonic speeds (of the kind you see in DB routinely).

Hell, Dragon Ball's not even the first Japanese manga/anime to do this. Fist of the North Star's a good bit older than Dragon Ball, and has pretty much the majority of the kinds of Ki-based supernatural martial arts techniques you see in DB/DBZ.


Certainly not freiza form three and namek vegeta levels but def what I would call beam spam.
I can agree on that much. Beams are not very original or even exclusive to dragonball. HnK for instance had a few enemies who used energy blasts (at least ones that traversed the ground)

Yeah, I'd say that fits the bill there. Fair enough then.

Yeah, there's numerous examples of Ki beam spamming in DB going back to both elder and younger Piccolos and to Vegeta before Namek.

But that's totally beside the point anyway, since we've also got examples here from black and white and silent movies too. Lets not sperg on this one stupid derail.

DBZ Fan Film is able to get it right.
