So in canon he is now

So in canon he is now

>stronger than Batman
>faster than flash
>probably swims better than aquaman
>probably knows linux better than cyborg
>probably has better ovaries than wonder woman

What the fucking fuck is the point of having a team of heroes if he is better than all of them at their own super powers?

Other urls found in this thread:

Superman is one of the worst characters ever created, he’s like a living Deus Ex Machina

He can't be everywhere at once. The others are just there to pick up the slack when he's busy doing something elsewhere.


And thats why he's one of the best characterers ever written.

>better ovaries

He's got the Force on lockdown then

This. I don't get the appeal of a hero that has a power for any situation and who's power wildly fluctuates depending on the writer and how strong the bad guy is.

There are enemies that can crumb stomp both JL and Superman all at once

That's why he needs to team up with them retards. Otherwise Supes is based.

>he doesn't understand what makes Superman the best hero ever written
Absolute fucking pleb.

yes agree, supermen big weakness
Marlels to stupid for DC ;)

Isn't that pretty much the entire point of Superman?

to much weaknesce. gay super Hero.

Exactly. which is why we always get Muh Kryptonite.
Should have stayed dead

He also gets fucked by magic. It's why enchantress and captan marvel can solo superman

>Forgot to put Martha on the list.

There isn't.


>faster than flash
When will this meme end, he wasn't even as fast as him in the movie or else he would have been able to hit him

Superman is that piece of shit kid in the playground who always changes the rules to suit himself and ruins every game.

It is. Which is what makes the things he really fights more interesting. Anyone who likes him doesn't find him interesting for the punch-em-ups. It's him tackling concepts, moral dilemmas, and just generally trying to elevate mankind that

He's not even close to being faster than Flash. The only reason he almost managed to kill Barry was because Supes completely freaked him out.

I will always love that line.

Hello Pajeet

Can the flash utilize his powers in any fashion without having electricity shoot all over the place? Seems kindof a shitty side effect

Why would an Indian like a character who fights for "truth, justice and the American way"?

lol this guy got so bored defending Superman that he just trailed off

he was always all of the green text

the point of sups is fighting the craziest aliens of the whole universe

>faster than flash

Read the comics u monkeys

I do. Op is stupid unless JL movie is even more trash than I expected it to be.

That only happens because he hasn't mastered the speed force

I fucking hate Zack Snyder. He fucking ruined Superman forever. Nobody asked for him to do this shit. America is a young country and Superman fucking worked he was a god alien raised in the midwest to be a true patriot his values and upbringing reflect the ideal of America he defends truth justice and the American way he is a meme of the American nation and Snyder had to take ashit all over that he could have been the American King Arthur, Beowulf type chararacter but nooo.. Hollywood had to make him real and edgy and with like problems and shit and gradually his cultural significance became destroyed because Hollywood destroys everything making a movie like MOS about Superman is like making a serious gritty edgy movie about Santa Clause where shit get's real elves and deer die and shit and the world is threatened by Satan and only Santa can stop him but he has to kill legions of demons first nobody asked for this nobody wanted this it's completely fucking unnecessary.

not him, but what makes superman a great character? Im genuinely curious

I read one comic when I was a kid where Superman had to stop some space bomb that would explode if anybody touched it so he used his “super astronomy” power and “super digging” to bore a hole through the center of the planet for the space bomb to pass through. Ever since then, I’ve had no respect for comic books and comic book readers.

You read the comics? Is the radioactive cum a real thing?

>enchantress can solo chadman
>implying cara delevigne will not insta-wet in front of him and go suck his cock furiously

user pls.


>What the fucking fuck is the point of having a team of heroes if he is better than all of them at their own super powers?

They don’t, they think he’s saying “Poos, just piss and the American way”

They really get behind those first 2 things

You're thinking of Spider-man and that's an AU.
>Superman is an autist who's only fucked one chick
>Getting raped by an aggressive magic swamp hag he's powerless to stop
Make it happen

>>stronger than Batman
Everyone on JL is stronger than Batman
>>faster than flash
>>probably swims better than aquaman
>>probably knows linux better than cyborg
>>probably has better ovaries than wonder woman

>>>probably swims better than aquaman
But user, he can fly through water faster than aquaman can swim!

Oh my god fuck this movie.

Wait until you see the waggy leg run he does.

I dunno, that scene looks pretty fucking dope to me.

He would just go superman prime and lol magic don't work no more.


How did they film this?

Is only Henry and the Flash guy's heads real, everything else CGI or what?

Look at the Aquaman's face.

I think both of you are missing the entire point of Superman. He has been like this for his entire existence.

Tbf he is faster than JL Flash but that's only because Flash is only just learning his powers. Only good part of JL is Flash trying to run around Superman, and Superman casually keeping an eye on him.

Agreed, fuck this movie and the whole franchise. Imagine telling somebody in 2008 that Thor/Hulk/Black Widow would be more popular than Flash/Superman/Wonder Woman within 10 years. What a shitshow.

It's the fact that it shits on the comics, same reason people shat on Homecoming for being inaccurate and making Peter into Tony's bitch. Pretty much the one fucking guy who's able to go beyond Superman's abilities is the Flash, they even made him beat the final boss in the Justice League Unlimited series when Supes and the others couldn't, and now the movie is making Superman be able to catch up with him.

