I don't get it
I don't get it
something something genetic engineering is bad, except when retards aren't in charge of it/safety measures are taken
It's Chili and Sea Bass. What's not to get?
God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs. God creates Man, man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.
Nature should be respected and even feared
Playing God it's bad
Never jew on security and on computer engineering.
Life uh, finds a way
It's about the nuclear bomb
dinosaurs are cool
Chilly Anne's sea bass
A theme park, but there are dinosaurs.
you deserve to die
leave the kid alone
it’s basically the scientific equilavent of check yourself be you wreck yourself
who was in the wrong here?
So... 2005 kids are here now.
Complex systems are incredibly difficult to control.
One small or inconspicuous event can lead to much larger and more important events.
That nigga got a big ol stinky one
Theme park with giant dinosaurs. What could go wrong?
Nedry for violating the NAP and threatening the Dilophosaurus with vehicular violence on its own property.
the weak shall fear the strong
It was literally rape
Overrated movie. Cool concept I guess, something about Spielberg’s style has always put me off ever since early childhood. Probably cuz evil Jew corrupting everything on purpose.
Don't forget the Jets standing by and chopper.
We've got OP here.
See nobody cares...
Nice hat
What are you trying to look like?
A secret agent?
I think it's because of the frog DNA. The real question is how did they stay warm without the feathers?
It's fucking central America
Yes, and Newman only had his CIS associate's degree from a shitty community college in the Midwest. Had only low-level experience in the field.
Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the Earth.