BLUE PLANET Thread - Episode 4/7 - "Big Blue"
Starts at 20:00 BST
BLUE PLANET Thread - Episode 4/7 - "Big Blue"
Starts at 20:00 BST
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Good post.
bad taste
You're still on summertime?
So just GMT then
Anyone got a stream? I'm in Italy
GMT is an hour ahead.
No it isn't, I'm an hour ahead and I'm GMT+1 and it's 21:00 right now
>change channels too soon
>witness about 2 seconds of strictly come dancing
night ruined
I'm hyped to see whale sharks, they're gorgeous.
Here we go
Most comfortable time of the week outside of Detectorists lads
>opening with serial rapists
>calling them spinner because they spin
What "scientist" came up with that?
I felt violated too. Despise that utter faggoty trash
that's a big blue
Yawn, reddit the animal
>you're a big blue
This looks so fake
Kino time lads
Uh they're mammals.
>scientists caring about the name of something outside if binomial classification
Already a clusterfuck
Detectorists is back on? God damn
Fish about to get BTFO
>that tuna shot
Shit nigga it's the royal rumble
It's like a reddit meet up.
Why are Dolphins such cunts?
Season 4 son, Wednesdays at 10
>720 trickshot dolphins
fuck off, get something interesting on
Who is the real chad
>the ocean is running out of fish
>the sea begins to boil
Global warming stuff is out early tonight
Doplhins fuck what they want
How heavy CGI is this?
Season 3 you mean?
Not at all
Shut the fuck up and watch it
Think cavil moustache level
All of it. Dolphins aren't even real
Doplhins - Reddit
Tuna - 9gag
Rays - Sup Forums
He thought they were a good trick.
That'd be the one I can dream though
Seriously though was that CGI?
Sleeping whales - looks lovecraftian desu
Any whale milk man in?
>Sleeping underwater
What did they mean by this?
When will we see a giant squid?
>mum whale sleeping whilst it's 2 week old baby is being surrounded by a human camera crew
Great parenting.
100% cgi. And i'm not sure about these fucking whales either
McCann tier
>2 weeks old
>Can already communicate
Humans BTFO by Wales
Are you saying the camera crew are made up of fish pedos? Wtf do you even mean
>you will never have a job slapping go pros onto killer wales
They confirmed 90% was cgi whilst the rest was filmed in controlled environments
>STILL no footage of sperm whales vs giant squid
They literally do battle to the death in the depths and we still haven't seen it.
>Sperm whales can dive for 90minutes at a time
No idea if these clicks are real because of all the damn sound effects
Have I missed anything good?
battle royale between dolphins, tuna and rays
so these animals are literally just submarines?
>swimming in deep sea
are you mad
Just a stupid CGI clusterfuck at the start. Would rather pour bleach into my eyes
Mad how they just hold their breath
Amazing that it can find the calf again after an hour of drifting.
baby turtle = literally me
go on little fella
>tfw you'll never be a sperm whale swimming the oceans for hundreds of years
That baby turtle most likely never made it
>ywn be a cute little baby turtle swimming across the ocean without a care in the world
Can turtles breath underwater?
>we totally didn't dump this log into the ocean for footage
>floating log = Sup Forums
>outcasts = anons
>sharks = jannies
he was cgi anyways
That shark is literally me
Shows like these just make me realise how pathetic humans are
>can't hold our breath very long
>can barely go a day without food/water
>can't hunt without tools
>children take 18 years to grow up
Of course a shark comes and ruins the fun
>ywn live on a log together with your fishy friends
Why even live?
pls stay safe ton-chan
lads... its literally me lol
We're the best long distance runners though, we can literally out run anything over a long distance
They aren't fish and don't have gills so I'm going to say no
Baby sperm whales and baby turtles are top tier QTs
Our brains are the best though
>can barely go a day without food/water
i went 3 days without any solids you amerifat
>storms at sea
oh boy time for the old thalassophobia to kick in
thread theme
that ship is literally me lads