Idris Elba should play Jesus

>be Heimdall
>whitiest of the Nordic Gods
>be played by an African
>said African is called Jesus
>by a Muslim

Yes Qasim Rashid this story is perfectly believable

Why do these people all have virtue signalling 8 year olds? Are they stuck in some sort of unaging stasis where they express simplistic political opinions without aging at all?

"And then everyone clapped"

Jesus was black. Prove me wrong

My girlfriend also said he really looked like a divine being. I had to agree with her.

Middle eastern brown at best

Jesus was most probably the offspring of a Palestinian mother and a Roman guy.

only ignorant rednecks think Jesus was white with blonde hair, when irl he was the average palestinian sandnigger

He was from Nazareth. They look black to you?

Is Idris Elba really that good of an actor?

It's as if people represent heroes to their liking... Chinese depictions of Jesus show him with mongoloid features.

God was Roman?

Some were :)

God the Father is Roman?


>Starring: Idris Elba
>As Everyone

Why are all 8 year olds so woke?

Your father was a Woman?

>and a roman guy


Fucking philistines...

Yes, centurion in Jerusalem.

they're always 8

>he ACTUALLY believes that Jesus was the son of god

Idris Elba starring as the woke 8 year old

Aren't we all sons of God?


I guess one should not expect more from @muslimIQ

You realise muslims believe in Jesus right

You realize they don't think he was crucified right?

Every time

they believe in a Jesus
so? your post acted like muslims don't have Jesus

wot he did not looked like jesus. i think his kid has some problem with his eyes. this tweet only proves that he is a bad father

Why do they do this? do they realize it sounds cringy and retarded so they put the words into childrens mouths instead of admitting they came up with it?

inb4 dozens of Caesar apologists.

Meant to invoke an emotional response. Problem is that only works on liberals anyway so it's just preaching to the choir.
It's not meant to convert anyone, just make other liberals feel superior in their own beliefs.

>dems are now the muh children party

>can't be as bad as Caesar, right?
get out Cassius

>so? your post acted like muslims don't have Jesus

Not him. And their conception of Jesus is very different than the Christian Jesus. Is it the same guy if basic parts of the story are completely different?

>emotional response
which is what? "look what a nice parrot my kid is, I trained them well" I know they want to go for "its so obvious even a child understands" or something like that but it never comes off like that

Jesus is as real as my anime waifus

Politics makes retarded people do even more retarded things

all true.
>Is it the same guy if basic parts of the story are completely different?
He was talking about his Jesus. also that the thing with all denomination. catholic and protestant Jesus are not the same

>kid doesn't know what the character name is
>but knows the actor's name
really made me think

>Jesus was black
that would explain the crucifixion

> Bendis

This is what happens when you have Gauls teaching your kids.

>the new guy in charge of Superman in the comics
>he'll write the 80th birthday Superman comic

kill me

Yes. Mary had sex with a roman centurion named Theus. Since she had an accent, people heard the name of the father was "Deus".

That's how legends are born.

Which one?

none of that happened. Qasim thought of that after he left the theater and went on twitter to say it.

Someone saw them fucking and said "Wow, look at that bull! Surely he must be a God"

Well he sure as fuck wasn't African.

I don't remember anybody complaining when this happened. I actually liked this portrayal.

There had to have been some conservative backlash in burgerland because of that right?

That'd explain why he's fatherless. Come to think about it, the New Testament is the oldest and biggest cuckolding story ever told. The kid even grows to become a virgin white-knight that gets killed for talking shit about the Jews. No wonder /r9pol/ worship him so much.


nah, it was a comedy

Literally who gives a fuck about some homeless dude from long ago?
God isn't real so it's not like he was really his son.
Virgin Mary?
Slut fucked and told everyone she was still a virgin.
Jesus is the son of a whore.
Jesus' real dad was probably black and left his ass which explains why Jesus had no father and is black.

jews confirmed for niggers

It was played for comedy.

"Didn't expect God to be a black janitor?"

Joseph, the First Cuck

Everyone outside Northern Europe was black, there were no Mediterranean, North African, middle eastern or Asian people

I wouldn't have expected that to stop them. Here in Britistan comedies are constantly berated by conservatives. And yours are a lot crazier than ours.

And then he criticized Donald Trump's brazen disregard for geopolitical equilibrium


His son's name : Albert Einstein, and everyone clapped

And no one paid any attention to his thread-ending comment whatsoever.

>unironically believing Jesus was real
Jesus is a fabrication created by the Catholics to demonize the Jews

>I froze

Some say he is still frozen to this day.

I don't give a fuck about Jews or Catholics.
Don't ever reply to me again.

Nah, even conservatives accept that making black narrator guy God was pretty good casting.


No, he's a living meme.

>muh 8 year old

every time

yeah im sure that really happened

>Not as bad as Caesar
>Not Caligula or Nero

Utter plebs

I can believe this. Children are the most easily brainwashed retards on the planet. Whatever mommy and daddy think, they think with even more gusto.

Nah, he isn't bad but he lacks depth. Maybe it's the writers, the last few movies he has been in he played pretty 1 dimensional characters.

I think it's the reverse in America. it's the liberals that complain about everything, like that Supergirl in an SS costume. it's just capeshit, and they lost their minds.

Is there still a video of this. Its hilarious when the younger one starts crying