>tfw the "white people food" memes were actually true
look at this thing plate, holy crap, this is the most bland looking dish i've ever seen
>tfw the "white people food" memes were actually true
look at this thing plate, holy crap, this is the most bland looking dish i've ever seen
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Food isn't supposed to be super flavorful, you fatass American
Its anglo food
hardly food
>small town WASP family in the 80s
Looks about right
It's a tv show.
They probably just got cheap microwave dinners
White people cant cook
I used to hate going to my white friends house for dinner when I was little. Everything was boiled, overcooked and bland as hell.
White people just have no soul or flava when it comes to cooking.
>black people make fun of white people unable to season food
>everything is deep fried to shit
White people realize that when you can efford good raw materials a meal can taste amazing without much additives or spices.
Third worlders and nigs and mexicans and the rest of the trash cant efford good raw materials or dont know how to use them properly so they add tons of spices until they can barely taste anything.
In short, when you eat shit you needs tons of spices to hide the smell.
>most of the best chefs in the world are white
>white people can't cook
Pick one
Unironically this. Unless that family had ties to their European heritage the cooking was fucking awful. It didn't matter if it was Italian, Greek, German, whatever, it just had to be there.
The mom in that show is a WASPy shrew who clearly doesn't actually give a fuck about her family, of course their dinner looks like shit. It's why both of her kids are skeletons
One can only wonder how much better it would be with additives and spice
>implying a little bit of salt or a soup wouldn't make this a delicious meal
You know nothing about food.
I wont even mention the best chefs are white.
Poor people also usually scoff and complex dishes cause they cant efford them and are used to going out to eat to simply stuff their faces instead of trying to experience something new.
Any criticism of complex food or "white" cuisine is just a result of an inferiority complex, ignorance, and a lower class existence where the yare forced to eat shit food most of the time.
any random black/latinx person off the street could cook a shit ton better than any of these famous white "chefs"
>Filipinos make fun of white people unable to cook
>everything is hotdogs
>this is what fucking wasps tell themselves so they can swallow their bland shit
It's ridiculous because the primary force of euro colonization effort was the search for spices, wich they sought for themselves. Now waps want to convince us that boiled brocolli with boilded chicken breast is the absolute best food. LMAO
that is just boiled carrots and brocoli with a slice of ham and some mashed potatoes
It is hardly a dish, it is just ingredients thrown in the plate
POCs, your taste buds are just busted. They're just as shit as the rest of your genetics, you can't taste the nuance of white food. White food literally is too deep for you
>best chefs are white
Many of them, but not all. East-Asia has a lot of the most talented chefs in the world.
My small country of 5 million citizens has ~890 distinct regional products (dairy, meat etc. you name it).
Americans, being a group of people without heritage or culture naturally do not possess any real cuisine, conseqently they should not be called upon when making a representation of "white people" food (americans are not white).
Feel free to reply to this post with any inquiries about the rich cuisine of Europe.
There are additives and spices and have been since the early middle ages.
White european kitchen is literally the most complex kitchen in the world. It simply took everything that was good in foreign cuisine and ropped the rest.
Originally a lot of spcies were used on food cause there was no refrigeration so you used spices to cover the smell of putrid meat or used salt to cure it so it keeps longer.
Excess of spices just shows your low upbringing and a lack of taste or experience with good raw materials.
A good quality piece of meat will taste amazing even with just some salt and pepper.
Garbage meat or overcooked meat needs tons of spices cause it tastes like crap.
Protip Sup Forums: when they say "white people can't cook" they mean "WASP Americans can't cook". They know that your average European mother can cook up amazing dishes, but your average WASP cannot, everything is so fucking bland.
Mashed potatoes taste great with butter and salt. This is easily salvageable.
this is the peak of delusion
Sasuga Nippon
Gordon Ramsey is a soyboy who can't even make naan bread
He also can't keep up with japs making sushi
lmao at veggie-less niggers
>look at me i can put raw fish on some rice.
Americans are not white. That is not white people food. That is disgusting mongrel food made by disgusting mongrels for disgusting mongrels. Actual white people make amazing food.
Non-white mongrels in our continent suck at making food, too. Like Ukrainian food is garbage, while Bealrusian and Russian food is great.
>Mashed potatoes taste great with butter and salt.
at least have the decency of making a good marinara sauce and if you're so lazy you can't be bother to put meat in it just boil some sausages and cut in pieces and eat with the mashed potatoes
eating mashed potatoes with butter is disgusting
Expecting a chef to be instantly talented at a culinary skill outside his wheelhouse is like when a physicist in a film is able to discover the solution to a biology problem.
Nobody said not to use spices you nigger or spick or whatever garbage color you are.
Get some culture.
Carrots for Vitamin A
Bacon for Vitamin B
Cauliflower for Vitamin C
Broccoli for Vitamin K
This looks very healthy
t. small dicked blandlet
Cute froggo
and boring
spot on post my lad
WASPS are getting butthurt already. Just throw the towel and accept your defeat. Frozen and microwaved brocolli and ham are not the pinnacle of food LMAO
It's fucking bread
Europeans don't care about Gordon Ramsey
I can’t even imagine how much of a deluded shut-in you have to be to think like this. Actually develop some taste buds before projecting onto anyone.