In other words they just made the whole fucking league thing irrelevant.

>Better ovaries than Wonder Skeleton

Well anorexia bitches have useless ovaries so this the only one in your list that could actually be true.


>I think both of you are missing the entire point of Superman. He has been like this for his entire existence.
No, in the comics Flash is infinitely faster than him. But apparently that's not the case in this movie.

>when I was a kid
Yep, checks out, not sure why adult you can't get it is for young kids.

Lol, this guy's too fucking stupid and lazy to properly type out his response.

have you ever seen a bunch of kids at a comic con or is it mainly fatfuck adults? Checkmate

is preacher season 2 any good?

Yes, but not faster than him around the time he first became the flash. Barry Allen that knows what the fuck the speedforce is and how to use it beats superman. Barry Allen that doesn't know shit but just runs fast doesn't.

The relative powers of Flash and Superman are irrelevant. The problem with Justice League is a stupid, barebones plot with one-dimensional characters who have no stakes to fight fore and are essentially copying the plot of Avengers, of Transformers 3, of Man of Steel, etc. . It's boring. Power levels mean nothing to the general audience, The movie just sucked. You, and I do literally mean you, could have probably written a better script than the utter shitshow we got, even if the WB studio heads told you "Superman has to beat the shit out of the Flash without even trying".

This entire movie was so fucking awful that I think a random autist on Sup Forums could have written a better script.

His whole character is built around "a man who does what's right". It's simple but it works. Superman isn't interesting because he can lift a car over his head to stop a bank robbery, it's that he chooses to instead of just lasering them from the sky.

wtf is speedforce


How if he grabbing WW? Or is she just clinging to his arm?

In the comics the only ones that could do anything Superman doesn't is Batman because he's smarter and craftier and Flash because he's the actual most powerful member of the team, but he doesn't get to do his retardedly OP stuff very often.

Living in red suns is overrated anyway

Okay this one is actually pretty cool

I hope they go full retard and pull this shit.

was season 1 good?

*Actually, to go even farther because I accidentally clicked Mariano Rivera as my image:

If you spent 10 minutes explaining DC to Rivera, who is from Panama and does not speak English, he could have written a better script, in english, than the utter disgusting pile of crap that Zack Synder served up, and which Joss Whedon subsequently urinated all over.

>he doesn't know about the Speed Force

Enlighten yourself, user.

the only scene I liked in the movie, the other superman stuff wasn't that bad either. I only saw it for supes so that's good. whedon fucked up the cinematography and the plot but it feels like he got clark right(er) so thank god for that.

It's too problematic to choke a bitch post Xmen so they made him grab her strap

Barry's pretty clearly not operating to his full capacity yet. That's why the MCU is getting so stale. The only character that's shown any sort of legitimate progression is Thor, having just now finally reached power similar to what he's always had in the comics. Pretty much everyone else came out of the gate in their final forms.

I liked it, surprised me a lot considering everyone, me included, thought it was gonna be shit because of how much they were deviating from the source material in the descriptions leading up to the premiere.

if he was faster than flash then why couldn't he land a punch on him

The thing that let's the flash run fast. They even say this in the movie

When they introduce this retarded concept for the source of Flash powers?

>red suns

Why does someone always bring up Marvel when speaking negatively about DC?

I feel the same way, Supes stuff was really good and the one thing Whedon got right was making happy/ideal superman.

In BvS, the Flash literally travels through time to deliver a plot point that is never again addressed

Are you...defending this movie? Even if that's the case, how can you defend the fact that the league is made irrelevant by Superman himself?

Everyday Sup Forums surprises me by showing me there are apologists for even the biggest of shams.

He talk about DCEU Superman, dickhead

The X-Ray reveals that she has a penis

Yeah. I'm clearly the only person who watches both vompanies' films here. It's a valid criticism. You'd have an easier time accepting it without Mickey's cock so far up your ass.

The DCEU writers also don't know it

>faster than flash
Flash was faster but inexperienced. He was literally caught off guard that Supes can see him coming.

That's why superman has always been boring. Every series has to "kill" him to try and make it exciting.

superman when used in a fitting context is an amazing tool for exploring existential concepts. when used as a strong dude who punches things hard he is shit.

Best scene in the movie right there.

>stronger than Batman

I'm sorry. this is news? Batman is fucking human you absolute plonker. Black fucking Widow can take him

>Superman is boring
Superman is a great hero, the problem is that most writers just make him punch stuff.

speed force is pretty good but I prefer the Distance-Momentum

I'm an Energy-Time guy myself

Brainlet here

So Flash saves all those civilians in the middle of the movie

Wouldn't their bodies be ripped apart if they were moved that fast through the air? Like they are normal fucking people, not superheroes in supersuits "made out of the same material as NASA uses to build the spaceships" as Batman puts it

They should've turned into exploding bags of guts and blood if Flash so much as touched them

What's good about all that when YOU'RE BALDING!

I think the SPEED FORCE lol envelopes whatever he touches so they dont get fucked, same reason he can keep clothes on I guess.

To be honest its all just bullshit turn your brain off shlock.

But apparently he smells good.


would make him a way better character if he had to slow down to not gib people

He reminds me of Dennis from Always Sunny here.

I'd cuddlefuck the Enchantress soooooooooooo hard