What makes for a good villain, Sup Forums?

What makes for a good villain, Sup Forums?

Being able to relate to them and their plights? A sympathy factor? Sheer petty vindictiveness?

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They have to look cool.
That's pretty much it.

Easiest way to do this is just make an evil version of the hero with a slightly different costume.

An immediately identifiable visual appearance, a clean set of goals (be they complex or petty), genuine menace to the protagonist, and enough character to escape the dreaded gravity well of boring cliches.

Sympathy and relatability can be a huge bonus, but some villains are just built to be irredeemable.

a good villain is a great performer above all else

a good villain isn't some opportunist, its someone who will go to absurd lengths to get what they want

Sometimes an opportunist is exactly what the story needs.

Entertainment. That sounds shallow and vague but make a villain grandiose and I'll enjoy whatever his motivation is, whether it be sympathetic motives, monstrous forces of nature or just being a dick. Not someone who does some half-assed shit we've seen a dozen times better.

Kefka reminds me of myself: intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humour.


A good villain is simply a good character that can be fun or sympathetic and reacts realistically to the situation presented based on their personality.

They also need to play off the hero really well .

They need something that is cool or interesting about them. They don't need to be sympathetic, because look at Reverse Flash, Black Manta, and Aku. They don't need to be pure evil, because look at Mr. Freeze, Nox, and Raimi's Doc Ock. what they need is a hook, an angle that makes you interested in them. Usually people like to make villains flashy because of this.

Make them so obsessed with the hero that the audience feels they're one step away from fucking.




This. A villain can be anything so long as they succeed in what the writer is going for. There have been popular villains who are unsympathetic, have shit goals, and are flat as shit but they're just executed in a very entertaining manner.
Like Aku is a favorite on here.
He's literally just evil because it's what he is, his major goal is just general torment and evil, there's no grand overarching scheme that's interesting to watch unfoltd, but he has a very entertaining personality and design.

They need to have good chemistry with the hero. That's it. Everything else is window dressing.

Heroes are defined by the challenges they overcome and the villains they face. James Bond, without a villain to hunt down, is just some guy with really specific drink preferences.

There are multiple ways this chemistry can play out, but the best moments of the heroes story need to be with their villain.

The best parts of X-Men are seeing Xavier and Magneto together, two friends on opposite sides who sympathize with the position of the other but feel that they have to choose a different path. That shit never gets old, because their relationship just fucking works so well.

The Batman villains that have endured are the ones that contrast some specific part of his personality, acting as a foil for his darker urges and aspects. Scarecrow is his use of fear as a weapon, Riddler is his intelligence, etc.

Even if the villain and hero hate each other, that's still chemistry. Reverse Flash works because he is so consumed with his hatred that he is willing to do anything, no matter how grand or how petty, to make the Flash's life marginally worse. There is a purity of purpose there that is fun to watch.

You can give the villain all the grand speeches or fancy powers or costumes you want, but if their relationship with the hero doesn't have good chemistry they are a lame villain.

Best villain coming through.

I#m not so sure about that...

This is kinda subjective, but the ability to instill fear is a huge factor for me.
If a villain can't provide that, they can blow up planets, slaughter newborns and rape women and I still won't find them threatening.

This is a good answer.

Next time on "Things That Aren't True"

what a fucking son of a bitch

I love it