>you think something is good but i dont which makes my point somehow valid
the absolute state of Sup Forums since B.C. 9000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
>meat on a piece of bread
so... this is the power... of Latin Kang Food.
This is garbage food user. The fact that you think it's good is the proof of your inferior genetics.
>eating mashed potatoes with butter is disgusting
Eating mashed potatoes without butter, milk, salt and pepper is the behaviour of philistines.
The flavors of the best food by the greatest chefs is subtle and makes a lasting impression, and it allows you to explore multiple flavors in the same dish. Fatass Southern Amerilards just fry everything and dump sugary sauces on it to the point you cannot taste anything else.
literally identical to OP pic
It's the eighties. Before stuff like pizza, burgers or taco were invented.
Sushi is a very specific skill so I'm surprised he can make anything at all. Do we expect professors of history to be well versed in physics? No. Your retarded.
>eating mashed potatoes with butter is disgusting
Maybe if you literally don't add anything else.
just fucking nuke america already
Swiss kids eat this every Friday
Americans aren't white, that's Amerimutt food - a tasteless mix of black, Indian, and various European nationalities that make soulless food and subhuman soulless non-people.
>poor browns hoping they can at least outdo the white man at food preparation, only to realize their taste is a result of the fact they are poor and they have been eating shit all their lives.
Its ok, maybe in a few centuries you will have something to be proud of.
Literally just needs some sour cream on top to be top tier meal. Just throw the carrots out
really activated my almonds OP
That's how you keep skinny. I gained nearly 50 pounds when I was dating my ex because the food was too good. When I went back to eating boiled unseasoned vegetables as the staple of my diet, I lost nearly all of it. Skinny feels better than the most delicious food in the world.
post your favourite regional dish
not so fast americans
>lmao white people might have loads of money but they don’t have mah grandmama’s GUMBO, they can never match our culture!
>food isn’t supposed to be super flavorful
>but the best chefs make their food super flavorful
I can hear the Cheetos falling on your lap, nerd.
>literally a slice of ham for dinner
>people defending it
Go away fatass nigger
>Japan has more Michelin Stars than any other country
>no one from Japan on that list
hes lucky to have a slice of ham for dinner ive been eating top ramen for weeks now walk with me broke fellas
>eating mashed potatoes with butter is disgusting
>recommends marinara sauce with mashed potatoes
No it isn't, stupid Amerifat. Are you so cultureless that you never tasted good wine before? Good food is the same - subtle, washing over your tastebuds and allowing you to go on a tour of various different tastes because nothing is so overwhelming that you can only taste one thing.
Damn they must be RACISTS, oh no!
>90% white
OP destroyed
White Europeans. "White" Americans are not white, they are mongrel dogs.
Just because elite Formula 1 drivers drive at 200 mph on the racetrack don't mean normal everyday people should drive that fast in traffic
>people they describe as "white" invented fine dining and cuisine
>nigger food consists of grits and discarded pig parts and deep fried bullshit and sugar
>beaners are some of the fattest people on the planet and also fry everything, stuff their faces with candy, and their muh mexicuisine a bunch of bullshit slapped together by poor SPAINED indios and their 56% 89IQ peasant worker offspring
>etc. etc. etc.
>he never eat marinara sauce with minced meat served with mashed potatoes
literally delicious and you don't even need to munch
>assorted trash finally has money to buy meat and get fat
>meanwhile white people already realized the importance of eating right and adjusted their menus.
You are not just behind on the race, your car smashed into the wall and exploded.
>white kid
>knowing anything about culture
Enjoy the sunburn, freak.
Enjoy your Vitamin D deficiency
The only black people with culture live in Africa, idiot.
Is the sunburn remark supposed to be derogatory? E.g. in my country we have clothes and hats, available in most of the stores. If you wear those, the chance of being burned by sun are miniscule.
You do have those in your 3rd world shithole, do you?
LMAO poor little wasp kids getting roasted left and right. Someone call the waaaaambulance!
>Nearly all are Britbongs who no doubt use spices and herbs from all over the world because of the UKs colonial past.
>The same as cultureless Amerimutt cooks
Never understood this meme outside of northerners eat like old people. This applies to all color of northerners
Food is just fuel you disgusting fat fucks
I literally cannot believe people are ACTUALLY defending this shit
This is unacceptable, the father would just leave and find a thicc latine to cook him meals
>Americans are so poor that they can't afford sunscreen or clothes
Even Ukraine and Macedonia at you fatties
>I eat gross food on purpose rather than learning self-control
Actually there is a more reasonable cultural explanation, Indian and middle-eastern cooking centered on spices because of the health effects they induced. So curry and ginger are great de-oxidants and which is why they were prized so highly. Peppers also help clear the nasal system and kill germs.
kys kike
Europe has dozens of cuisines.
>he says as he applies a gallon of sunscreen so he doesn’t look like a cherry
Also, fish and chips aren’t culture, cave dwellers.
Food is love, food is life.
>looks like something that was discarded into a garbage bin.
Is that eh...suppose to be impressive?
Anyone who treats food as anything more than fuel necessary for existence is a fat loser. Only eat what you need to eat for your gains and nutrition, flavor is a worthless vanity that only limp-wristed soyboys care about.
The fuck is a macedonut. Ukraine isn't relevant