Is this one of the best movies ever made?
Is this one of the best movies ever made?
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No because it stars a fucking KIKE and a NIGGER and only soyboys tolerate those subhumans
Easy there with the racism kid
Epitome of hyperbole.
Fucking soyboy nu-males, can't wait until the DAY OF THE ROPE when we lynch you fuckers
Christ boy, you newfags get lazier every day with your bait.
Only a soyboy would think this is "bait". Grow up, hit the weights, get taller, take a shower, and get a clue.
assblasted soyboy detected
try being less obvious next time
Cool it with the anti semitism
>Sup Forums has become so shit that larping as a caricature of Sup Forums is enough to farm (You)s
>redditspacing and lowercaseposting
>calling anyone else a soyboy
Sorry about your low testosterone, soyboy.
Kikes must hang. If you disagree, you're probably a soyboy who likes getting cucked by niggers.
Flawless comedy. It's main strength is shifting tone from comedy to suspense seemlessly imo. So good. It is what made me abandon racism and embrace the jew and the black.
Only newfags believe in this shit.
he's right though, what's with the butthurt in this thread?
Keep projecting. I can tell you're a newfag libtard soyboy just by the way you post. Tell me, who is oval? Bet you haven't been here long enough to answer that.
Only ones butthurt itt are the soyboys who get triggered by a proud white nationalist that hates yids and niggers
Oh so your doing a little false flagging this morning eh schlomo? Nice try JIDF get schtupt.
>Tell me, who is oval?
So you googled Sup Forums on the encyclopedia dramatica. Good job, now tell me how your behind 7 Boxies or how many of the "rules" you can recite.
How about the gaia swarm you must have been part of/ Or how your a pro-skub faggot.
Why can't we just love this perfect film instead of turning it into a political discussion? Can't we all just get along?
this but unironically
The guy in this thread reminds me of that trip fag who spammed every IT thread. He even keeps reciting the same played out phrase to answer every post like him.
I'm pretty sure there's just one or two teenagers who go into every Sup Forums thread and turn it into a soyboy argument.
Nice double-false-flag projection, Chaim. You wouldn't have gotten so incensed by my first post ITT if I didn't dare to attack your "chosen people". Prove me wrong.
Keep on projecting and redditspacing, you soyboy newfuck. Why can't you answer one simple question: tell me about oval? If you cant answer that, you're most likely an infiltrator paid by soros to shit up the place and get everyone to "tolerate" more niggers and shitskins in our movies.
Jimmies rustled.
Top kek
These are all terms older then what your posting, go over to Sup Forums and try and talk like this, you would be shit psoted till the end of days.
Also reddit spacing meme is less then six months old.
You would make a great femminist, you argue like a woman just saying the same thing over and over again.
Fuck off James.
Typical soyboy response
Typical pasta.
Wow dude, wtf?!
Soyboy really cuts deep for you types, doesn't it.
I'm just b'in myself
It's a fun movie but anyone who says it's the greatest ever is a stunted manchild who values nostalgia too highly
pasta really cuts deep for you types, doesn't it.
You are terrible at this. Just stop. Your are embarrassing yourself.
Not really, I have high levels of testosterone unlike you bugmen
Get a life, soyboy.
>there are STILL people giving (You)s to a shitposter this obvious
No wonder your board is dead.
If they weren't soyboys, they wouldn't reply to me. Easy.
One of the most overrated movies of all time. One of Bill's worst flicks.
In my Top 10 movies of all time.
You go girlfriend. Let's discuss the real masterpiece Ghostbusters Answer the Call