>my superpower is that people die when I shoot them in the face
My superpower is that people die when I shoot them in the face
That's a cool and useful superpower.
his superpower is his tolerance for pain. he, like batman and daredevil, will keep going until he is physically unable to do so.
It's better than what most of the others do. Villains don't come back this way
Isn't it sort of weird that he has a problem killing us soldiers but pretty much goes out of his way to kill military contractors. I get that they probably take morally dubious assignments but they're basically just vets.
is it true that there's basically 0 action scenes in the netflix series
>I'm a big boy
That's a weird photoshop. Frank Castle is pretty big for non-comic book standards
There are exactly 2 (two) Punisher like sequences in the 13 episodes. One in the first 30 seconds of the first episode where he kills a bunch of baddies in short scenes and one in episode 11 where he kills some contractors in his lair.
The rest of the show is divided between 1. some hacker's family drama no one cares about and 2. some female sand nigger's homeland security career, again, no one cares about that
>the Punisher kills ONLY white men
>all bad guys are white
>he never touches niggers or spics
>the muslim female is complaining about sexism and racism constantly
Fuck off
He kills a spic cartel member in the first episode
he kills a mexican cartel member in like the first three minutes of the very first episode, you dumb idiot.
>show is called 'the punisher'
>show is not about the punisher
why did they mean by this
>only one
>while he kills hundreds of white men
that was mandatory after daredevil 2's story you dumb idiots. after it was settled there was only white blood. anyone that reads the comics knows the punisher goes after nigger gangs relentlessly.
Imagine getting this triggered by a Netflix television show.
>'m the jewisher i jewish the bad guys
What about all the torture sequences in Afghanistan? Not very PC huh?
oh you mean the POOR INNOCENT MUSLIM tortured by the evil white men?
Wake the fuck up
Most crime against whites is committed by other whites. For the most part, people victimize people of their own race. By avoiding niggers and spics, he's saying he doesn't care that niggers and spics get victimized. He is /ourguy/.
He doesn't kill hundreds of people. Maybe a couple dozen.
Same as the POOR INNOCENT SOLDIER killed by the evil vigilante you moron.
>this is the power of Sup Forums doublethink
>my superpower is that I'm actually obese under the suit
>blacks are 3% of the population and do 50%+ of the crime
No you idiot, there's is a clear liberal oppression ladder, white are at the bottom, they are not people, so they can be killed en masse. You touch one nigger or god forbid a muslim and it's a huge crime hence only whites get killed by the Punisher or in tat one case an INNOCENT muslim so as not to trigger the oppression ladder
sorry I meant 13% not 3
>>blacks are 3% of the population
You're retarded
>Most crime against whites is committed by other whites. For the most part, people victimize people of their own race. By avoiding niggers and spics, he's saying he doesn't care that niggers and spics get victimized. He is /ourguy/.
As if niggers and spics could get high end government jobs in the CIA LMAO R U DUMB KID?
Oh, you're trolling. Have fun!
>elite Seal time are tracking Frank in the woods
>one of them is a fucking woman
I didnt know that Frank had a retarded brother.
Comic book characters aren't superheroes unless they are, like any fiction. Are you autistic?
How do I get a sexy voice like Frank?
Since you're into demographics, you do realize the villains are all top level CIA operatives, right? If they'd made one of them black you'd be complaining how unrealistic it is for a nigger to lead the CIA.
>reddit spacing
I noticed that too. At least Frank is an equal opportunity murderer
In a comic book world? Hell yes. Nobody dies or stays dead in the comics.
Did you even watch the series?
Can someone make a WebM of the clip where Neo-nazi kills the negro with his own false leg.
You owe me a new keyboard! lmfao I spit my sips all over the place. my f*ckin sides. Well done
how about the soldiers and contractors? we couldn't have a single nigger? that would not be pc!
Liberals are only ever complaining about UNDERrepresentation. You're not making sense.
under-represenation among the good guys not the bad, don;t play dumb
Liberals don't want non-whites to be the baddies stupid.
Shame the headshot took place out of shot.
But the cartel members are non white bad guys
>Blindspot makes a point of mentioning there has never been a female SEAL, despite her tattoo.
>It's even more violent than Punisher
What the fuck were Netflix thinking?!
That was ONE kill.
>Mom, I posted it again!
Kys, the more you try to "fit in" the dumber you look. I don't have to justify my posting aesthetic to you, soyboy. Don't reply to one of my posts ever again.
You're one butthurt Sup Forumsack dude. What about merit based kills instead of having to be an exact representation of society?
>one spic equals 100 whites
How does reddit spacing even work when there's only one line?
>posting aesthetic
wew at you, go on home little redditor.
A cartel by definition means more than one guy user
This is reddit spacing.
so you are saying only whites are the bad guys? since that's what we got in this series.
theyre basically jsut vets that decided to take morally dubious assignments. the kind of morally dubious assignments that comic book mook bad guys take
Lol why does he look like a 8 year old Jewish kid
>>reddit spacing
So you admit we are right? Good.
>Reddit spacing
>whites are better at making a career
>whites are better at following orders
I don't see the problem.
No, the punisher doesn't even kill that many people.
Why do they keep casting this skinny midget as tough, brawny men?
Be a man.
Did you even watch the Ultimate Cut where Bruce is taking a shower?
He's ripped.
Just because Ben is fat right now doesn't mean Bruce is.
I absolutely can't stand anything with "superpowers".
Batman and the Punisher are the only comicshit I can stomach, and they've ruined Batman by shoe-horning him into this magical universe shit.
Pic related is the look they should have gone for. Attainable by anyone with enough work if you have shoulders to begin with.
What about the Kick-Ass universe with him, Hit-Girl, and Big Daddy?
Same concept, comic heroes with no superpowers.
Stop the shitposting, Hollywood is run by liberals, so all shows and movies will have that undertone.
Now discuss the fucking show.
Punisher basically got his freedom back at the end so what happens now?
No, Hollywood is run by rich people with no ideals besides "I want to make money." It's the writers that are liberal.
reeee discuss the fucking show
I'd have to watch it to be able to do that.
>Did you even watch the Ultimate Cut where Bruce is taking a shower?
Do you even understand what a joke is, you autistic fucktard? What the fuck is the matter with you?
I don't joke around, kiddo.
I take my films seriously.
They would rather cry about it.
This. Not only is it more imposing, but it's more believable that a guy built like a brick shithouse could solo all those guys and break a person's arm by punching it.
Bernthal is a fine actor but he just doesn't look like The Punisher. Plus the Punisher should be taller than 5'10, they should have at least put him in lifts or something.
If Ben wanted to get jacked for capeshit he should have done the Punisher. There's actually the room with that character to make a serious movie/show, being much more grounded / less silly.
Jon Hamm would be the perfect Punisher
way too doughy
>Frank is micro
Even in Baby Driver I thought Jon Bernthal would have done the Terminator mode at the end of the film better than Hamm did.
hey it's the guy whos always on the joe rogan show
It was also very positive about veterans and the nuclear family. Not very SJW.
he would go ham on his enemies for sure
"Mom said it's my turn to play"
Its more like a Jason Bourne type military man show than about The Punisher
I am dissapoint
>this triggers the nigger
They literally already have casted the perfect Punisher as the Punisher before